
10.37.22 • Public • Published


React components for icons in digital and software products using the UN Design System

Getting started

To install @wfp/icons-react in your project, you will need to run the following command using npm:

npm install -S @wfp/icons-react

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add @wfp/icons-react


Icons in this package support the following sizes: 16, 20, 24, and 32 pixels. These sizes refer to the width and height of the icon. You can import an icon component into your project by referring to its name and size:

import { Add24 } from "@wfp/icons-react";

We also provide CommonJS and UMD files in the lib and umd directories, respectively.

To import using CommonJS, you can do the following:

const { Add24 } = require("@wfp/icons-react");

Icon fill

All icons from the library support being styled by the fill property. You can change the color of an icon by passing in a custom class name that sets this property (preferred), or by passing in an inline style. For example:

// CSS custom class name to set the fill of the icon to `rebeccapurple`
svg.my-custom-class {
  fill: rebeccapurple;
import { Add16 } from "@wfp/icons-react";

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <Add16 aria-label="Add" className="my-custom-class" />

Two-tone icons

Certain icons in the library support two distinct fill colors. You can target the inner path by using the [data-icon-path="inner-path"] attribute selector. For example:

// CSS custom class name to set the fill of the icon to `yellow`
svg.my-custom-class {
  fill: yellow;

// Use the `data-icon-path` attribute selector to target the inner path
// where we want to set the fill to `black`. We also set `opacity` to `1` so
// that this inner-path is visible.
svg.my-custom-class [data-icon-path="inner-path"] {
  fill: black;
  opacity: 1;
import { WarningFilled16 } from "@wfp/icons-react";

function MyComponent() {
  return <WarningFilled16 aria-label="Add" className="my-custom-class" />;

Focus and aria-label

By default, the icon components from @wfp/icons-react are treated as decorative content. This means that we set aria-hidden="true" unless certain props are passed to the component.

If you would like the icon to be announced by a screen reader, you can supply an aria-label or aria-labelledby. For example:

import { Add16 } from "@wfp/icons-react";

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <Add16 aria-label="Add" />

Doing this will add the appropriate role to the <svg> node, as well.

If you would like the <svg> to receive focus, you will need to pass in a tabIndex value. For example:

import { Add16 } from "@wfp/icons-react";

function MyComponent() {
  return <Add16 aria-label="Add" tabIndex="0" />;

Including tabIndex and aria-label (or aria-labelledby) will set the corresponding tabindex on the underlying <svg> and verify support in older browsers like Internet Explorer 11 by setting focusable to true.

🙌 Contributing

We're always looking for contributors to help us fix bugs, build new features, or help us improve the project documentation. If you're interested, definitely check out our Contributing Guide! 👀

📝 License

Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

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npm i @wfp/icons-react

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  • wfp.webmaster
  • matteo.cafarotti
  • salvatore.avanzo
  • princylunawat
  • andrew.holgate
  • robert.guehne
  • maurizio.blasilli
  • cassandra.sarfo