
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Make working with backend api trees enjoyable from swagger/openapi.

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Generate an easy to use api tree that includes format checking using JSON Schema for the body and params with only a single configuration object. Network calls are executed using a thin convenience wrapper around fetch.

This library is a thin wrapper for @zakkudo/api-tree if you need the same functionality but don't use Swagger.

Why use this?

  • Consistancy with simplicity
  • No longer need to maintain a set of functions for accessing apis
  • Automatic validation of the body/params against the Swagger definition
  • Support for Swagger 1.2, Swagger 2.0 and OpenApi 3.0.x definitions
  • Leverages native fetch, adding a thin convenience layer in the form of Fetch Functions
  • Share authorization handling using a single location that can be updated dynamically
  • Share a single transform for the responses and request in a location that can be updated dynamically
  • Supports overloading the tree methods so that you can use the same method for getting a single item or a collection of items

The api tree is based off of the path name

  • [POST] /users -> api.users.post({body: data})
  • [GET] /users/{id} -> api.users.get({params: {id: 1}})
  • [GET] /users -> api.users.get()
  • [PUT] /users/{id} -> api.users.put({params: {id: 1}, body: data})
  • [GET] /users/{userId}/roles/{roleId} -> api.users.roles.get({params: {userId: 1, roleId: 3}})


# Install using npm
npm install @zakkudo/open-api-tree
# Install using yarn
yarn add @zakkudo/open-api-tree


Parse a swagger schema at runtime

import OpenApiTree from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree';
import fetch from '@zakkudo/fetch';

fetch('https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json').then((configuration) => {
    const api = new OpenApiTree(configuration, {
        headers: {
             'X-AUTH-TOKEN': '1234'

    // GET http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets?limit=10
    api.pets.get({params: {limit: 10}})

    // GET http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets/1
    api.pets.get({params: {id: 1}})

    // POST http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets

    // DELETE http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets/1
    api.pets.delete({params: {id: 1}});

Parse a swagger schema at buildtime in webpack

//In webpack.conf.js////////////////////////////
import ApiTree from '@zakkudo/api-tree';

const toApiTreeSchema = require('@zakkudo/open-api-tree/toApiTreeSchema').default;
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
const configuration = JSON.parse(String(execSync('curl https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json'));

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new DefinePlugin({
            __API_CONFIGURATION__: JSON.stringify(toApiTreeSchema(configuration))

//In src/api.js////////////////////////////////
import ApiTree from '@zakkudo/api-tree';

export default new ApiTree(__API_CONFIGURATION__);

//In src/index.js////////////////////////////
import api from './api';

// GET http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets?limit=10
api.pets.get({params: {limit: 10}})

// GET http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets/1
api.pets.get({params: {id: 1}})

// POST http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets

// DELETE http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets/1
api.pets.delete({params: {id: 1}});

Validation error failure example

import ValidationError from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree/ValidationError';

api.pets.get({params: {id: 'lollipops'}}).catch((reason) => {
    if (reason instanceof ValidationError) {
        // ValidationError: [
        //     "<http://petstore.swagger.io/api/pets/:id> .params.id: should be integer"
        // ]

    throw reason;

Handling validation errors

import ValidationError from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree/ValidationError';

// Try fetching without an id
api.users.get().catch((reason) => {
    if (reason instanceof ValidationError) {
        console.log(reason); // "params: should have required property 'userId'

    throw reason;

// Try using an invalidly formatted id
api.users.get({params: {userId: 'invalid format'}}).catch((reason) => {
    if (reason instanceof ValidationError) {
        console.log(reason); // "params.userId: should match pattern \"[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\""

    throw reason;

// Skip the validation by passing false to the network call
api.users.get({params: {userId: 'invalid format'}}, false).catch((reason) => {
    if (reason instanceof HttpError) {
        console.log(reason.status); // 500

    throw reason;

Don't include validation schemas in api tree

import OpenApiTree from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree';
import HttpError from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree/HttpError';

fetch('https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json').then((configuration) => {
    const api = new OpenApiTree(configuration, {
        headers: {
             'X-AUTH-TOKEN': '1234'
    }, {validation: false});

    // Try fetching without an id
    api.users.get().catch((reason) => {
        if (reason instanceof HttpError) {
            console.log(reason.status); // 500

        throw reason;

    // Try using an invalidly formatted id
    api.users.get({params: {userId: 'invalid format'}}).catch((reason) => {
        if (reason instanceof HttpError) {
            console.log(reason.status); // 500

        throw reason;

