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Cache requests of twitter-api-v2 using a Redis server


import { createClient } from 'redis'
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2'
import { TwitterApiCachePluginRedis } from '@twitter-api-v2/plugin-cache-redis'

const redisInstance = createClient()
const client = new TwitterApi(yourKeys, { plugins: [new TwitterApiCachePluginRedis(redisInstance)] })

// First request: download from Twitter
await client.v2.me()

// Second request: served from Redis
await client.v2.me()

// One parameter has changed: new request to Twitter
await client.v2.me({ expansions: ['pinned_tweet_id'] })


  • Requests are not scoped by user, so the same request for different users will be cached under the same key. You can extend TwitterApiCachePluginRedis class to implement a different strategy.

  • Default TTL is when rate limit expires. It means that request cache will be automatically deleted when your rate limit for a given endpoint is reset.

    You can edit this by setting the ttl options:

    const redisPlugin = new TwitterApiCachePluginRedis(redisInstance, { ttl: 60000 }) // 60 seconds (in milliseconds)

    Use 0 to disable TTL.

  • If you leave default TTL option (reset), you should define a strategy to apply when a request without rate limit information comes in. Default strategy is to apply a TTL of 15 minutes.

    You can edit this by setting the ttlIfNoRateLimit options:

    const redisPlugin = new TwitterApiCachePluginRedis(redisInstance, { ttlIfNoRateLimit: 60000 }) // 60 seconds (in milliseconds)

    Use 0 to disable TTL. This option has no effect of ttl is a number.

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  • alkihis