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Vue-CLI MEVN Plugin

For Vue-CLI v3.x only

Easily Add MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node), ES6-ready stack to your Vue-CLI project.


Generate a project using vue-cli 3.0 (or use your current Vue-CLI project)

vue create my-app

cd my-app

Add the plugin to your project

vue add @tegain/vue-cli-plugin-mevn

You'll then have to configure your API and database access with a few questions:

# API Port (default: 5000). 
# Access the API at http://localhost:<PORT>
- Enter API PORT

# Database connection URL (local or remote). 
# Must be a valid `mongodb://` URL
- Enter Mongo database url 

# API prefix (default: none). Add a global prefix to your API routes. 
# Example: /api/v1 -> Access the API at http://localhost:<PORT>/api/v1
- Enter API prefix

Now you just have to install API dependencies, by running the following NPM command from your Vue project root:

npm run api:install

Answer the few questions and you're done!

What it does

This plugin will add an api/ folder at the root of your project, containing a boilerplate to start using Express and MongoDB.


  • Server: Express - docs
  • Database: MongoDB (with Mongoose - docs)
  • Logging: Morgan - docs
  • Environment-specific variables
  • ESLint
  • Modularized architecture
  • Custom, preformatted Exceptions

Folders structure

   |-config           # Global variables & environments configuration
   |-database         # Database connection
   |-modules          # Actual API modules
   |-services         # Application services (LoggerService, etc.)
   |-utils            # Util methods
   |---exceptions     # Custom exceptions
 |-.env.development   # Dev-specific variables
 |-.env.production    # Production-specific variables
src (your Vue project)

Start the API

You can start the API by running the following NPM command:

# Production build
npm run start

# Development build with Nodemon watching for your changes
npm run start:dev

Adding this plugin will also add 2 NPM commands to your Vue project's package.json, so you can start the API directly from your project root:

  • api:start
  • api:start:dev



The API project is built so a module folder contains every files needed to this module:

   |-models                     # Module Mongoose schemas/models
   |-moduleName.module.js       # Module entrypoint, defining the routes / HTTP methods association
   |-moduleName.controller.js   # Module controller, dealing with the API logic
   |-moduleName.service.js      # Module service, handling communication with the database

(How-to) Create a module

In the /api/modules folder, create a new folder with the name of your module. We'll create a Users module, so the folders architecture will look like this:

      |- ... other modules

Creating the module entrypoint

// users.module.js
import express from 'express';
import { UsersController } from './users.controller';

export const UsersModule = express.Router();

UsersModule.get('/', UsersController.findAll);
UsersModule.post('/', UsersController.addUser);

Creating the module controller

// users.controller.js
import { UsersService } from './users.service';

export class UsersController {
	// Return all users
	static async findAll (req, res) {
		const users = await UsersService.findAll();
		return res.status(200).json(users);
	// Add a new user
	static async addUser (req, res) {
		const user = await UsersService.addOne(req.body);
		return res.status(201).json(user);

Creating the module service (aka actually dealing with the database)

// users.service.js
import { UserModel } from './models/user.model';
import { NotFoundException } from "../../utils/exceptions";

export class UsersService {
	static async findAll () {
		return await ExampleModel.find().exec();

	static async findById (id) {
		const document = await ExampleModel.findById(id);
		if (!document) throw new NotFoundException();
		return document;

	static async addOne (data) {
		return await ExampleModel.create(data);

(How-to) Add a module to the API

Then, in app.js, import and initialize your module inside the initializeModules() class method:

// /api/app.js
import { UsersModule } from './modules/users/users.module';

class AppFactory {
  // ...
  initializeModules () {
    	'users',     // Module route mapping
    	UsersModule   // Module entrypoint
    // ... Other modules

Using the addModule instance method, you can map an API base route with your module.

addModule takes two parameters:

  • your module name, used as a route mapping
  • your module entrypoint

For example, for the UsersModule above, your module will respond to http://localhost:<PORT><PREFIX>/users routes.

To view a functional example, see:

Package Sidebar


npm i @tegain/vue-cli-plugin-mevn

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  • tegain