
1.0.1 • Public • Published


JammberMozaicApi - JavaScript client for jammber_mozaic_api An API for Mozaic. Powered by Jammber. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: v1
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.javascript.JavaScriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install jammber_mozaic_api --save


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:

    npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var JammberMozaicApi = require('jammber_mozaic_api');
var defaultClient = JammberMozaicApi.ApiClient.instance;

var api = new JammberMozaicApi.ActivityApi()
var opts = { 
  'key': "key_example", // {String} The id of the object this activity is associated with
  'type': new JammberMozaicApi.ActivityType(), // {ActivityType} The type of activity being requested    contactCreated    invited    onboarded    readyForPayouts
  'limit': 56, // {Number} A limit of the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100.  The default is 10
  'forwardFrom': "forwardFrom_example", // {String} Used for paging results, <span class=\"jmbr term\">forward_from</span> lets you specify  the id of the previous object the next page should start after
  'backFrom': "backFrom_example", // {String} Used for paging results, <span class=\"jmbr term\">back_from</span> lets you specify  the id of the object to page back from
  'userId': "userId_example", // {String} The user id to operate on their behalf (tenants only)
  '_object': "_object_example" // {String} 
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getActivity(opts, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://mozaic-api-dev.azurewebsites.net/

Class Method HTTP request Description
JammberMozaicApi.ActivityApi getActivity GET /api/activity Retrieves the Activity with the specified key and activity type
JammberMozaicApi.ActivityApi updateActivity PUT /api/activity Create or update an Activity
JammberMozaicApi.AnalyticsApi apiAnalyticsGet GET /api/analytics Retrieve a list of Payments summed by date
JammberMozaicApi.AppsApi apiAppsDelete DELETE /api/apps Delete an application
JammberMozaicApi.AppsApi apiAppsGet GET /api/apps Retrieve the info for applications you've created
JammberMozaicApi.AppsApi apiAppsIdPut PUT /api/apps/{id} Create an application that can call the Mozaic API.
JammberMozaicApi.AppsApi apiAppsPost POST /api/apps Create an application that can call the Mozaic API.
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsBulkPOST POST /api/contacts/bulk Bulk add contacts
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsDeleteAvatar DELETE /api/contacts/{id}/image Reset avatar to the default
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsGETById GET /api/contacts/{id} Get a single contact
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsGETList GET /api/contacts List contacts
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsGetAvatarById GET /api/contacts/{id}/image Retrieve an avatar by id
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsPOST POST /api/contacts Create a contact record
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsSearch GET /api/contacts/search Search contacts
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsUpdateAvatar PUT /api/contacts/{id}/image Upload avatar image via file
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi contactsUpdateAvatarByDeets PUT /api/contacts/{id}/image/base64 Upload avatar via JSON body
JammberMozaicApi.ContactsApi requestsGETList GET /api/contacts/request List requests
JammberMozaicApi.ContractsApi apiContractsDelete DELETE /api/contracts Delete a contract
JammberMozaicApi.ContractsApi apiContractsGet GET /api/contracts List all contracts
JammberMozaicApi.ContractsApi apiContractsIdGet GET /api/contracts/{id} Retrieve a contract
JammberMozaicApi.ContractsApi apiContractsPost POST /api/contracts Create a contract
JammberMozaicApi.ContractsApi apiContractsPut PUT /api/contracts Update a contract
JammberMozaicApi.DiagnosticsApi apiPingGet GET /api/Ping Simple ping test call
JammberMozaicApi.EndUsersApi apiEndUsersBulkFilePost POST /api/end-users/bulk/file
JammberMozaicApi.EndUsersApi apiEndUsersInvitePost POST /api/end-users/invite
JammberMozaicApi.EndUsersApi apiEndUsersPost POST /api/end-users Create an end user for a tenant
JammberMozaicApi.IncomesApi apiIncomesApiContractsIdIncomesIncomeIdGet GET /api/incomes/api/contracts/{id}/incomes/{incomeId} Create a contract
JammberMozaicApi.IncomesApi apiIncomesApiContractsIdIncomesPost POST /api/incomes/api/contracts/{id}/incomes Create a contract
