npm install -g @yuiseki/twiseki
Basic usage
# show help
twiseki --help
# get profile json of specific user
twiseki profile yuiseki
# save tweets json of specific user
twiseki timeline yuiseki > yuiseki.json
# extract only tweet text from specific user
twiseki timeline yuiseki | jq '.[].full_text'
# extract only photo or video url from specific user
twiseki timeline yuiseki | jq '.[] | select( != null) |[].media_url_https'
# extract only tweet text by search specific query
twiseki search from:yuiseki | jq '.[].full_text'
Install head of this repository
npm install -g .
Run test
npm test
!!! Punishment of Windows Powershell !!!
If you want to use this command in Windows Powershell, you should do following commands before using this command!!!
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$OutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding