Module extending @theia-extension-tester/mocha-runner functionality. Its only purpose is to create new Eclipse Che workbench and run tests in the workbench. In order to create workbench the user must provide devfile.yml.
Install via npm
npm install @theia-extension-tester/che-factory-runner
Install via yarn
yarn add @theia-extension-tester/che-factory-runner
Create new CheTheiaFactoryRunner object. For browser creation please refer to @theia-extension-tester/che-browser and for authenticator see @theia-extension-tester/openshift-authenticator.
Some Devfile urls can be found in Devfile registry.
const runner = new CheTheiaFactoryRunner(browser, {
// Base Eclipse Che url.
cheUrl: cheUrl,
// Url to devfile.yml. Must be on accessible public
// place (e.g. GitHub repository).
factoryUrl: devfileUrl,
// Mocha options
mochaOptions: {
// Factory attributes to be appended to Url.
// This attribute is used when it is desirable
// to override some field in Devfile.
factoryAttributes: {
}, authenticator);
Then it is possible to run tests in provided browser.
await runner.runTests([