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0.2.0 • Public • Published

aBURL - A Better URL

A simpler way to manage URLs in your project without the mess of string concatenation.



npm install a-better-url


bun install a-better-url


  • Less messy URL management compared to string concatenation
  • Easily add, remove, and update URL parameters
  • 0 Dependencies
  • TypeScript Support


import aBURL from 'a-better-url'

const options = {
  directories: ['api', 'v1', 'users'],
  params: { id: 1, limit: 100, offset: 0 },
  subDomains: ['shop'],

const exampleDotCom = aBURL('example.com', {

// Fetches from https://shop.example.com/api/v1/users?id=1&limit=100&offset=0
const user1 = await fetch(exampleDotCom.url())

exampleDotCom.updateParams({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' })

// Fetches from https://shop.example.com/api/v1/users?limit=100&offset=0&firstName=John&lastName=Doe
const user2 = await fetch(exampleDotCom.url())


aBURL(host: string, options: Options): ABURL

Creates a new instance of ABURL with the given host and options.


The base URL. Example: example.com


Options is an object that can contain the following properties:

type Options = {
  directories?: string[]
  params?: Record<string, string | number>
  encodeParams?: boolean
  HTTPS?: boolean
  www?: boolean
  port?: number
  auth?: {
    username: string
    password: string
  subDomains?: string[]
  fragment?: string
  • directories - An array of strings that represent the directories in the URL. Default is [].
  • params - An object that contains key-value pairs that represent the URL parameters. Default is {}.
  • encodeParams - A boolean that determines if the URL parameters should be encoded. Default is true.
  • HTTPS - A boolean that determines if the URL should use HTTPS. Default is true.
  • www - A boolean that determines if the URL should use www. Default is false.
  • port - A number that represents the port number. Default is undefined which means no port is added.
  • auth - An object that contains the username and password for basic authentication. Default is undefined which means no authentication is added.
  • subDomains - An array of strings that represent the subdomains in the URL. Default is [].
  • fragment - A string that represents the fragment in the URL. Default is undefined which means no fragment is added.


Object that represents a URL.

type ABURL = {
  base: string
  url(): string
  updateParams(params: Record<string, string | number>): void
  toUpdatedParams(params: Record<string, string | number>): ABURL
  removeParams(params: string[]): void
  toRemovedParams(params: string[]): ABURL
  getDirectories(): string[]
  getDirectoriesFlat(): string
  getParams(): Record<string, string | number>
  getParamsFlat(): string
  useHTTPS(value: boolean): void
  useWWW(value: boolean): void
  setPort(port: number | undefined): void
  setAuth(value: { username: string; password: string } | undefined): void
  setSubDomains(subDomains: string[] | undefined): void
  setFragment(fragment: string | undefined): void
  options: Options
  • base - The base URL.
  • url() - Returns the full URL as a string.
  • updateParams(params: Record<string, string | number>) - Updates the URL parameters.
  • toUpdatedParams(params: Record<string, string | number>) - Returns a new instance of ABURL with updated URL parameters.
  • removeParams(params: string[]) - Removes the URL parameters.
  • toRemovedParams(params: string[]) - Returns a new instance of ABURL with removed URL parameters.
  • getDirectories() - Returns an array of strings that represent the directories in the URL.
  • getDirectoriesFlat() - Returns a string that represents the directories in the URL.
  • getParams() - Returns an object that contains key-value pairs that represent the URL parameters.
  • getParamsFlat() - Returns a string that represents the URL parameters.
  • useHTTPS(value: boolean) - Sets the URL to use HTTPS or HTTP.
  • useWWW(value: boolean) - Sets the URL to use www or not.
  • setPort(port: number | undefined) - Sets the port number.
  • setAuth(value: { username: string; password: string } | undefined) - Sets the basic authentication.
  • setSubDomains(subDomains: string[] | undefined) - Sets the subdomains.
  • setFragment(fragment: string | undefined) - Sets the fragment.
  • options - The options object that was used to create the instance of ABURL.

parseURL(url: string): ABURL

Takes a URL string and returns the URL as an ABURL object.


A string that represents a URL.

Warning: This function does not support URLs strings with http authentication.


const url =
const parsedURL = parseURL(url)

Change Log

0.2.0 - Added parseURL function




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  • jannisk89