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JavaScript modules useful for volograms playback on web, as well as the resources needed to build the modules

The base module is designed to grab the volograms data and make it accessible to the user. This way, a developer can use the player in whatever environment. There are also player scripts that can be used in WebGL or Three JS projects.

Please refer to the following examples for support:

Importing Modules in your Projects

You can import the modules into your projects a number of ways:


  • Open your terminal and cd into your node project
  • Run the command npm i @volograms/web_vol_lib
  • Import the module into your script using:
// Required
import VologramPlayer from "@volograms/web_vol_lib/players/VologramPlayer.mjs";
// Optional (Recommended for WebGL projects)
import WebGlPlayerExtension from "@volograms/web_vol_lib/players/WebGlPlayerExtension.mjs";
// Optional (Recommended for Three JS projects)
import ThreeJsPlayerExtension from "@volograms/web_vol_lib/players/ThreeJsPlayerExtension.mjs";
// Optional (Recommonded only if you need to directly interface with the wasm module)
import VolWeb from "@volograms/web_vol_lib/vol_web.mjs";


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  • In your HTML file you can use a script to import the players:
<!-- Required -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Volograms/vol_libs@main/wasm/players/VologramPlayer.js"></script>
<!-- Optional (Recommended for WebGL projects) -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Volograms/vol_libs@main/wasm/players/WebGlPlayerExtension.js"></script>
<!-- Optional (Recommended for Three JS projects) -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Volograms/vol_libs@main/wasm/players/ThreeJsPlayerExtension.js"></script>
<!-- Optional (Recommonded only if you need to directly interface with the wasm module) -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Volograms/vol_libs@main/wasm/vol_web.js"></script>
  • Now in a javascript you can access the players with:
const vologramPlayer = VologramPlayer();
const vologramWebGl = VologramPlayer([WebGlPlayerExtension(gl)]);
const vologramThree = VologramPlayer([ThreeJsPlayerExtension(gl)]);


VologramPlayer(extensions): returns an object that provides properties functions to control the vologram playback

The returned object has the following properties and functions:


.vologram: returns the vologram object (see reference)

.mute: returns true if the vologram is playing audio and false otherwise, can also set it to enable or disable audio

.loop: returns true if the vologram playback loops to the start when finished and false otherwise, can also set it to enable or disable looping

.extensions: returns the exported properties and functions of the player's extensions (e.g. the WebGlPlayerExtension or ThreeJsPlayerExtension)


.start(): begins playback from the start of the vologram

.pause(): pauses the vologram

.play(): resumes playback from the current playback time

.isPlaying(): returns true if playback is active, and false otherwise

.open(input, onProgressCallback): open a new vologram

  • Parameter input: (required) object with the following fields:
    • headerUrl: (optional) url or string to the vologram header file, if null player assumes all the vologram data is contained in the sequence file
    • sequenceUrl: (required) url or string to the vologram sequence file
    • textureUrl: (optional) url or string to the texture video file
    • videoElement: (optional) HTML video element that will contain the video texture, if null the player will create its own if needed
    • audioElement: (optional) HTML audio element that will contain the vologram audio, if null the player will create its own if needed
  • Parameter onProgressCallback: (optional) a callback function that accepts a float value between 0 and 1 representing the download progress of the vologram file(s)

.close(): closes an open vologram

.registerCallback(event, callback): set a function to be called when an event occurs during playback

  • Parameter event: (required) must on of the following:
    • "onclose": triggered when close() is called
    • "onended": triggered when vologram reached the end of the playback
  • Parameter callback: (required) function that is called when the event is triggered, has no inputs

.unregisterCallback(event, callback): remove a function that was registered to an event with registerCallback

  • Parameter event: (required) must be the same as the event parameter of the registerCallback call
  • Parameter callback: (required) must be the same as the callback parameter of the registerCallback call


WebGlPlayerExtension(glContext): returns an extension object that can be passed into the VologramPlayer function

The extension provides the following properties and functions that can be accessed through vologramPlayer.extensions.webgl:


.objects: returns an object with the following members:

