
0.17.7 • Public • Published

Welcome to Motorcortex JS

Motorcortex JS is a communication library to develop JavaScript client applications for the Motorcortex Core. Motorcortex JS provides an implementation of the low-level API defined in motorcortex.proto.

Motorcortex Core is a hard-real-time Linux-based Control System Framework for building high-end industrial applications. It provides real-time control of inductrial hardware (e.g. over EtherCAT) and flexible, high-performance communication server to interact with higher level applications (such as a User Interface, Data Visualization or Analysis Tools). Motorcortex server allows direct real-time communication to the webbrowser.

Motorcortex currently has open API's for JavaScript, Python, C++ and C# bindings.


Node.js v7.10+
Node npm v5.3+


npm install @vectioneer/motorcortex-js
npm run build

Build library is in the ./dist folder.



Motorcortex Bindings for JavaScript



Class for handling motorcortex data types: load proto and hash files, creates a dictionary with all available data types, resolves data types by name or by hash, performs encoding and decoding of the messages.


Request/Reply communication is used to send commands to a motorcortex server.


Request/Reply communication is used to send commands to a motorcortex server.


Container for the session parameters


SessionManager manages a communication session for Request and Subscribe. SessionManager monitors if the connection is alive and tries to recover if the connection is lost.


Parameter value with a timestamp


Subscription class represents an active subscription group. It returns latest values and timestamps of the group parameters. Subscription class could be used as an observer, which notifies on every update or could be used as polling.


Subscribe class is used to receive continuous parameter updates from motorcortex server. Subscribe class simplifies creating and removing subscription groups.



Enumerator of possible session states


SubscriptionClb : function

This callback is resolved when subscription is ready or failed.

SubscriptionUpdateClb : function

This callback notifies when subscription is updated with new values.


Motorcortex Bindings for JavaScript

Author: Alexey Zakharov zakharov@vectioneer.com
License: Copyright (C) Vectioneer - All Rights Reserved
Copyright: Vectioneer

module.exports ⏏

motorcortex namespace.

Kind: Exported member

module.exports.statusToStr(code) ⇒ string

Returns description of the Motorcortex Status Code. Status codes are defined in the StatusCode enumerator in msg/motorcortex.proto.

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: string - Text description of the status

Param Type Description
code number Code of the status.



module.exports.getDataType(name) ⇒ number

Returns a сode of the Parameter Data Type. Сodes are defined in the DataType enumerator in msg/motorcortex.proto.

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: number - Code of the data dype

Param Type Description
name string Name of the data type.


if (parameterDataType === motorcortex.getDataType('UINT8')) {
   // do something

module.exports.getParameterFlag(name) ⇒ number

Returns a сode of the Parameter Flag. Сodes are defined in the ParameterFlag enumerator in msg/motorcortex.proto.

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: number - Code of the parameter flag

Param Type Description
name string Name of the flag.


if (parameterFlag === motorcortex.getParameterFlag('OVERWRITE_IS_ACTIVE')) {
   // do something

module.exports.getParameterType(name) ⇒ number

Returns a сode of the Parameter Type. Сodes are defined in the ParameterType enumerator in msg/motorcortex.proto.

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: number - Code of the parameter type

Param Type Description
name string Name of the flag.


if (parameterType === motorcortex.getParameterType('INPUT')) {
   // do something

module.exports.getPermission(name) ⇒ number

Returns a сode of the Permision Type. Сodes are defined in the Permission enumerator in msg/motorcortex.proto.

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: number - Code of the permission type

Param Type Description
name string Name of the permission type.


if (parameterDataType | motorcortex.getPermission('USER_WRITE')) {
   // user has a write access

module.exports.getStatusCode(name) ⇒ number

Returns a сode of the Status. Сodes are defined in the StatusCode enumerator in msg/motorcortex.proto.

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: number - Code of the status

Param Type Description
name string Name of the status code.


if (replyCode === motorcortex.getStatusCode('OK')) {
   // all good

module.exports.getUserGroup(name) ⇒ number

Returns a сode of the User Group. Сodes are defined in the UserGroup enumerator in msg/motorcortex.proto.

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: number - Code of the user group

Param Type Description
name string Name of the user group.


if (userGroup === motorcortex.getUserGroup('OPERATOR')) {
   // operator has an access


Class for handling motorcortex data types: load proto and hash files, creates a dictionary with all available data types, resolves data types by name or by hash, performs encoding and decoding of the messages.

Kind: global class

new exports.MessageTypes()

Creates message types object

messageTypes.load(proto_hash_pair_list) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Loads an array of .proto and .json file pairs.

