🇺🇦 vue-eternal-loading
The Infinity loading component is written in TypeScript for Vue 3. No dependencies.
- 4 directional ( top / left / right / bottom)
- 4 loading states ( loading / no-more / no-results / error )
- Custom markup & styles
- Works in browsers & bundlers
- SSR friendly
yarn add @ts-pro/vue-eternal-loading
npm install @ts-pro/vue-eternal-loading
<!-- Vue 3 must be loaded before `vue-eternal-loading` -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ts-pro/vue-eternal-loading/dist/vue-eternal-loading.umd.js"></script>
Simple usage:
<VueEternalLoading :load="load"></VueEternalLoading>
const PAGE_SIZE = 5;
// We need to pass this method to the component,
// and it will be called automatically when needed.
async function load({ loaded }) {
// Load your data from the server or any other source.
const loadedItems = await loadItems(page);
page += 1;
// Call the `loaded` callback with 2 arguments:
// 1. The number of items we have loaded
// 2. Our page size to know when we have reached the end
loaded(loadedItems.length, PAGE_SIZE);
Guide & demo:
Check out our vue-eternal-loading docs
List releases vue-eternal-loading releases
Vue2 support
Our component is specifically designed for Vue 3. If you are looking for a solution for Vue 2, you can check out this library vue-infinite-loading.
Please feel free to create an issue or submit a feature request vue-eternal-loading issues
MIT License