is a collection of core Astro components designed to streamline asset management and simplify form creation in your Astro projects, among other features. These components provide a flexible, powerful set of tools for handling images, videos, form fields, buttons, anchor, external links, etc.
npm install @terrahq/astro-core
To use the components from astro-core
, simply import them into your Astro project:
//Import example
import { Asset, ButtonLink } from "@terrahq/astro-core";
* Renders an asset component (Image, Video, or Lottie) dynamically based on the type provided in the payload.
* @param {Object} Astro.props - The props object passed into the component.
* @param {Object} Astro.props.payload - Contains asset data and options.
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.type - The type of the asset, which determines which component to render. Expected values are:
* - `"Image"`: Renders the `Image` component.
* - `"Video"`: Renders the `Video` component.
* - `"Lottie"`: Renders the `Lottie` component.
* @example Usage:
type: "Image",
url: "",
alt: "Example Image",
customClass: "image-class",
type: "Lottie",
url: "",
customClass: "my-lottie-animation",
animType: "canvas",
loop: true,
autoplay: false,
name: "myLottie"
type: "Video",
url: "",
customClass: "my-video",
attributes: { controls: true, poster: "" },
width: 1280,
height: 720
* Renders an image element with lazy loading, aspect ratio, srcset, and other configurable attributes.
* Dynamic Behavior:
* - Lazy Loading: If `lazy` is `true`, the `data-src` and `data-srcset` attributes are used instead of `src` and `srcset`, enabling lazy loading.
* - Aspect Ratio: If `aspectRatio` is `true` and both `width` and `height` are provided, an `aspect-ratio` style is applied to maintain the image's aspect ratio.
* - Srcset: Automatically generates a `srcset` for responsive images if `width` is provided in the `attributes`.
* @param {Object} Astro.props - The props object passed into the component.
* @param {Object} Astro.props.payload - Contains image-related data and options.
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.url - The image URL.
* @param {string} [Astro.props.payload.sizes] - The sizes attribute for responsive images.
* @param {string} [Astro.props.payload.alt] - The alt text for the image (important for accessibility).
* @param {string} [Astro.props.payload.customClass] - Custom classes to apply to the image.
* @param {boolean} [Astro.props.payload.lazy=true] - Enables lazy loading for the image. Default is `true`.
* @param {boolean} [Astro.props.payload.aspectRatio=true] - Enables aspect ratio styling for the image. Default is `true`.
* @param {boolean} [Astro.props.payload.decodingAsync=true] - Determines if the image should be decoded asynchronously. Default is `true`.
* @param {boolean} [Astro.props.payload.fetchPriority=false] - Determines if the image should have high fetch priority. Default is `false`.
* @param {Object} [Astro.props.payload.attributes] - Additional image attributes like width, height, etc.
* @example Usage:
type: "Image",
url: "",
sizes: "(max-width: 600px) 480px, 800px",
alt: "Example image",
customClass: "image-class",
lazy: true,
aspectRatio: true,
decodingAsync: true,
fetchPriority: true,
attributes: {
width: 1024,
height: 768
* Renders a video component based on the `payload` properties.
* @param {Object} Astro.props - The props object passed into the component.
* @param {Object} Astro.props.payload - Contains video data and options.
* @param {boolean} Astro.props.payload.isBoostify - Whether the video uses Boostify integration.
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.video_type - The type of video source: "url" or "file".
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.video_url - The URL of the video (for embeds).
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.video_file - The file path of the video (for file-based rendering).
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.format - Video format (e.g., mp4).
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.poster_url - Poster image URL for the video.
* @param {boolean} Astro.props.payload.hasPosterImg - Indicates if a poster image slot is provided.
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.customClass - Custom CSS class for styling.
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.boostifyClass - CSS class for Boostify integration.
* @param {number} Astro.props.payload.width - Width of the video.
* @param {number} Astro.props.payload.height - Height of the video.
* @example Usage:
type: "Video",
video_type: 'url',
video_url: '',
customClass: 'video-class',
isBoostify: false,
type: "Video",
video_type: 'file',
video_file: '/asset/video/placeholder.mp4',
hasPosterImg: true,
poster_url: ''
customClass: 'video-class',
⚠️ For lotties use dependency @terrahq/helpers.
* Renders a Lottie animation element using a `div` with custom data attributes.
* @param {Object} Astro.props - The props object passed into the component.
* @param {Object} Astro.props.payload - Contains Lottie-related data and options.
* @param {string} Astro.props.payload.url - The URL to the Lottie JSON animation file.
* @param {string} [Astro.props.payload.customClass] - Custom classes to apply to the Lottie `div`.
* @param {string} [Astro.props.payload.animType="svg"] - The type of animation format.
* @param {boolean} [Astro.props.payload.loop=true] - Whether the animation should loop. Default is `true`.
* @param {boolean} [Astro.props.payload.autoplay=true] - Whether the animation should start playing automatically. Default is `true`.
* @param {string} ["lottie-asset"] - The name identifier for the Lottie animation instance. Default is `"lottie-asset"`.
* @example Usage:
type: "Lottie",
url: "",
customClass: "my-lottie-animation",
loop: true,
autoplay: false,
name: "myLottie"
* @param {Object} payload - The configuration object for the link/button.
* @param {string} [payload.href] - URL for external links.
* @param {string} [payload.label] - Text label for the link/button (used if no children are passed).
* @param {string} [payload.option='external_link'] - Determines link behavior: 'internal_link', 'external_link', 'scroll_to_section', or 'open_modal'.
* @param {string} [payload.section_id] - ID of the section to scroll to.
* @param {string} [payload.ariaLabel] - Accessibility label for the link/button.
* @param {string} [payload.customClass=''] - CSS class to apply to the rendered element.
* @returns {JSX.Element} - Returns an <a>, <button>, or <div> with a slot based on the configuration.
* @examples
<ButtonLink payload={{ href: "/about-us", option: "internal_link", customClass: "link-class", label: "About Us" }} />
// Render as: <a href="/about-us" class="link-class">About Us</a>
// NOTE: For Sanity projects, use getURL() helper function for internal links. See src/utilities/astro/getUrl.js on Terra front repository for reference.
<ButtonLink payload={{ href: "", option: "external_link", customClass: "external-link", label: "Visit Example" }} />
//Render as: <a href="" class="external-link" target="_blank">Visit Example</a>
<ButtonLink payload={{ option: "scroll_to_section", customClass: "scroll-button", label: "Scroll Down" }} />
//Render as: <button class="scroll-button">Scroll Down</button>
<ButtonLink payload={{ option: "button", customClass: "action-button", label: "Click Me" }} />
//Render as: <button class="action-button">Click Me</button>
<ButtonLink payload={{ label: "Default Content" }} />
//Render as: <div>Default Content</div>
Form fields core components docs - WIP
- 0.1.4: Add name attribute to Textarea and Select input.
- 0.1.3: Add Textarea, Label and Select input to form-fields components.
0.1.2: Improve
function to handle non-string inputs safely and prevent runtime errors. - 0.1.1: Add helper function to handle cleanup of alt string
- 0.1.0: Remove modal option from button link and fix lazyloading default to false
- 0.0.8: Fix Video asset slot rendering.
- 0.0.7: Update lottie payload. Loop and name now convert boolean to string properly.
- 0.0.6: Update lottie payload with dynamic url, loop and name.