Kind: instance method of MessageTypes
Returns: Promise.<string> - Returns a Promise, which is resolved when loading is complete.

Param Type Description
proto_hash_pair_list Array.<object> a list of corresponding proto message files and hash files.


let motorcortex_types = new motorcortex.MessageTypes();
let type_load_done = motorcortex_types.load([{
     proto: 'msg/motorcortex.proto',
     hash: 'msg/motorcortex_hash.json'}, {
     proto: 'msg/motionJS.proto',
     hash: 'msg/motionJS_hash.json'}, {
     proto: 'msg/motionSL.proto',
     hash: 'msg/motionSL_hash.json'

type_load_done.then(() => {
     console.log('Loaded all data types');}).catch((reason) => {
     console.error('Failed to load data types: ' + reason);

messageTypes.createType(type_name, [payload]) ⇒ object

Returns an instance of the loaded data type and fills it with payload.

Kind: instance method of MessageTypes
Returns: object - Instance of the requested type, filled with payload.

Param Type Description
type_name string Type name from the proto files.
[payload] object Payload data to fill.


let load_msg = motorcortex_types.createType('motorcortex.LoadMsg', { path: '', fileName: 'control.xml' });
let encoded_msg = this.encode(load_msg);

messageTypes.getTypeByName(type_name) ⇒ object

Returns type with given name

Kind: instance method of MessageTypes
Returns: object - Returns a Protobuf Type

Param Type Description
type_name string Name of the message type from the proto files.


let ErrorList = motorcortex_types.getTypeByName('motorcortex.ErrorList');
let error_list = ErrorList.decode(encoded_msg);
console.log('Error list: ', error_list);


Request/Reply communication is used to send commands to a motorcortex server.

Kind: global class

new exports.Request(protobuf_types)

Creates request object

Param Type Description
protobuf_types MessageTypes Reference to an instance of the MessageTypes class.


Returns loaded message types.

Kind: instance method of Request

request.connectionState() ⇒ number

Actual Request/reply connection state.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: number - Returns a connection state.

CONNECTING   0    The connection is not yet open
OPEN         1    The connection is open and ready to communicate
CLOSING      2    The connection is in the process of closing
CLOSED       3    The connection is closed or could not be opened

request.connect(url, timeout_ms, max_request_queue_size) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Opens a request connection.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<string> - A promise, which completes when connection is ready. If connection fails, a short error description is passed to the catch method.

Param Type Description
url string Motorcortex server URL.
timeout_ms number Reply timeout in milliseconds.
max_request_queue_size number Maximum size of the request queue.


let req = new motorcortex.Request(motorcortex_types);
let req_conn_done = req.connect(`ws://${server}:5558`, 10000, 100);
.then(() => {
      console.log('Request connection is established');
.catch((reason) => {
      console.error('Failed to establish connection: ' + reason);


Closes connection to the server

Kind: instance method of Request

request.encode(msg) ⇒ Uint8Array

Encodes a data type from MessageTypes to a binary wire type.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Uint8Array - msg A binary array with encoded message.

Param Type Description
msg Object A message created by MotorcortexTypes.


let motion_script = motorcortex_types.createType('motion_spec.MotionScript', {.id = 1, name = 'Test script'});
motion_script.script = `print('Hello world');`;
let encoded_msg = req.encode(motion_script);

request.send(encoded_msg, timeout_ms) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Sends an encoded request to the server

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a Promise, which completes when reply from the server is received. If request fails, catch callback is triggered.

Param Type Description
encoded_msg Uint8Array A binary array with encoded message.
timeout_ms integer Timeout in milliseconds.


let joint2cart = calcJointToCart({
     cartpose: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
     jointpose: [0, 0, 1.57, 0, 1.57, 0] });
let reply = req.send(req.encode(joint2cart));
reply.then((msg) => {
     console.log('Got reply: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));
}).catch((msg) => {
     console.error('Failed: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));

request.sendMsg(msg) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Encodes and sends a request to the server

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a Promise, which completes when reply from the server is received.

