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2.0.0 • Public • Published

Gutenberg Block Parser

Turn Wordpress block data from this:

<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

<!-- wp:image {"id":58,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large">
    alt="a photo of a purple flower"
  <figcaption class="wp-element-caption">image caption</figcaption>
<!-- /wp:image -->

Into this:

    "__typeName": "BlockCoreParagraph",
    "attrs": {},
    "blockName": "core/paragraph",
    "content": "This is a paragraph",
    "innerHTML": "<p>This is a paragraph</p>",
    "innerContent": ["<p>This is a paragraph</p>"]
    "__typeName": "BlockCoreImage",
    "attrs": {
      "id": 58,
      "linkDestination": "none",
      "sizeSlug": "large"
    "blockName": "core/image",
    "src": "/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/nice-flower-1337198953S0C-1024x678.jpg",
    "alt": "a photo of a purple flower",
    "caption": "image caption",
    "className": ["wp-image-58"],
    "innerHTML": "<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\"><img src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/nice-flower-1337198953S0C-1024x678.jpg\" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-58\" /><figcaption class=\"wp-element-caption\">image caption</figcaption></figure>",
    "innerContent": [
      "<figure class=\"wp-block-image size-large\"><img src=\"/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/nice-flower-1337198953S0C-1024x678.jpg\" alt=\"\" class=\"wp-image-58\" /><figcaption class=\"wp-element-caption\">image caption</figcaption></figure>"

So you can use the data like this:

{#each data.post.blocks}
  {#if block.blockName === 'core/image'}
    // In addition to the attributes returned by the Block Serialization Default Parser,
    // you also have access to the parsed content of the of the core/image block.
      <img src={block.src} alt={block.alt} />
      {#if block.caption}

  {#if block.blockName === 'core/paragraph'}
    // For text properties, the HTML sanitation will allow for the default WP inline elements
    <p>{@html block.content}</p>

Note: If the parsing of the block failed, the properties will be undefined.


npm install gutenberg-block-parser

Wordpress compatibility

The current version has been tested with Wordpress 6.2. If you find that some blocks are not parsing successfully with older versions of Wordpress, you may consider writing a custom parser. We will attempt to keep the package up-to-date with any changes to the Wordpress block formats. Please submit your issues on Github.

Basic Usage

With the WP REST API

import { parsePost } from "gutenberg-block-parser";

const posts = await wpRestAuthenticatedFetch(
).then((post) => {
  return parsePost(post);

With WPGraphQL

import { parseRawContent } from "gutenberg-block-parser";

const query = `
  query fetchPost($id:ID!) {
    post(id: $id, idType: DATABASE_ID) {
      content(format: RAW)
const posts = await wpGraphqlAuthenticatedFetch(query, { id: params.id }).then(
  (post) => {
    return {
      blocks: await parseRawContent(post.content),


All functions are asynchronous to allow for async operations in custom parsers.

Function Description
parsePosts(posts: WP_REST_API_Post[], options?: Options) Takes an array of WP Posts in the WP REST Post format, returns array with blocks added to each post
parsePost(post: WP_REST_API_Post, options?: Options) Takes a WP Post in the WP REST Post format, returns object with added blocks
parseRawContent(rawContent: string, options?: Options) Takes a string with WP block data and returns an array with parsed content
parseBlocks(blocks: ParsedBlock[], options?: Options) For advanced usage: Takes array from WP's Block Serialization Default Parser and runs it through the innerHTML parsers.
parseBlock(block: ParsedBlock, options?: Options) For advanced usage: parseBlocks, but for a single block.


Option Default Description
parsers undefined An object with custom parsers to use. See more on Usage with Custom Blocks.
sanitationSchema undefined An object with a custom sanitation schema to use. See more on Usage with Custom Sanitation Schemas.
stripNullishBlocks true Wordpress passes along empty blocks that only contain a couple of \n. We strip them off by default, but here you can specify you want to keep them
failOnMissingParser false By default we log an error if we can't find a parser. Pass true to throw an error instead.
failOnParserError false By default we log an error if something goes wrong in the parser. Pass true to throw an error instead.
failOnMissingBlockName false By default we log an error if a blockName is missing. Pass true to throw an error instead.
failOnAnyError false Pass true to throw errors on all scenarios above.

Usage with Custom Parsers

Custom Blocks

If you are using custom blocks you can pass along a custom parser to extract any content from the template.

We recommend using hast and its util packages for this. See any of the core parsers for an example on how to go about this.