  • .vertexArrayObject: the vertex array object of the vologram mesh data
  • .positionsBuffer: the buffer object of the mesh vertex positions
  • .uvsBuffer: the buffer object of the mesh texture coordinates
  • .normalsBuffer: the buffer object of the mesh normals (undefined if the vologram has no normals)
  • .indicesBuffer: the buffer object of the mesh indices
  • .texture: the texture buffer
  • .shaderProgram: the shader program for rendering the vologram (undefined until set)
  • .positionShaderAttribute: an object containing the index and name of the the position shader attribute (undefined until set)
  • .uvsShaderAttribute: an object containing the index and name of the the texture coordinates shader attribute (undefined until set)
  • .normsShaderAttribute: an object containing the index and name of the the normals shader attribute (undefined if the vologram has no normals, ot until set)
  • .textureTarget: the shader texture target for the vologram texture (undefined until set)
  • .ready: boolean indicating if the minimal required initialisation is complete


.bindPositionAttribute(index, name): sets the mesh vertex positions shader attribute

  • Parameter index: (required) attribute location in the shader
  • Parameter name: (required) attribute name in the shader

.bindNormalsAttribute(index, name): sets the mesh normals shader attribute

  • Parameter index: (required) attribute location in the shader
  • Parameter name: (required) attribute name in the shader

.bindUvsAttribute(index, name): sets the mesh texture coordinates shader attribute

  • Parameter index: (required) attribute location in the shader
  • Parameter name: (required) attribute name in the shader

.setTextureTarget(glInt): sets the texture target of the shader

  • Parameter glInt: (required) WebGL constant representing the texture target

.setShaderProgram(program): sets the vologram shader program

.renderUpdate(): updates the meshdata and renders the vologram, shader, texture target and shader attributes must be set before calling this function

.useDefaults(): sets default shader-related values

.beginRendering(): the extension starts its own rendering loop


ThreeJsPlayerExtension(glContext): returns an extension object that can be passed into the VologramPlayer function

The extension provides the following properties and functions that can be accessed through vologramPlayer.extensions.threejs:


.objects: returns an object with the following members:


  • .renderUpdate(): updates the vologram mesh data for render

  • .createThreeJsScene(canvas): creates a scene, camera and renderer object with default settings

    • Parameter canvas: (required) HTML canvas element
  • .beginRendering(): the extension starts its own rendering loop

Vologram Object

  • .header: object that contains the following members:
    • .singleFile: boolean value indicating if the vologram was loaded from a single file
    • .hasNormal: boolean value indicating if the vologram has normals
    • .hasTexture: boolean value indicating if the vologram has texture data included in the sequence file (instead of in a separate video file)
    • .hasAudio: boolean value indicating if the vologram has audio data
    • .textureCompression: 0 if vologram uses video file, 1 is ETC1S, 2 is UASTC
    • .textureContainerFormat: 0 is raw, 1 is basis, 2 is ktx2
    • .textureWidth: width of vologram texture in pixels
    • .textureHeight: height of vologram texture in pixels
    • .hasBasisTexture: set to true if .textureCompression is 1 and .textureCompression is 2, undefined otherwise
    • .frameCount: number of frames in the vologram
    • .fps: playback frame rate of the vologram
    • .durationS: duration of the vologram in seconds
    • .ready: boolean value indicating if the vologram has been initialised
  • .frame: object that is populated when a vologram mesh is loaded, contains the following members:
    • .isKey: boolean value indicating if the current loaded frame is a key frame
    • .positions: buffer array containing the vertex position data
    • .normals: buffer array containing the mesh normal data, undefined if the vologram does not have normals
    • .texCoords: buffer array containing the texture coordinate data
    • .numIndices: the number of indices values the frame has
    • .indices: buffer array containing the indices data
  • .lastFrameLoaded: vologram frame index of the most recently loaded frame
  • .lastKeyframeLoaded: vologram frame index of the most recently loaded key frame
  • .lastUpdateTime: timestamp (in seconds) of when the last frame update took place (resets to 0 on start/restart)
  • .attachedVideo: attached HTML video element for texture playback (can be undefined)
  • .attachedAudio: attached HTML audio element for vologram audio playback (can be undefined)
  • .headerUrl: string or URL of the vologram's header file (can be undefined)
  • .sequenceUrl: string or URL of the vologram's sequence file
  • .textureUrl: string or URL of the vologram's video texture file (can be undefined)


The vologram object has access to all the functions listed here, however the VologramPlayer object provides a more friendly interface and handles the data loading for you.

