
1.0.3 • Public • Published

Operational Endpoints for node.js


  • Ready.constructor - check constructor
  • Ready.handler - is the standard middleware handler for your http server, it returns responses as per UW operational endpoints spec - https://github.com/utilitywarehouse/operational-endpoints-spec/blob/master/READY.md
  • Ready.onCall(func callback) - registers a callback to be fired on each invocation of the handler. The callback gets an instance of the reporter as argument,You are required to call one of the reprter methods otherwise the middleware won't progress.
  • Reporter.ready - indicates the service is ready
  • Reporter.waiting - indicated the service is not ready yet


  • Health.constructor(string name, string description) - check constructor
  • Health.handler - is the standard middleware handler for your http server, it returns responses as per UW operational endpoints spec - https://github.com/utilitywarehouse/operational-endpoints-spec/blob/master/HEALTH.md
  • Ready.addCheck(string name, func callback) - registers a callback under given name to be executed on each invocation of the handler. The callback gets an instance of the reporter as argument,You are required to call one of the reporter methods otherwise the middleware won't progress.
  • Reporter.healthy(string output) - indicates the check is healthy with given output
  • Reporter.degraded(string output, string action) - indicates the check is in degraded state with given output and action to be taken to fix the issue
  • Reporter.unhealthy(string output, string action, string impact) - indicates the check is in unhealthy state with given output, action to be taken to fix the issue as well as the impact the issue has on the service


  • About.constructor - constructor
  • About.handler - is the standard middleware handler for your http server, it returns responses as per UW operational endpoints spec - https://github.com/utilitywarehouse/operational-endpoints-spec/blob/master/ABOUT.md
  • About.fromFile(string filePath) - will synchronously load properties from a JSON file
  • About.setMeta(string name, string description) - sets meta name information
  • About.addOwner({string name, string slack, string email}) - adds ownership information (can add multiple owners by calling this method multiple times)
  • About.addLink(string description, string link) - adds link information (can add multiple links by calling this method multiple times)
  • About.setBuildInfo({string revision, ...info}) - adds build information
  • About.addOther(key, value) - adds arbitrary value, key will be automatically prefixed with _

Build info

For CI there's an extra command line tool provided called build-info:

  Usage: build-info [options]


    -h, --help              output usage information
    -V, --version           output the version number
    -l --link <string>      link to build
    -n --number <string>    build number
    -r --revision <string>  code revision
    -o --output [string]    output file

Circle info

For convinience, above command has been preconfigured to read from CircleCI environment, available as circle-info.


const express = require('express');
const operational = require('../index');
const path = require('path');

const app = express();

const ready = new operational.Ready();
const health = new operational.Health();
const about = new operational.About();

ready.onCall(r => {

health.addCheck('api', r => {
	r.healthy('api is available');

health.addCheck('cache', r => {
	r.degraded('redis went away', 'check pods');

health.addCheck('db', r => {
	r.unhealthy('db not configured', 'configure db', 'app unusable');

about.setMeta('name', 'description');
about.addOwner({name: 'Web Systems Team', slack: '#web-systems', email: 'it-websystems@utilitywarehosue.co.uk'});
about.addLink('README', 'https://github.com/utilitywarehouse/uw-lib-operational.js/README.md');
about.fromFile(path(__dirname, 'build.json'));

app.use('/__/about', about.handler);
app.use('/__/ready', ready.handler);
app.use('/__/health', health.handler);

app.listen(3000, () => {
	console.log('Example ready on');




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  • uw-deploy