To get you started, here is a basic vanilla JS example:

import { fromHtml } from "hast-util-from-html";
import { select } from "hast-util-select";
import { toString } from "hast-util-to-string";

  @param {ParsedBlock} parsedBlock - result from the WP block seralisation parser with the block comments parsed, including any attributes
  @param {Options} options - options passed down from the top level API methods
export async function parseCustomCallToAction(parsedBlock, options) {
  const root = fromHtml(block.innerHTML);
  const heading = select("h3", root);
  const link = select("a", root);

  return {
    heading: toString(heading),
    href: link.properties.href,
    label: toString(link),
import { parsePost } from "gutenberg-block-parser";
import { parseCustomCallToAction } from "custom-parsers/call-to-action/call-to-action";

const rawContentWithCustomBlock = `
  <!-- wp:custom/call-to-action -->
  <h3>Do something nice</h3>
  <a href="https://example.com">Go to this page</a>
  <!-- /wp:custom/call-to-action -->

const post = {
  id: 1,
  content: {
    raw: rawContentWithCustomBlock,

const parsers = {
  "custom/call-to-action": parseCustomCallToAction,

const postWithParsedBlocks = await parsePost(post, { parsers });

Override Core Parsers

You can also override or extend core parsers. In the example below we are pulling media data from our cache for the image after running the block through the default core parser.

import { parseCoreImage } from "gutenberg-block-parser";

export async function parseCoreImageWithMediaData(parsedBlock, options) {
  // run the block through the package core parser so we don't have to repeat the HTML parsing
  const parsedCoreBlock = await parseCoreImage(parsedBlock);

  return {
    mediaData: await loadMediaDataForImageId(parsedBlock.attrs.id),

Usage with Custom Sanitation Schemas

By default the core parsers strip out any HTML that is not a default Wordpress inline element. You can find the defaults here.

You can pass a custom schema in the options on a global or block level. The schema API can be found in the hast-util-sanitize documentation.

const sanitationSchema = {
  // for all parsers, allow only em, strong and a tags
  global: {
    tagNames: ["em", "strong", "a"],
  // make exceptions on a block level by passing a schema per sanitized property
  "core/pullquote": {
    content: {
      tagNames: ["em", "strong"],
    citation: {
      tagNames: ["a"],

const blocks = await parsePosts(posts, { sanitationSchema });

Usage with Typescript

Type narrowing

We add the __typeName property to each block in order to enable type narrowing in your block loop.

Eg, in Sveltekit:

{#if block.__typeName === 'BlockCoreParagraph'}
	<Paragraph {block} />

{#if block.__typeName === 'BlockCoreImage'}
	<Image {block} />

Custom Parsers

In order to type any custom blocks, create a new union with the Block type, and pass it as a generic into the API methods. The type narrowing should now work with your custom block typing. Make sure you add the __typeName property to your custom block type.

import {
  type GutenbergParsedBlock,
  type Block,
  type BaseBlock,
} from "gutenberg-block-parser";

type BlockCustomAd = BaseBlock & {
  __typeName: "BlockCustomAd";
  blockName: "custom/ad";

type CustomBlock = Block | BlockCustomAd;

const parsers = {
  "custom/ad": async (block: GutenbergParsedBlock): BlockCustomAd => {
    return {
      __typeName: "BlockCustomAd",
      blockName: "custom/ad",
      innerBlocks: [],
      innerContent: [],

const postWithParsedBlocks = await parsePosts<CustomBlock>(posts, {

Supported Core Blocks

Name __typeName Supported?
Classic 🚫 Not formatted as gutenberg block
Code BlockCoreCode
Heading BlockCoreHeading
List BlockCoreList
Paragraph BlockCoreParagraph
Preformatted BlockCorePreformatted
Pullquote BlockCorePullquote
Quote BlockCoreQuote
Verse BlockCoreVerse
Audio BlockCoreAudio
Cover BlockCoreCover
File BlockCoreFile
Gallery BlockCoreGallery
Image BlockCoreImage
Media & Text BlockCoreMediaText
Video BlockCoreVideo
Buttons & Button BlockCoreButtons & BlockCoreButton
Columns & Column BlockCoreColumns & BlockCoreColumn
Group BlockCoreGroup
More BlockCoreMore
Page Break (nextpage) BlockCorePageBreak
Separator BlockCoreSeparator
Spacer BlockCoreSpacer
Row Through group block
Stack Through group block
Archives BlockCoreArchives
Calendar BlockCoreCalendar
Categories (post-terms) BlockCorePostTerms
Custom HTML BlockCoreHtml
Latest Comments BlockCoreLatestComments
Latest Posts BlockCoreLatestPosts
Page List BlockCorePageList
RSS BlockCoreRSS
Search BlockCoreSearch
Shortcode BlockCoreShortcode
Social Links & Social Link BlockCoreSocialLinks & BlockCoreSocialLink
Tag Cloud BlockCoreTagCloud
We don't support any of the theme blocks
Embed BlockCoreEmbed
Amazon Kindle Through embed block
Animoto Through embed block
Cloudup Through embed block
Crowdsignal Through embed block
Dailymotion Through embed block
Flickr Through embed block
Imgur Through embed block
Issuu Through embed block
Kickstarter Through embed block
Mixcloud Through embed block
Pinterest Through embed block
Reddit Through embed block
ReverbNation Through embed block
Screencast Through embed block
Scribd Through embed block
Slideshare Through embed block
SmugMug Through embed block
Soundcloud Through embed block
Speaker Deck Through embed block
Spotify Through embed block
TED Through embed block
TikTok Through embed block
Tumblr Through embed block
Twitter Through embed block
VideoPress Through embed block
Vimeo Through embed block
Wolfram Through embed block
Wordpress Through embed block
Wordpress.tv Through embed block
Youtube Through embed block

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npm i @zamanehmedia/gutenberg-block-parser

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