Core crypto operations for Monero
- Key image generation
- RCT operations such as Pedersen commitments, ECDH encode/decode
- Hash operations such as
- Derivation operations such as generating key derivations, deriving private and public keys
- Primitive functions for curve and scalar functions
- Ledger Nano S implementation under
- "Default" device implementation for unified api usage for private keys
- Device interface to conform to for future hardware device implementations like Trezor
- Converting private keys to public keys
- Generating new keypairs
- Verifying keypairs
- Checking for subaddresses
- Creating addresses based on seeds
- Creating integrated addresses from normal addresses and a payment id
- Decoding address strings into their public key components
- Get address prefix for standard addresses
- Get address prefix for integrated addresses
- Get address prefix for subaddresses
- Random 256 bit hex strings
- Random 64 bit hex strings
- Random 32-byte ec scalars
- Check if a string contains a payment id
- Check if a payment id is a short(encrypted) or long(plaintext) id
- Encrypt/Decrypt a payment id with a keypair
- Generate a payment id
import { generate_key_image } from "@xmr-core/xmr-crypto-utils";
const secretKey = "...";
const publicKey = "...";
const keyImage = generate_key_image(publicKey, secretKey);
See @xmr-core/xmr-transaction
to see how the device portions of @xmr-core/xmr-crypto-utils
is used in the context of creating transactions, or @xmr-core/xmr-mymonero-libs
to see how its used for checking if transactions belong to the current hardware device being used.
Install @xmr-core/xmr-crypto-utils by running:
yarn add @xmr-core/xmr-crypto-utils
The project is licensed under the MIT license.