Param Type Description
msg Object A message created by MotorcortexTypes.


let motion_script = motorcortex_types.createType('motion_spec.MotionScript', {.id = 1, name = 'Test script'});
motion_script.script = `print('Hello world');`;
let reply = req.encodeAndSend(motion_script);
reply.then((msg) => {
     console.log('Got reply: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));
}).catch((msg) => {
     console.error('Failed: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));

request.login(login, password) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sends a login request to the server

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves if login is successful and fails otherwise. Returned message has a status code, which indicates a status of the login.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
login string User login.
password string User password.


let login_reply = req.login('operator', 'god123');
login_reply.then((reply) => {
     console.log('Logged-in successful: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));
}).catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to login: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));


Kind: instance method of Request


Kind: instance method of Request

request.logout() ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sends logout request to the server

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves if login is successful and fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

let logout_reply = req.logout();
logout_reply.then((reply) => {
     console.log('Logged-out successful: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));
}).catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to logout: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

request.getParameterTree(timeout_msec) ⇒ Promise.<ParameterTreeManager>

Requests a parameter tree manager to update its structure from the cache or from the server

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<ParameterTreeManager> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when the parameter tree is received or fails otherwise.
See: ParameterTreeManager

Param Type Description
timeout_msec integer Timeout in milliseconds.


let param_tree_reply = req.getParameterTree();
param_tree_reply.then((param_tree_manager) => {
     console.log('Got parameter tree msg: ' + JSON.stringify(param_tree_manager.getList()));
}).catch((param_tree) => {
     console.log('Failed to get parameter tree: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(param_tree.status));

request.getParameterTreeHash() ⇒ Promise.<ParameterTreeHashMsg>

Requests a parameter tree hash from the server

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<ParameterTreeHashMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when tree hash message is received or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, ParameterTreeHashMsg, StatusCode

let tree_hash_reply = req.getParameterTreeHash();
tree_hash_reply.then((tree_hash) => {
     console.log('Got parameter tree hash: ' + tree_hash.hash);
}).catch((tree_hash) => {
     console.log('Failed to get tree hash: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(tree_hash.status));

request.getParameter(path) ⇒ Promise.<ParameterMsg>

Requests a parameter with full information and value from the server

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<ParameterMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter message is successfully obtained, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, ParameterMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path string Parameter path in the tree.


let param_reply = req.getParameter('root/Control/actualActuatorPositions');
param_reply.then((param) => {
     console.log('Got parameter: ' + JSON.stringify(param));
}).catch((param) => {
     console.log('Failed to get parameter: ' + motorcortexs.statusToStr(param.status));

request.setParameter(path, value, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sets new value to a parameter with given path.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter value is updated or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path string Parameter path in the tree.
value any New parameter value.
[options] Object Various options to parametrize Set operation. For example 'offset' and 'length' could be used to set an element offset and number of the elements to update in the destination array.


// updates a value of a simple parameter
let reply_handle = req.setParameter('root/Motorcontroller/actualmode', 2);
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to set parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

// updates an array
req.setParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6]);
// updates single element of array with the offset 2 (index 3)
req.setParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', 1.0, {offset: 2});
// updates 2 elements of the arrays with the offset 4
req.setParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [10.0, 20.0], {offset: 4, length: 2});

request.overwriteParameter(path, value, force_activate, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Overwrites actual value of the parameter and depending on the flag forces this value to stay active. This method of setting values is useful during debug and installation process, it is not recommended to use this method during normal operation.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter value is updated or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Default Description
path string Parameter path in the tree.
value any New parameter value.
force_activate boolean false Forces new value to stay active. By default is set to 'false'.
[options] Object Various options to parametrize Set operation. For example 'offset' and 'length' could be used to set an element offset and number of the elements to update in the destination array.


// overwrite and force to stay active a value of a simple parameter
let reply_handle = req.overwriteParameter('root/Motorcontroller/actualmode', 2, true);
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to set parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

// overwrite and force to stay active an array
req.overwriteParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6], true);
// overwrite and release force of a single element of the array with an offset 2 (index 3)
req.overwriteParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', 1.0, {offset: 2});
// overwrite and force to stay active 2 elements of the arrays with an offset 4
req.overwriteParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [10.0, 20.0], {offset: 4, length: 2});

request.releaseParameter(path) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Deactivate overwrite operation of the parameter.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter overwrite is deactivated or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path string Path to a parameter in the tree.


let reply_handle = releaseParameter('root/Motorcontroller/actualmode');
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to release overwrite of the parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

request.setParameterList(param_list) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sets new values to a parameter list.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameters from the list are updated, otherwise fails.
See: setParameter, motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
param_list Array.<{path, value, options}> A list of the parameters to update values.


