Content for creating ABAS branded demo sites, such as:
The demo site framework contains all the styles, a base template to use with Jekyll, and some common Javascript widgets.
Download the package:
npm install abas-demo-site
Either import the styles in your preprocessed stylesheet:
Or host and include the built css directly:
Initialise the demo site components
Base Template
To use the base template, you will need to replace the default Jekyll _layouts directory in your config with the dist folder of this package:
_config.yml layouts_dir: 'node_modules/abas-demo-site/dist'
The base layout depends on the following templates existing in your Jekyll _includes folder:
- head.html
- required_static.html
Base Template Customisation
A number of variables are used to customise the base template, which are set in your Jekyll config:
_config.yml package_name: Cool Packagepackage_github_url: https://github.com/ABASystems/cool-packagepackage_npm_url: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cool-package
Source Code Previewer
To implement a source code previewer, use the following HTML mount:
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