JammberMozaicApi.InviteTokensApi apiInviteTokenDecryptGet GET /api/invite-token/decrypt Decrypt an invite token and return information for display
JammberMozaicApi.InviteTokensApi apiInviteTokenSendPost POST /api/invite-token/send Send an invite token
JammberMozaicApi.InvoicesApi apiInvoicesGet GET /api/invoices Retrieve a list of Invoices
JammberMozaicApi.InvoicesApi apiInvoicesIdGet GET /api/invoices/{id} Find a Invoice by ID
JammberMozaicApi.InvoicesApi apiInvoicesPost POST /api/invoices Create a Invoice
JammberMozaicApi.NotificationsApi apiNotificationsBulkPut PUT /api/notifications/bulk Update one or many Notifications (mark as read)
JammberMozaicApi.NotificationsApi apiNotificationsCountGet GET /api/notifications/count Retrieve notifications counts
JammberMozaicApi.NotificationsApi apiNotificationsGet GET /api/notifications Retrieve a list of Notifications
JammberMozaicApi.NotificationsApi apiNotificationsIdDelete DELETE /api/notifications/{id} Deletes a Notification
JammberMozaicApi.NotificationsApi apiNotificationsIdPut PUT /api/notifications/{id} Update a Notification (mark as read)
JammberMozaicApi.OrchestrationsApi orchectrationsATTACHFunding PUT /api/orchestrations/{id}/funding/attach Attach a funding source to an `Orchestration`. This defines funding origin.
JammberMozaicApi.OrchestrationsApi orchestrationsATTACHPaymentPush PUT /api/orchestrations/{id}/payment-pushes/attach Attaches a payment push to an `Orchestration` in a pending state.
JammberMozaicApi.OrchestrationsApi orchestrationsCREATE POST /api/orchestrations Create an `Orchestration`
JammberMozaicApi.OrchestrationsApi orchestrationsGETById GET /api/orchestrations/{id} Retrieve an `Orchestration` by ID
JammberMozaicApi.OrchestrationsApi orchestrationsGETList GET /api/orchestrations Retrieve a list of `Orchestrations`
JammberMozaicApi.OrchestrationsApi orchestrationsRUNFunding POST /api/orchestrations/{id}/funding/run Runs the funding phase for an `Orchestration`
JammberMozaicApi.OrchestrationsApi orchestrationsRUNPayments POST /api/orchestrations/{id}/payments/run Runs the payments phase for the specified `Orchestration`
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentPushesApi apiPaymentPushesBulkPost POST /api/payment-pushes/bulk Create payment pushes in bulk
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentPushesApi apiPaymentPushesFeesPost POST /api/payment-pushes/fees
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentPushesApi createPaymentPush POST /api/payment-pushes Create a PaymentPush
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentPushesApi getAllPaymentPushes GET /api/payment-pushes Retrieve a list of PaymentPushes
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentPushesApi getPaymentPushesById GET /api/payment-pushes/{id} Find a PaymentPushCreate by ID
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentsApi apiPaymentsCancelPut PUT /api/payments/cancel Cancel a payment
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentsApi apiPaymentsGet GET /api/payments Retrieve a list of payments
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentsApi apiPaymentsIdGet GET /api/payments/{id} Retrieve a payment by ID
JammberMozaicApi.PaymentsApi apiPaymentsSearchGet GET /api/payments/search Search payments (e.g. between dates, amounts, etc.)
JammberMozaicApi.TenantsApi apiTenantsGet GET /api/tenants Retrieve information about the current user/tenant
JammberMozaicApi.TenantsApi apiTenantsPost POST /api/tenants Create and on-board a tenant account
JammberMozaicApi.TenantsApi apiTenantsPut PUT /api/tenants
JammberMozaicApi.UserStatusesApi apiUserStatusesGet GET /api/user-statuses Gets the UserStatus object
JammberMozaicApi.VersionApi apiVersionGet GET /api/version
JammberMozaicApi.WalletsApi apiWalletsBalanceGet GET /api/wallets/balance Get the balance for all wallets
JammberMozaicApi.WalletsApi apiWalletsGet GET /api/wallets Get all wallets
JammberMozaicApi.WalletsApi apiWalletsKeyEnablePost POST /api/wallets/{key}/enable Enable a wallet
JammberMozaicApi.WalletsApi apiWalletsKeyGet GET /api/wallets/{key} Get a single wallet
JammberMozaicApi.WalletsApi apiWalletsKeyPaymentMethodsPost POST /api/wallets/{key}/payment-methods Add a payment method to a wallet
JammberMozaicApi.WalletsApi apiWalletsKeyPaymentMethodsPut PUT /api/wallets/{key}/payment-methods Update a card or bank payment method.
JammberMozaicApi.WalletsApi apiWalletsKeyPayoutMethodsPost POST /api/wallets/{key}/payout-methods Add a payout method to a wallet

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization





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