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Topcoder Submission API Wrapper

Wrapper library for Topcoder Submission API

How to use this Wrapper

  1. Include the wrapper in package.json as follows

    "topcoder-submission-api-wrapper": "topcoder-platform/topcoder-submission-api-wrapper.git"
  2. Create an instance of this wrapper with any one of the approaches listed below, depending on your use case

    M2M Authentication Configuration:

    const submissionApi = require('topcoder-submission-api-wrapper')
    const submissionApiM2MClient = submissionApi(_.pick(config,
    • AUTH0_URL - the auth0 url
    • AUTH0_AUDIENCE - the auth0 audience
    • TOKEN_CACHE_TIME - (optional) the token cache time
    • AUTH0_CLIENT_ID - the auth0 client id, used as credential
    • AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET - the auth0 client secret, used as credential
    • AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL - (optional) the auth0 proxy server url
    • SUBMISSION_API_URL - Topcoder V5 Submission API URL. E.g. https://api.topcoder-dev.com/v5
    • PAGE - the page number
    • PER_PAGE - the page size
    • MAX_PAGE_SIZE - the max number of page size

    User Credentials Authentication Configuration:

    const submissionApiUserCredentialsClient = submissionApi(_.pick(config,
    • USERNAME - Topcoder handle
    • PASSWORD - Topcoder password
    • TC_AUTHN_URL - OAUTH2 token URL, e.g. https://topcoder.auth0.com/oauth/ro or for dev https://topcoder-dev.auth0.com/oauth/ro
    • TC_AUTHZ_URL - Topcoder API token URL, e.g. https://api.topcoder.com/v3/authorizations or for dev https://api.topcoder-dev.com/v3/authorizations
    • TC_CLIENT_ID - OAUTH2 Client ID, e.g. 6ZwZEUo2ZK4c50aLPpgupeg5v2Ffxp9P or for dev JFDo7HMkf0q2CkVFHojy3zHWafziprhT
    • TC_CLIENT_V2CONNECTION - The OAUTH2 Client data source, e.g. LDAP or for dev TC-User-Database
    • SUBMISSION_API_URL - Topcoder V5 Submission API URL. E.g. https://api.topcoder.com/v5 or for dev https://api.topcoder-dev.com/v5

    JWT Method Argument Authentication Configuration:

    const submissionJwtMethodArgClient = submissionApi(_.pick(config,
    • SUBMISSION_API_URL - Topcoder V5 Submission API URL. E.g. https://api.topcoder.com/v5 or for dev https://api.topcoder-dev.com/v5
  3. Every function in this wrapper will return a promise, Handling promises is at the caller end. Call the functions with appropriate arguments


const reviewTypeId = '8f4e8b6a-0ad2-4ff6-ab19-afeb102ff3b4'

  .createReviewType({ name: 'test-for-create', isActive: true })
  .then(result => console.log(result.body, result.status))
  .catch(err => console.log(err))

await submissionApiClient.deleteReviewType(reviewTypeId)

const result = await submissionApiClient.searchReviews({ page: 2, perPage: 30 })

Refer index.js for the list of available wrapper functions

Documentation for wrapper methods

All URIs are relative to SUBMISSION_API_URL configuration variable.

Review Types wrapper methods

Method HTTP request Description
searchReviewTypes GET /reviewTypes Search review types.
headReviewTypes HEAD /reviewTypes Same to search review types, but only response status and headers information return.
createReviewType POST /reviewTypes Create a review type.
getReviewType GET /reviewTypes/{reviewTypeId} Get the review type.
headReviewType HEAD /reviewTypes/{reviewTypeId} Same to get review type, but only response status and headers information return.
updateReviewType PUT /reviewTypes/{reviewTypeId} Fully update review type.
patchReviewType PATCH /reviewTypes/{reviewTypeId} Partially update review type.
deleteReviewType DELETE /reviewTypes/{reviewTypeId} Delete the review type.

Reviews wrapper methods

Method HTTP request Description
searchReviews GET /reviews Search reviews.
headReviews HEAD /reviews Same to search reviews, but only response status and headers information return.
createReview POST /reviews Create a review.
getReview GET /reviews/{reviewId} Get the review.
headReview HEAD /reviews/{reviewId} Same to get review, but only response status and headers information return.
updateReview PUT /reviews/{reviewId} Fully update review.
patchReview PATCH /reviews/{reviewId} Partially update review.
deleteReview DELETE /reviews/{reviewId} Delete the review.

Review Summations wrapper methods

Method HTTP request Description
searchReviewSummations GET /reviewSummations Search review summations.
headReviewSummations HEAD /reviewSummations Same to search review summations, but only response status and headers information return.
createReviewSummation POST /reviewSummations Create a review summation.
getReviewSummation GET /reviewSummations/{reviewSummationId} Get the review summation.
headReviewSummation HEAD /reviewSummations/{reviewSummationId} Same to get review summation, but only response status and headers information return.
updateReviewSummation PUT /reviewSummations/{reviewSummationId} Fully update review summation.
patchReviewSummation PATCH /reviewSummations/{reviewSummationId} Partially update review summation.
deleteReviewSummation DELETE /reviewSummations/{reviewSummationId} Delete the review summation.

Submissions wrapper methods

Method HTTP request Description
searchSubmissions GET /submissions Search submissions.
headSubmissions HEAD /submissions Same to search submissions, but only response status and headers information return.
createSubmission POST /submissions Create a submission.
getSubmission GET /submissions/{submissionId} Get the submission.
headSubmission HEAD /submissions/{submissionId} Same to get submission, but only response status and headers information return.
updateSubmission PUT /submissions/{submissionId} Fully update submission.
patchSubmission PATCH /submissions/{submissionId} Partially update submission.
deleteSubmission DELETE /submissions/{submissionId} Delete the submission.
downloadSubmission GET /submissions/{submissionId}/download Download the submission.
createArtifact POST /submissions/{submissionId}/artifacts Create artifact for submission.
listArtifacts GET /submissions/{submissionId}/artifacts List artifacts of specified submission.
downloadArtifact GET /submissions/{submissionId}/artifacts/{artifactId}/download Download artifact
deleteArtifact DELETE /submissions/{submissionId}/artifacts/{artifactId} Delete artifact


The wrapper internally generates the JWT token based on the method used when initialising the wrapper (m2m v/s user) or uses the jwt passed during method invocation and passes it in the Authorization header.

Running tests

Following environment variables need to be set up before running the tests


Refer to Step # 2 in this section to learn more about the configuration variables.

To run the tests alone, execute the command

npm run test

To run tests with coverage report, execute the command

npm run cov




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  • rootelement
  • dushyantbhalgami
  • vikasrohit