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The JavaScript web client SDK for userdocks. Securly store, access, and refresh access tokens in your browser application.

Table of Contents


npm i @userdocks/web-client-sdk


Use the module in the project:

import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

const options = {
  // e.g. if using a cname
  authServer: {
    domain: `<domain-of-the-auth-server>`
    apiUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
    paymentUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
    loginUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
    sdkUri: '<the-payment-uri-of-your-application>',
  app: {
    refreshType: '<refresh> or <silentRefresh>'
    origin: '<the-uri-of-your-application>',
    clientId: '<an-uuid-of-an-application-on-uderdocks>',
    redirectUri: '<the-redirect-uri-of-your-application>',

// initialize userdocks with your config
await userdocks.initialize(options);
// if you want to destroy the store of your tokens

await userdocks.exchangeCodeForToken();
await userdocks.getToken();
await userdocks.refresh();
// only if refreshType in your options is silentRefresh
await userdocks.silentRefresh();
userdocks.redirectTo({ type: 'signIn' });
await userdocks.logout();'


Documentation of all the functions and methods this SDK exposes.


This method must be called before using any other methods.


Returns a promise

import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

await userdocks.initialize(options);


  • options <object>: an object holding two key value pairs
    • authServer <object | undefined>: an object holding four key value pairs
      • domain <string | undefined>: the domain of the authetication server (optional)
      • apiUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the api of the authetication server (optional)
      • paymentUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the payment page of the authetication server (optional)
      • loginUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the login page of the authetication server (optional)
      • sdkUri <string | undefined>: the uri of the SDK of the authetication server (optional)
    • app <object>: an object holding three key value pairs
      • refreshType: <'silentRefresh' | 'refresh'>: How to refresh your authorization tokens (optional)
        • silentRefresh: uses cookies and an iframe for refreshing the tokens (authServer is required with this option)
        • refresh: uses the localStorage or sessionStorage (only for the refresh token, the access token is only stored in memory) and an HTTP request to refresh the tokens (default value)
      • origin <string>: the uri of the client application (required)
      • clientId <string>: the UUID of an userdocks application (required)
      • redirectUri <string>: the redirect uri of the userdocks application (required)

Return Value

  • undefined <undefined>


Returns a boolean indicating if the userdocks object is already initialized.


import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';


Return Value

  • isInitialized <boolean>


Returns void and resets the store and web worker of userdocks.


import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';


Return Value

  • undefined <undefined>


Note: This method is used on the callback page e.g. the redirect uri

Returns a promise that should resolve to a boolean that indicates if an exchange for a token was successful or not.


Returns a promise that should resolve a boolean.

import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

const isSuccessfulExchange = await userdocks.exchangeCodeForToken();

Return Value

  • isSuccessfulExchange <boolean>: a promise that should resolve a boolean


Returns a promise that should resolve a token object.


Returns a boolean that should resolve a new object.

import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';
const token = await userdocks.getToken(getTokenOptions);


  • getTokenOptions <object | undefined>
    • refresh <boolean>: If set to true it will automatically refresh the token. Default: false

Return Value

  • token <object>: a promise that should resolve an object holding 6 key value pairs
    • tokenType <"Bearer" | null>
    • expiresIn <number | null>: time the token is valid in ms
    • redirectUri <string | null>
    • idToken <string | null>
    • accessToken <string | null>
    • refreshToken <string | null>


Note: This method is used when a request fails or the json web token is expired or will expire in near future

Note: This method of refreshing tokens can only be used with CNAMES. Otherwise this will not refresh your tokens when your client has set its cookie settings to disallow third-party-cookies

Returns a promise that should resolve to a boolean that indicates if an refresh of the tokens was successful or not.


Returns a promise that should resolve a boolean.

import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

const isSuccessfulExchange = await userdocks.silentRefresh();

Return Value

  • isSuccessfulExchange <boolean>: a promise that should resolve a boolean


Note: This method is used when a request fails or the json web token is expired or will expire in near future

Note: This method is the default method of refreshing tokens

Returns a promise that should resolve to a boolean that indicates if an refresh of the tokens was successful or not.


Returns a promise that should resolve a boolean.

import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

const isSuccessfulExchange = await userdocks.refresh();

Return Value

  • isSuccessfulExchange <boolean>: a promise that should resolve a boolean


Returns a string setting the window.location.href to the 'signIn' or 'signUp' page.


Returns a string.

import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

  type: 'signIn',


  • options <object>: an object holding two keys
    • payment <object>: an object holding 3 keys (optional) (required if type is set to <payment>)
      • sessionId: the id of your checkout session created via the rest api
      • hash: the hash of the session created via the rest api
      • state: a 64 character long state that you generated on your client and will be challenged on the server when accessing the payment page
    • type: <'signIn' | 'signUp' | 'unauthenticated' | 'logout' | 'payment'>: use signIn or signUp to redirect to the sign in or sign up page. Use payment to redirect to the payment page. Use unauthenticated to redirect after an unauthenticated access to your page or after a refresh failed. Use logout when logging out users without clearing your refresh token (otherwise use the logout function).

Return Value

  • string <string>


Returns a promise that should resolve void.


import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

await userdocks.logout();

Return Value

  • logout <void>


Returns a random string that can be used for generating a client site state for e.g. a payment page.


import userdocks from '@userdocks/web-client-sdk';

const state = await userdocks.generateState(64);


  • length <number>: an integer defining the length of the state

Return Value

  • state <string>: a random string matching the length of the input parameter

Usage for Development

Start the watcher and link the package locally:

npm run watch
npm run link

Link the package in the project where it will be used:

# if you run "npm i" in your project you need to re-run this command
npm link @userdocks/web-client-sdk

To use this module with typescript and with npm link add the follwing to your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "@userdocks/web-client-sdk": [



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npm i @userdocks/web-client-sdk

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  • jpeer
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