let reply_handle = req.setParameterList([{path: 'root/Motorcontroller/actualmode', value: 2},
     {path: 'root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', value: [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6]},
     {path: 'root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', value: [10.0, 20.0], options:  {offset: 4, length: 2}}]);
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to set list of parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

request.getParameterList(path_list, timeout_ms) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Get info and values of requested parameters.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when list of the parameter values is received, otherwise fails.
See: getParameter, motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path_list Array.<string> List of parameter paths.
timeout_ms number Reply timeout in milliseconds.


let reply_handle = req.getParameterList(['root/Motorcontroller/actualmode, 'root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6']);
reply_handle.then((param_list) => {
     console.log('Got parameter list: ' + JSON.stringify(param_list));
}).catch((param_list) => {
     console.log('Failed to get parameter list: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(param_list.status));

request.createGroup(path_list, group_alias, [frq_divider]) ⇒ Promise.<GroupStatusMsg>

Create a subscription group for a list of the parameters. This method is used inside Subscription class, use subscription class instead.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<GroupStatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when subscription is complete, fails otherwise.
See: Subscription, motorcortex.proto, GroupStatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path_list Array.<string> List of the parameters to subscribe to.
group_alias string Name of the group.
[frq_divider] number Frequency divider is downscaling factor of the group publish rate. Default value is 1, every cycle of the publisher.


// creates a group with two signals, which is published every 10th cycle.
let group_handle = req.createGroup(['root/Motorcontroller/actualmode, 'root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6'],
     'myGroup1', 10);
reply_handle.then((group) => {
     console.log('Group layout: ' + JSON.stringify(group));
}).catch((group) => {
     console.log('Failed to create group: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(group.status));

request.removeGroup(group_alias) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Unsubscribes from the group. This method is used inside Subscription class, use subscription class instead.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when the unsubscribe operation is complete, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
group_alias string Name of the group to unsubscribe from.


let group_handle = req.removeGroup('myGroup1');
group_handle.catch((group) => {
     console.log('Failed to remove group: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(group.status));

request.save(file_name) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Request a server to save a parameter tree in the file.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when save operation is completed, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
file_name string A file name where to save actual state of the parameter tree


let reply = req.save('controls.xml');
reply.catch((save) => {
     console.log('Failed to save parameters:' + motorcortex.statusToStr(save.status));

request.load(file_name) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Request a server to load value from the file to the parameter tree.

Kind: instance method of Request
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when load operation is complete, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
file_name string A file name from which to load values to the parameter tree.


let reply = req.load('controls.xml');
reply.catch((load) => {
     console.log('Failed to load parameters:' + motorcortex.statusToStr(load.status));


Request/Reply communication is used to send commands to a motorcortex server.

Kind: global class

new exports.RequestAsync(protobuf_types)

Creates request object

Param Type Description
protobuf_types MessageTypes Reference to an instance of the MessageTypes class.


Returns loaded message types.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync

requestAsync.connectionState() ⇒ number

Actual Request/reply connection state.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: number - Returns a connection state.

CONNECTING   0    The connection is not yet open
OPEN         1    The connection is open and ready to communicate
CLOSING      2    The connection is in the process of closing
CLOSED       3    The connection is closed or could not be opened


Closes connection to the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync

requestAsync.login(login, password) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sends a login request to the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves if login is successful and fails otherwise. Returned message has a status code, which indicates a status of the login.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
login string User login.
password string User password.


let login_reply = req.login('operator', 'god123');
login_reply.then((reply) => {
     console.log('Logged-in successful: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));
}).catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to login: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

requestAsync.logout() ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sends logout request to the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves if login is successful and fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

let logout_reply = req.logout();
logout_reply.then((reply) => {
     console.log('Logged-out successful: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));
}).catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to logout: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));


Kind: instance method of RequestAsync


Kind: instance method of RequestAsync

requestAsync.getParameterTree(timeout_msec) ⇒ Promise.<ParameterTreeManager>

Requests a parameter tree manager to update its structure from the cache or from the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<ParameterTreeManager> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when the parameter tree is received or fails otherwise.
See: ParameterTreeManager

Param Type Description
timeout_msec integer Timeout in milliseconds.


let param_tree_reply = req.getParameterTree();
param_tree_reply.then((param_tree_manager) => {
     console.log('Got parameter tree msg: ' + JSON.stringify(param_tree_manager.getList()));
}).catch((param_tree) => {
     console.log('Failed to get parameter tree: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(param_tree.status));

requestAsync.getParameterTreeHash() ⇒ Promise.<ParameterTreeHashMsg>

Requests a parameter tree hash from the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<ParameterTreeHashMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when tree hash message is received or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, ParameterTreeHashMsg, StatusCode

let tree_hash_reply = req.getParameterTreeHash();
tree_hash_reply.then((tree_hash) => {
     console.log('Got parameter tree hash: ' + tree_hash.hash);
}).catch((tree_hash) => {
     console.log('Failed to get tree hash: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(tree_hash.status));

requestAsync.getParameter(path) ⇒ Promise.<ParameterMsg>

Requests a parameter with full information and value from the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<ParameterMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter message is successfully obtained, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, ParameterMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path string Parameter path in the tree.