    // Skip the validation by passing false to the network call
    api.users.get({params: {userId: 'invalid format'}}, false).catch((reason) => {
        if (reason instanceof HttpError) {
            console.log(reason.status); // 500

        throw reason;

Handling network errors

import HttpError from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree/HttpError';

// Force execution with an invalidly formatted id
api.users.get({params: {userId: 'invalid format'}}, false).catch((reason) => {
    if (reason instanceof HttpError) {
        console.log(reason.status); // 500
        console.log(reason.response); // response body from the server, often json

    throw reason;

Overriding options

import HttpError from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree/HttpError';
import ValidationError from '@zakkudo/open-api-tree/ValidationError';

//Set headers after the fact
api.options.headers['X-AUTH-TOKEN'] = '5678';

//Get 10 users
api.users.get({params: {limit: 10}}).then((users) => {
     console.log(users); // [{id: ...}, ...]

//Create a user
api.users.post({first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe'}).then((response) => {
     console.log(response); // {id: 'ff599c67-1cac-4167-927e-49c02c93625f', first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe'}

// Try using a valid id
api.users.get({params: {userId: 'ff599c67-1cac-4167-927e-49c02c93625f'}}).then((user) => {
     console.log(user); // {id: 'ff599c67-1cac-4167-927e-49c02c93625f', first_name: 'john', last_name: 'doe'}

// Override the global options at any time
api.users.get({transformResponse: () => 'something else'}).then((response) => {
   console.log(response); // 'something else'



Kind: Exported class

new OpenApiTree(schema, [options], [include])

Returns: Object - The generated api tree

Param Type Default Description
schema Object The swagger/openapi schema, usually accessible from a url path like v2/swagger.json where swagger is run
[options] Options Options modifying the network call, mostly analogous to fetch
[include] Object Modifiers for the conversion of the swagger schema to an api tree schema
[include.validation] Boolean true Set to false to not include json schemas for client side validation of api requests

OpenApiTree~FetchFunction : function

Executes the network request using the api tree configuration. Generated from the triplets of the form [url, options, jsonschema] where only url is required.

Kind: inner typedef of OpenApiTree

Param Type Default Description
[options] Options The override options for the final network call
[validate] Boolean true Set to false to force validation to be skipped, even if there is a schema

OpenApiTree~Options : Object

Options modifying the network call, mostly analogous to fetch

Kind: inner typedef of OpenApiTree

Name Type Default Description
[options.method] String 'GET' GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
[options.mode] String 'same-origin' no-cors, cors, same-origin
[options.cache] String 'default' default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
[options.credentials] String 'omit' include, same-origin, omit
[options.headers] String "application/json; charset=utf-8".
[options.redirect] String 'follow' manual, follow, error
[options.referrer] String 'client' no-referrer, client
[options.body] String | Object JSON.stringify is automatically run for non-string types
[options.params] String | Object Query params to be appended to the url. The url must not already have params. The serialization uses the same rules as used by @zakkudo/query-string
[options.unsafe] Boolean Disable escaping of params in the url
[options.transformRequest] function | Array.<function()> Transforms for the request body. When not supplied, it by default json serializes the contents if not a simple string. Also accepts promises as return values for asynchronous work.
[options.transformResponse] function | Array.<function()> Transform the response. Also accepts promises as return values for asynchronous work.
[options.transformError] function | Array.<function()> Transform the error response. Return the error to keep the error state. Return a non Error to recover from the error in the promise chain. A good place to place a login handler when recieving a 401 from a backend endpoint or redirect to another page. It's preferable to never throw an error here which will break the error transform chain in a non-graceful way. Also accepts promises as return values for asynchronous work.

@zakkudo/open-api-tree/toApiTreeSchema~toApiTreeSchema(schema, [include]) ⇒ Object

Converts an open-api/swagger schema to an api tree configuration.

Kind: Exported function

Returns: Object - The converted schema that can be passed to ApiTree from @zakkudo/api-tree

  • Error when trying to convert an unsupported schema
Param Type Default Description
schema Object The schema as such that comes from swagger.json
[include] Object Modifiers for the conversion of the swagger schema to an api tree schema
[include.validation] Boolean true Set to false to not include json schemas for client side validation of api requests


Aliased error from package @zakkudo/api-tree/ValidationError

Kind: Exported class


Aliased error from package @zakkudo/api-tree/HttpError

Kind: Exported class


Aliased error from package @zakkudo/api-tree/UrlError

Kind: Exported class


Aliased error from package @zakkudo/api-tree/QueryStringError

Kind: Exported class

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  • zakkudo