However, should your project needed them, feel free to make use of these more advanced functions.

Using the Module

To initialise the vologram wasm module you need to call the Module initialise function. But before, its important to set the onRuntimeInitialised property of the module object. This property is a callback function when the Module has initialised. Here we create the vologram related functions using Module.initVologramFunctions().

const Module = {};
Module["onRuntimeInitialized"] = function () {

Module.initVologramFunctions() can only be called once the Module object has been initialized. It calls emscripten's cwrap method on all the vologram wasm functions.

Vologram WASM Module Reference


initModule(Module: Object)

vol_lib wasm's default import. Initialises the WASM module


  • Module: Object - Object that gets populated during init


Only available after WebVol has finished.

Initialise and expose vologram related wasm functions (for convenience, but recommended)

After initVologramFunctions

These functions are only available if initVologramFunctions was called

Module.audio_data_ptr(): Array

Returns the pointer to the audio data buffer

Module.audio_data_sz(): Number

Returns the size in bytes of the audio data buffer

Module.basis_get_data(): [Number]

Returns the transcoded texture data as a byte array (calls basis_get_transcoded_ptr, texture_width and texture_height)

Module.basis_get_transcoded_ptr(): Number

Returns the pointer to the transcoded texture data.

Module.basis_get_transcoded_sz(): Number

Returns the size in bytes of the transcoded texture data.

Module.basis_transcode(format: Number, dataPtr: Number, dataSize: Number): Boolean

Perform basis transcode on texture data. Returns true is successful and false otherwise.


  • format: Number - Basis format
  • dataPtr: Number - Pointer to texture data buffer
  • dataSize: Number - Size, in bytes, of texture data

Module.create_file_info(hdr: String, seq: String): Boolean

Opens and initialses a vologram from separate header and sequence files. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


  • hdr: String - Path of vologram header file
  • seq: String - Path of vologram sequence file

Module.create_single_file_info(file: String): Boolean

Opens and initialses a vologram from a single file. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


  • file: String - Path of vologram file

Module.find_basis_fmt(gl: RenderingContext, hasAlpha: Boolean = true): [Number, Number]

Calculates the supported GL format and basis format of the rendering context and returns them as an array of 2 numbers like so: [ GL, Basis ]

Module.find_previous_keyframe(frame_idx: Number): Number

Returns the index of the frame that contains the keyframe data of frame frame_idx (returns frame_idx if that frame is a keyframe).


  • frame_idx: Number - Frame index to check

Module.frame_count(): Number

Returns the number of frames in the vologram

Module.frame_data_ptr(): Array

Returns pointer to loaded frame data

Module.frame_get_ind(): [Number]

Returns the indices data as a byte array (calls frame_indices_copied and frame_i_sz)

Module.frame_get_norms(): [Number]

Returns the normals data as a byte array (calls frame_normals_copied and frame_normals_sz)

Module.frame_get_uvs(): [Number]

Returns the texture coordinate data as a byte array (calls frame_uvs_copied and frame_uvs_sz)

Module.frame_get_verts(): [Number]

Returns the vertices data as a byte array (calls frame_vp_copied and frame_vertices_sz)

Module.frame_indices_copied(): Array

Returns a byte array of the copied indices data.

Module.frame_indices(): Array

Returns a byte array of the loaded indices data.

Module.frame_i_sz(): Number

Returns the size (in bytes) of the indices data.

Module.frame_normals_copied(): Array

Returns an array of copied vertex normal data.

Module.frame_normals_sz(): Number

Returns the size (in bytes) of the loaded normals data.

Module.frame_uvs_copied(): Array

Returns an array of copied texture coordinate data.

Module.frame_uvs_sz(): Number

Returns the size (in bytes) of the loaded texture coordinate data.

Module.frame_vertices(): Array

Returns a byte array of the loaded vertices position data.

Module.frame_vertices_sz(): Number

Returns the size (in bytes) of the loaded vertices position data.

Module.frame_vp_copied(): Array

Returns an array of copied vertex position data.

