
0.4.11 • Public • Published

Glaze Components




Attributes and Properties

Name Attribute (name) Property Type Optional Reason
type ✅ (type) String Which FontAwesome Classic style to use. Defaults to "solid".
icon ✅ (icon) String Which icon to display.
sharp ✅ (sharp) Boolean Whether to use the FontAwesome Pro Sharp style.
spin ✅ (spin) Boolean Whether to spin this icon.
fixedWidth ✅ (fixed-width) Boolean Whether to render this icon as a fixed width.
focusable ✅ (focusable) Boolean Whether this icon is focusable via keyboard navigation.
title ✅ (title) String An alternate title to render for accessibility.
transforms ✅ (transforms) String A string of power transforms to apply to this icon.

Note that while icon is technically optional, you will very likely have a very bad time with a blank icon.
Additionally, note that title is an accessibility feature and while it is an optional property, it should be included.


Parameter Reason Optional
definitions Provide FontAwesome icon definitions for the Icon component to reference

register defines the glaze-icon custom element so it's available to use.

definitions provide a shortcut for registering FontAwesome icon definitions for the Icon component to use.


Parameter Reason Optional
definitions Provide FontAwesome icon definitions for the Icon component to reference

If the component has already been registered with the custom element registry, addDefinitions can update the list of available icons to use at any time.




Attributes and Properties

Name Attribute (name) Property Type Optional Reason
show ✅ (show) Boolean Whether the modal is visible or not.
label ✅ (label) String A text label to add to the dialog element for accessibility purposes.
defaultCloseButton ✅ (default-close-button) Boolean Whether to show the small close button "x" in the top right corner.

Note that label is an accessibility feature and while it is an optional property, it should be included.


register defines the glaze-modal custom element so it's available to use.

As a side effect, #register also registers the Icon component and the Solid-style X-Mark icon to be used as the close button.


Name Payload When
glaze-modal-open null When the show property is changed, and becomes true.
glaze-modal-close null When the show property is changed, and becomes false.




Attributes and Properties

Name Attribute (name) Property Type Optional Reason
type ✅ (type) String Which notification type to display. Options are neutral (equivalent to no type at all), info, okay, attention, and alert.
dismissible ✅ (dismissible) String Whether to show the "x" close button on the right side of the notification.
centered ✅ (centered) Boolean Whether to center the text of this notification.
banner ✅ (banner) Boolean Whether to display as a banner, which has fixed position and width.
icon ✅ (icon) Boolean Whether to show the icon for this type of notification.
inline ✅ (inline) Boolean Whether to display as a very minimal output.
icons Object The icons to use when rendering this Notification. See #changeIcons or #defaultIcons for more info.


register defines the glaze-notification custom element so it's available to use.

As side effects, #register also registers the Icon component and the Solid-style Bullhorn, Circle Info, Circle Check, Circle X-Mark, Triangle Exclamation, and X-Mark icons.


By default, the Notification component ships with FontAwesome Free Solid icons.

Before you register the Notification with the custom element registry (e.g. by calling Notification.register()), you can redefine what icons to use by passing an object to changeIcons.

Parameter Reason Optional
list Provide FontAwesome icon definitions for the Notification component to reference

The list object should have at least these keys: neutral, info, okay, attention, alert, close.

Each entry should have an array value that holds the icon name, type, and whether or not it should be the sharp style.

See the defaultIcons below for an example definition.


As noted above, the Notification component ships with Free Solid icons.

The default value is:

	"neutral":		[ "bullhorn",				"solid", false ],
	"info": 		[ "circle-info",			"solid", false ],
	"okay":			[ "circle-check",			"solid", false ],
	"attention":	[ "triangle-exclamation",	"solid", false ],
	"alert":		[ "circle-xmark",			"solid", false ],
	"close":		[ "xmark",					"solid", false ]


createBanner creates a new Notification component without needing to render it directly into an HTML template.

Parameter Reason Optional
options How and what to render for this Notification

options defaults to:

	"type": "neutral",
	"content": undefined,
	"centered": true,
	"dismissible": true,
	"icon": true,
	"icons": Notification.defaultIcons

These options properties map directly to the attributes and properties of the same names, with the exception of content.

options.content is a required property (unless you would like to render an empty banner notification), and is rendered as a direct child of the Notification (e.g. <Notification>${options.content}</Notification>).




Attributes and Properties

Name Attribute (name) Property Type Optional Reason
attach Object The DOM element to attach the popover to. Defaults to document.body.
visible ✅ (visible) Boolean Whether this popover should be visible or not. Defaults to false.
placement ✅ (placement) String Any of the values defined by floating-ui. For example: right-end.
blurClose ✅ (blur-close) Boolean Whether a click outside the component should close the component. Note that the event listener is bound regardless, but only causes behavior when blurClose is true.
considerInside ✅ (consider-inside) Array A list of additional nodes to ignore when computing whether a click has occurred "outside" the popover. Normally, only the popover and its .attach are considered "inside". This list allows more nodes that will be added to that list.
offsets ✅ (offsets) Object An object with the properties skidding and distance. Skidding moves the popover along the edge of the attach element (parallel), while distance moves the popover away from the edge of the attach element (perpendicular). See the axesOffsets of the Offset middleware for more information. Neither value is optional if any value is provided.


register defines the glaze-popover custom element so it's available to use.


Name Payload When
glaze-popover-visibility Boolean When the visible property is changed.


Name Use
default This is the content that is displayed in the popover.

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