
4.0.1 • Public • Published

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Persistent Browser (Client) Storage

  • 👷 100% Tests coverage;
  • 📦 No external dependencies;
  • 💪 Bulletproof persistent Client storage;
  • ㊗️ With Unicode support for values and keys;
  • 👨‍💻 With String, Array, Object, and Boolean support as values;
  • Works with disabled localStorage and cookies;
  • Available via 📦 NPM and ☄️ Atmosphere.

ClientStorage NPM library logo


npm install --save ClientStorage

Install Meteor:

# Via Atmosphere
meteor add ostrio:cstorage
# Via NPM
meteor npm install --save ClientStorage


var ClientStorage = require('ClientStorage').ClientStorage;
var clientStorage = new ClientStorage();

ES6 Import:

import { ClientStorage } from 'ClientStorage';
const clientStorage = new ClientStorage();

ES6 Import (Meteor):

import { ClientStorage } from 'meteor/ostrio:cstorage';
const clientStorage = new ClientStorage();


  • clientStorage.get('key') - Read a record. If the key doesn't exist a undefined value will be returned;
    • key - {String} - Record's key;
  • clientStorage.set('key', value[, ttl]) - Create/overwrite a value in storage;
    • key - {String} - Record's key;
    • value - {String|[mix]|Boolean|Object} - Record's value (content);
    • ttl - {Number} — [Optional] Record's TTL in seconds;
  • clientStorage.remove('key') - Remove a record;
    • key - {String} - Record's key;
  • clientStorage.has('key') - Check whether a record exists, returns a boolean value;
    • key - {String} - Record's key;
  • clientStorage.keys() - Returns an array of all storage keys;
  • clientStorage.empty() - Empty storage (remove all key/value pairs). Use with caution! (May remove cookies which weren't set by you).

Alternate usage:

By default ClientStorage package handle selecting storage driver in the next order (descending priority):

  1. localStorage
  2. cookies
  3. js (JS Object driven storage)

To alter priority pass "preferred driver" to new ClientStorage(driverName) constructor.

Use cookies only:

Pass cookies as an argument to new instance of ClientStorage:

const { clientStorage } = require('ClientStorage');
var cookiesStorage = new ClientStorage('cookies');
cookiesStorage.has('locale'); // false
cookiesStorage.set('locale', 'en_US'); // true

Use localStorage only:

Pass localStorage as an argument to new instance of ClientStorage:

const { clientStorage } = require('ClientStorage');
var locStorage = new ClientStorage('localStorage');
locStorage.has('locale'); // false
locStorage.set('locale', 'en_US'); // true

Use js only:

Pass js (in-memory js object) as an argument to new instance of ClientStorage:

const { clientStorage } = require('ClientStorage');
var jsStorage = new ClientStorage('js');
jsStorage.has('locale'); // false
jsStorage.set('locale', 'en_US'); // true

Note: All instances are sharing same cookie and localStorage records!

[Meteor] Add reactivity:

Persistent ReactiveVar implementation:

import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
import { ClientStorage } from 'meteor/ostrio:cstorage';
const clientStorage = new ClientStorage();

const persistentReactive = (name, initial = undefined) => {
  let reactive;
  if (clientStorage.has(name)) {
    reactive = new ReactiveVar(clientStorage.get(name));
  } else {
    clientStorage.set(name, initial);
    reactive = new ReactiveVar(initial);

  reactive.set = function (newValue) {
    let oldValue = reactive.curValue;
    if ((reactive.equalsFunc || ReactiveVar._isEqual)(oldValue, newValue)) {
    reactive.curValue = newValue;
    clientStorage.set(name, newValue);

  return reactive;

const layout = persistentReactive('ui-layout', 'two-columns');
layout.get(); // two-columns


const clientStorage = new (require('ClientStorage').ClientStorage);

clientStorage.set('locale', 'en'); // true
clientStorage.set('country', 'usa'); // true
clientStorage.set('gender', 'male'); // true

clientStorage.get('gender'); // male

clientStorage.has('locale'); // true
clientStorage.has('city'); // false

clientStorage.keys(); // ['locale', 'country', 'gender']

clientStorage.remove('locale'); // true
clientStorage.get('locale'); // undefined

clientStorage.keys(); // ['country', 'gender']

clientStorage.empty(); // true
clientStorage.keys(); // []

clientStorage.empty(); // false

Running Tests

  1. Clone this package
  2. In Terminal (Console) go to directory where package is cloned
  3. Then run:


# Default
meteor test-packages ./

# With custom port
meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

# With local MongoDB and custom port
MONGO_URL="mongodb://" meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

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  • dr.dimitru