let param_reply = req.getParameter('root/Control/actualActuatorPositions');
param_reply.then((param) => {
     console.log('Got parameter: ' + JSON.stringify(param));
}).catch((param) => {
     console.log('Failed to get parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(param.status));

requestAsync.setParameter(path, value, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sets new value to a parameter with given path.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter value is updated or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path string Parameter path in the tree.
value any New parameter value.
[options] Object Various options to parametrize Set operation. For example 'offset' and 'length' could be used to set an element offset and number of the elements to update in the destination array.


// updates a value of a simple parameter
let reply_handle = req.setParameter('root/Motorcontroller/actualmode', 2);
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to set parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

// updates an array
req.setParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6]);
// updates single element of array with the offset 2 (index 3)
req.setParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', 1.0, {offset: 2});
// updates 2 elements of the arrays with the offset 4
req.setParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [10.0, 20.0], {offset: 4, length: 2});

requestAsync.overwriteParameter(path, value, force_activate, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Overwrites actual value of the parameter and depending on the flag forces this value to stay active. This method of setting values is useful during debug and installation process, it is not recommended to use this method during normal operation.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter value is updated or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Default Description
path string Parameter path in the tree.
value any New parameter value.
force_activate boolean false Forces new value to stay active. By default is set to 'false'.
[options] Object Various options to parametrize Set operation. For example 'offset' and 'length' could be used to set an element offset and number of the elements to update in the destination array.


// overwrite and force to stay active a value of a simple parameter
let reply_handle = req.overwriteParameter('root/Motorcontroller/actualmode', 2, true);
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to set parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

// overwrite and force to stay active an array
req.overwriteParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6], true);
// overwrite and release force of a single element of the array with an offset 2 (index 3)
req.overwriteParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', 1.0, {offset: 2});
// overwrite and force to stay active 2 elements of the arrays with an offset 4
req.overwriteParameter('root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', [10.0, 20.0], {offset: 4, length: 2});

requestAsync.releaseParameter(path) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Deactivate overwrite operation of the parameter.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameter overwrite is deactivated or fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path string Path to a parameter in the tree.


let reply_handle = releaseParameter('root/Motorcontroller/actualmode');
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to release overwrite of the parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

requestAsync.setParameterList(param_list) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Sets new values to a parameter list.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when parameters from the list are updated, otherwise fails.
See: setParameter, motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
param_list Array.<{path, value, options}> A list of the parameters to update values.


let reply_handle = req.setParameterList([{path: 'root/Motorcontroller/actualmode', value: 2},
     {path: 'root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', value: [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6]},
     {path: 'root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6', value: [10.0, 20.0], options:  {offset: 4, length: 2}}]);
reply_handle.catch((reply) => {
     console.log('Failed to set list of parameter: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(reply.status));

requestAsync.getParameterList(path_list, timeout_ms) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Get info and values of requested parameters.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when list of the parameter values is received, otherwise fails.
See: getParameter, motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path_list Array.<string> List of parameter paths.
timeout_ms number Reply timeout in milliseconds.


let reply_handle = req.getParameterList(['root/Motorcontroller/actualmode, 'root/Control/dummyDoubleArray6']);
reply_handle.then((param_list) => {
     console.log('Got parameter list: ' + JSON.stringify(param_list));
}).catch((param_list) => {
     console.log('Failed to get parameter list: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(param_list.status));

requestAsync.save(file_name) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Request a server to save a parameter tree in the file.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when save operation is completed, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
file_name string A file name where to save actual state of the parameter tree


let reply = req.save('controls.xml');
reply.catch((save) => {
     console.log('Failed to save parameters:' + motorcortex.statusToStr(save.status));

requestAsync.encode(msg) ⇒ Uint8Array

Encodes a data type from MessageTypes to a binary wire type.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Uint8Array - msg A binary array with encoded message.