Module.frame_vp_offset(): Number

Returns the frame vertices data offset

Module.free_file_info(): Boolean

Dispose of vologram info. The vologram cannot be played after this function is called. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.

Module.get_audio_data(): [Number]

Returns the audio data as a byte array, calls audio_data_ptr and audio_data_sz.

Module.has_normals(): Boolean

Returns true if the loaded vologram has normals, false otherwise.

Module.has_texture(): Boolean

Returns true if the loaded vologram has an internal texture, false otherwise.

Module.is_keyframe(frame_idx: Number): Boolean

Returns true if the vologram frame numbered frame_idx is a key frame, or false otherwise.


  • frame_idx: Number - Frame index to check

Module.loaded_frame_number(): Number

Returns the index number of the current loaded frame.

Module.max_blob_sz(): Number

Returns the size (in bytes) of the largest vologram frame.

Module.read_frame(frame_idx: Number): Boolean

Reads a frame of the vologram. Returns true if successful and false otherwise.


  • frame_idx: Number - Frame index to read

Module.run_basis_transcode(size: Number): Boolean

Performs the same function as basis_transcode but the pointer and size of the data is calculated based on vologram frame data


  • format: Number - Basis format

Module.texture_compression(): Number

Returns the compression type of the vologram texture

Module.texture_container_format(): Number

Returns the container type of the vologram texture

Module.texture_height(): Number

Returns the height of the vologram texture

Module.texture_width(): Number

Returns the width of the vologram texture

Without initVologramFunctions

Unavailable Functions

The following functions cannot be called unless initVologramFunctions has been called beforehand:

  • basis_get_data()
  • find_basis_fmt()
  • frame_get_ind()
  • frame_get_norms()
  • frame_get_uvs()
  • frame_get_verts()
  • get_audio_data()

Calling Available Functions

If you have not called initVologramFunctions you can still call the volograms wasm function using emscripten's ccall. To do this you need to pass in the name of the c function you want to call, the return type as a string, a string array of the parameter types and an array containing the parameters.

For example:

Module.create_file_info("hdr.vols", "seq.vols");

// becomes...

Module.ccall("create_file_info", "boolean", ["string", "string"], ["hdr.vols", "seq.vols"]);

The following table shows the correct parameters for ccall-ing the vologram functions

Func C name Ret type Param Types
audio_data_ptr "audio_data_ptr" "number"
audio_data_sz "audio_data_sz" "number"
basis_get_transcoded_ptr "basis_get_transcoded_ptr" "number"
basis_get_transcoded_sz "basis_get_transcoded_sz" "number"
basis_transcode "basis_transcode" "boolean" ["number", "number", "number"]
create_file_info "create_file_info" "boolean" ["string", "string"]
create_single_file_info "create_single_file_info" "boolean" ["string"]
find_previous_keyframe "find_previous_keyframe" "number" ["number"]
frame_count "frame_count" "number"
frame_data_ptr "frame_data_ptr" "array"
frame_indices_copied "frame_indices_copied" "array"
frame_indices "frame_i" "array"
frame_i_sz "frame_i_sz" "number"
frame_normals_copied "frame_normals_copied" "array"
frame_normals_sz "frame_normals_sz" "number"
frame_uvs_copied "frame_uvs_copied" "array"
frame_uvs_sz "frame_uvs_sz" "number"
frame_vertices "frame_vertices" "array"
frame_vertices_sz "frame_vertices_sz" "number"
frame_vp_copied "frame_vp_copied" "array"
frame_vp_offset "frame_vp_offset" "number"
free_file_info "free_file_info" "boolean"
has_normals "has_normals" "boolean"
has_texture "has_texture" "boolean"
is_keyframe "is_keyframe" "boolean" ["number"]
loaded_frame_number "loaded_frame_number" "number"
max_blob_sz "max_blob_sz" "number"
read_frame "read_frame" "boolean" ["number"]
run_basis_transcode "run_basis_transcode" "boolean" ["number"]
texture_compression "texture_compression" "number"
texture_container_format "texture_container_format" "number"
texture_width "texture_width" "number"
texture_height "texture_height" "number"

Building Your Own Modules


  • emscripten is used to build the js modules from c code


Run the wasm/build.sh script to build a new vol_geom.mjs file

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