npm install --save @types/css-modules-require-hook
This package contains type definitions for css-modules-require-hook (
Files were exported from
declare module "css-modules-require-hook" {
interface Options {
/** Helps you to invalidate cache of all require calls. */
devMode?: boolean | undefined;
/** Attach the require hook to additional file extensions. */
extensions?: string | string[] | undefined;
/** Provides possibility to exclude particular files from processing. */
ignore?: string | RegExp | ((filepath: string) => boolean) | undefined;
/** In rare cases you may want to precompile styles, before they will be passed to the PostCSS pipeline. */
preprocessCss?: Function | undefined;
/** In rare cases you may want to get compiled styles in runtime, so providing this option helps. */
processCss?: Function | undefined;
/** Provides possibility to pass custom options to the LazyResult instance. */
processorOpts?: Object | undefined;
/** Camelizes exported class names. */
camelCase?: boolean | undefined;
/** Appends custom plugins to the end of the PostCSS pipeline. */
append?: any[] | undefined;
/** Prepends custom plugins to the beginning of the PostCSS pipeline. */
prepend?: any[] | undefined;
/** Provides the full list of PostCSS plugins to the pipeline. */
use?: any[] | undefined;
/** Short alias for the postcss-modules-extract-imports plugin's createImportedName option. */
createImportedName?: Function | undefined;
/** Short alias for the postcss-modules-scope plugin's option. */
generateScopedName?: string | Function | undefined;
/** Short alias for the generic-names helper option. */
hashPrefix?: string | undefined;
/** Short alias for the postcss-modules-local-by-default plugin's option. */
mode?: string | undefined;
/** Provides absolute path to the project directory. */
rootDir?: string | undefined;
var requireHook: (options?: Options) => void;
export = requireHook;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 22:41:05 GMT
- Dependencies: none
These definitions were written by Cedric van Putten.