Param Type Description
msg Object A message created by MotorcortexTypes.


let motion_script = motorcortex_types.createType('motion_spec.MotionScript', {.id = 1, name = 'Test script'});
motion_script.script = `print('Hello world');`;
let encoded_msg = req.encode(motion_script);

requestAsync.send(encoded_msg, timeout_ms) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Sends an encoded request to the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a Promise, which completes when reply from the server is received. If request fails, catch callback is triggered.

Param Type Description
encoded_msg Uint8Array A binary array with encoded message.
timeout_ms integer Timeout in milliseconds.


let joint2cart = calcJointToCart({
     cartpose: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
     jointpose: [0, 0, 1.57, 0, 1.57, 0] });
let reply = req.send(req.encode(joint2cart));
reply.then((msg) => {
     console.log('Got reply: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));
}).catch((msg) => {
     console.error('Failed: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));

requestAsync.sendMsg(msg) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Encodes and sends a request to the server

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a Promise, which completes when reply from the server is received.

Param Type Description
msg Object A message created by MotorcortexTypes.


let motion_script = motorcortex_types.createType('motion_spec.MotionScript', {.id = 1, name = 'Test script'});
motion_script.script = `print('Hello world');`;
let reply = req.encodeAndSend(motion_script);
reply.then((msg) => {
     console.log('Got reply: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));
}).catch((msg) => {
     console.error('Failed: ' + JSON.stringify(msg));

requestAsync.load(file_name) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Request a server to load value from the file to the parameter tree.

Kind: instance method of RequestAsync
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when load operation is complete, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
file_name string A file name from which to load values to the parameter tree.


let reply = req.load('controls.xml');
reply.catch((load) => {
     console.log('Failed to load parameters:' + motorcortex.statusToStr(load.status));


Container for the session parameters

Kind: global class

new ConnectionData(host, req_port, sub_port, security, request_timeout_ms, tree_timeout_ms, token_update_interval_ms, queue_length)

Creates connection data object

Param Type Description
host string Motorcortex server URL.
req_port number Request port.
sub_port number Subscribe port.
security boolean Use secured communication.
request_timeout_ms number Request timeout in milliseconds..
tree_timeout_ms number Request Parameter Tree timeout in milliseconds.
token_update_interval_ms number Toke update interval in milliseconds.
queue_length number Maximum size of the request queue.


Returns request URI, for example wss://

Kind: instance method of ConnectionData


Returns subscribe URI, for example wss://

Kind: instance method of ConnectionData


Returns request timeout in milliseconds.

Kind: instance method of ConnectionData


Returns parameter tree request timeout in milliseconds.

Kind: instance method of ConnectionData


Returns how often session toke is updated.

Kind: instance method of ConnectionData


Returns maximum length of the request queue.

Kind: instance method of ConnectionData


SessionManager manages a communication session for Request and Subscribe. SessionManager monitors if the connection is alive and tries to recover if the connection is lost.

Kind: global class

sessionManager.open(connection_data, login_data, options) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Opens new session.

Kind: instance method of SessionManager
Returns: Promise.<string> - A promise, which completes when connection is ready. If connection fails, a short error description is passed to the catch method.

Param Type Description
connection_data ConnectionData Motorcortex server URL and all necessary connection parameters.
login_data Object Login and password to access Motorcortex server.
options Object Extra option for future use.


let motorcortex_types = new motorcortex.MessageTypes();
let req = new motorcortex.RequestAsync(motorcortex_types);
let sub = new motorcortex.Subscribe(req);
let session = new motorcortex.SessionManager(req, sub);
let open_handle = session.open({
      host: '',
      security: true,
      request_port: 5568,
      subscribe_port: 5567,
      timeout_ms: 1000,
      queue_length: 1000
  }, {
      login: 'test',
      password: 'test'
      console.log('connection ready');
  }).catch(e => {
      console.log('connection failed:' + e.text);


Closes connection to the server

Kind: instance method of SessionManager

sessionManager.ready() ⇒ boolean

Checks if connection is ready

Kind: instance method of SessionManager
Returns: boolean - Returns True if connection is ready.

sessionManager.hasError() ⇒ boolean

Checks if there are connection errors

Kind: instance method of SessionManager
Returns: boolean - Returns True if connection is in the error state.

sessionManager.isConnecting() ⇒ boolean

Checks if there establishing connection is in progress

Kind: instance method of SessionManager
Returns: boolean - Returns True if establishing connection is in progress.

sessionManager.notify(observer) ⇒ number

Register an observer, which is notified after communcation state is changed.

Kind: instance method of SessionManager
Returns: number - id Unique identifier of the registered observer.

Param Type Description
observer Object A callback function, which is called after state is changed.


let motorcortex_types = new motorcortex.MessageTypes();
let req = new motorcortex.RequestAsync(motorcortex_types);
let sub = new motorcortex.Subscribe(req);
let session = new motorcortex.SessionManager(req, sub);
session.notify(data => {
  if (session.hasError()) {
      console.error('Session error: ' + motorcortex.SessionState.getInfo(data.state));
  } else {
      console.log('Session state: ' + motorcortex.SessionState.getInfo(data.state));
      if (session.ready()) {
          let tree = parameter_manager.getTree();


Removes an observer from the notify list.

Kind: instance method of SessionManager

Param Type Description
id number Unique identifier of the registered observer.


let id = session.notify(data => {});

sessionManager.getState(id) ⇒ SessionState

Returns an active state of the communication session.

Kind: instance method of SessionManager
Returns: SessionState - Session state description

Param Type Description
id number Unique identifier of the registered observer.


if (motorcortex.session.getState() == SessionState.OK) {
  // session is connected


Parameter value with a timestamp

Kind: global class

parameter.get() ⇒ Object

Gets a parameter timestamp and a value

Kind: instance method of Parameter
Returns: Object - Returns an object with parameter timestamp and value.
See: motorcortex.proto DataType

// Reads latest update from the subscription
let parameters = subscription.read();
// Iterates through all the parameters
for (let parameter of parameters) {
     // Gets time and value
     let time_value_pair = parameter.get();
     console.log('Parameter timestamp: ' + time_value_pair.timestamp + ' value: ', time_value_pair.value);

parameter.getTimestamp() ⇒ Timestamp

Gets parameter timestamp

Kind: instance method of Parameter
Returns: Timestamp - Returns parameter timestamp.

// Reads latest update from the subscription
let parameters = subscription.read();
// Iterates through all the parameters
for (let parameter of parameters) {
     // Gets time
     console.log('Parameter timestamp: ' + parameter.getTimestamp());

parameter.getValue() ⇒ DataType

Gets parameter value

Kind: instance method of Parameter
Returns: DataType - Returns parameter value.
See: motorcortex.proto DataType

Reads latest update from the subscription
let parameters = subscription.read();
// Iterates through all the parameters
for (let parameter of parameters) {
     // Gets value
     console.log('Parameter value: ', parameter.getValue());

parameter.toString() ⇒ string

Gets parameter as a string

Kind: instance method of Parameter
Returns: string - String formatted as 'timestamp: parameter'.

Reads latest update from the subscription
let parameters = subscription.read();
// Iterates through all the parameters
for (let parameter of parameters) {
     // Gets value
     console.log('Parameter value: ', parameter.toString());


Subscription class represents an active subscription group. It returns latest values and timestamps of the group parameters. Subscription class could be used as an observer, which notifies on every update or could be used as polling.

Kind: global class

subscription.id() ⇒ number

Returns subscription identifier

Kind: instance method of Subscription

subscription.alias() ⇒ string

Return group alias

Kind: instance method of Subscription

subscription.then(subscription_complete) ⇒ Promise.<GroupStatusMsg>

Returns a Promise which is resolved when subscription request is complete.

Kind: instance method of Subscription
See: motorcortex.proto GroupStatusMsg

Param Type Description
subscription_complete SubscriptionClb A callback which is resolved when subscription is complete.


let data_sub = sub.subscribe(["root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/enable",
     "root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/signalGenerator02/amplitude"], "group1");

data_sub.then((subscription) => {
     console.log("Subscribed: " + subscription);
}).catch((subscription) => {
     console.log("Subscription failed: " + motorcortex.statusToStr(subscription.status));

subscription.catch(subscription_failed) ⇒ Promise.<GroupStatusMsg>

Returns a Promise which is resolved when subscription request fails.

Kind: instance method of Subscription
See: motorcortex.proto GroupStatusMsg

Param Type Description
subscription_failed SubscriptionClb A callback which is resolved when subscription fails.


let data_sub = sub.subscribe(["root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/enable",
     "root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/signalGenerator02/amplitude"], "group1");

data_sub.then((subscription) => {
     console.log("Subscribed: " + subscription);
}).catch((subscription) => {
     console.log("Subscription failed: " + motorcortex.statusToStr(subscription.status));

subscription.read() ⇒ Array.<Parameter>

Reads the latest values of the parameters in the group

Kind: instance method of Subscription
Returns: Array.<Parameter> - Returns a list of parameters.

subscription.layout() ⇒ Array.<string>

Gets a layout of the group.

Kind: instance method of Subscription
Returns: Array.<string> - Returns ordered list of the parameters in the group.

let data_sub = sub.subscribe(["root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/enable",
     "root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/signalGenerator02/amplitude"], "group1");

data_sub.then((subscription) => {
     let group_layout = data_sub.layout();
     console.log("Subscribed for: " + group_layout.toString());


Sets an observer, which is notified on every group update.

Kind: instance method of Subscription

Param Type Description
observer SubscriptionUpdateClb A callback to notify when new values are available.


let data_sub = sub.subscribe(["root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/enable",
     "root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/signalGenerator02/amplitude"], "group1");

data_sub.then((subscription) {
     data_sub.notify((parameters) => {
         console.log('Received group update');
         let layout = data_sub.layout();
         for(let i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) {
             console.log("Parameter: " + layout[i] + " value: " + parameters[i].toString());


Subscribe class is used to receive continuous parameter updates from motorcortex server. Subscribe class simplifies creating and removing subscription groups.

Kind: global class

new exports.Subscribe(request)

Creates subscribe

Param Type Description
request Request A reference to the request object.

subscribe.connectionState() ⇒ number

Actual Publish/Subscribe connection state.

Kind: instance method of Subscribe
Returns: number - Returns a connection state.

CONNECTING   0    The connection is not yet open
OPEN         1    The connection is open and ready to communicate
CLOSING      2    The connection is in the process of closing
CLOSED       3    The connection is closed or could not be opened

subscribe.connect(url) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Opens a subscribe connection.

Kind: instance method of Subscribe
Returns: Promise.<string> - A promise, which completes when connection is ready. If connection is failed, short error description is passed to the cathe method.

Param Type Description
url string Motorcortex server URL.


let sub = new motorcortex.Subscribe(req);
let sub_conn_done = sub.connect(`ws://${server}:5557`);
sub_conn_done.then(() => {
     console.log('Subscribe connection is established');
.catch((reason) => {
     console.error('Failed to establish connection: ' + reason);


Closes connection to the server

Kind: instance method of Subscribe

subscribe.subscribe(path_list, group_alias, [frq_divider]) ⇒ Subscription.<GroupStatusMsg>

Create a subscription group for a list of the parameters.

Kind: instance method of Subscribe
Returns: Subscription.<GroupStatusMsg> - Returns a subscription handle, which acts as a JavaScript Promise, it is resolved when subscription is ready or failed. After the subscription is ready the handle is used to retrieve latest data.
See: Subscription, motorcortex.proto, GroupStatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
path_list Array.<string> List of the parameters to subscribe to.
group_alias string Name of the group.
[frq_divider] number Frequency divider is a downscaling factor of the group publish rate. Default value is 1, every cycle of the publisher.


let data_sub = sub.subscribe(["root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/enable",
     "root/Control/jointReferenceGenerator/signalGenerator02/amplitude"], "group1");

data_sub.then((subscription) => {
     console.log('Subscription is ready');
     // when subscription is ready, setting an update callback
     data_sub.notify((parameters) {
         console.log('Received group update');
         let layout = data_sub.layout();
         for(let i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) {
             console.log("Parameter: " + layout[i] + " value: " + parameters[i].toString());
}).catch((subscription) => {
     console.log('Failed to subscribe: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(group.status));

subscribe.unsubscribe(group_alias) ⇒ Promise.<StatusMsg>

Unsubscribe from the group.

Kind: instance method of Subscribe
Returns: Promise.<StatusMsg> - Returns a Promise, which resolves when the unsubscribe operation is complete, fails otherwise.
See: motorcortex.proto, StatusMsg, StatusCode

Param Type Description
group_alias string Name of the group to unsubscribe from.


let unsub_handle = req.unsubscribe('myGroup1');
unsub_handle.catch((unsubscribe) => {
     console.log('Failed to remove group: ' + motorcortex.statusToStr(unsubscribe.status));


Enumerator of possible session states

Kind: global constant

SessionState.getInfo(state) ⇒ string

Converts session state to the text

Kind: static method of SessionState
Returns: string - Text description of the session state.

Param Type Description
state number Id of the session state.


console.log('Session state: ' + motorcortex.SessionState.getInfo(motorcortex.SessionState.CONNECTION_FAILED));

SubscriptionClb : function

This callback is resolved when subscription is ready or failed.

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
status GroupStatusMsg A status and layout of the subscribe request.

SubscriptionUpdateClb : function

This callback notifies when subscription is updated with new values.

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
parameters Array.<Parameter> A list of values and timestamps, ordered according to the group layout.

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