
1.0.0 • Public • Published


File-based routing plugin for fastify. Inspired from fastify-autoroutes.

├── server.ts
└── routes/
    ├── index.ts        (ALL)
    ├── post.ts         (POST)
    └── nested/
        └── route.ts    (GET | POST | PUT | DELETE)

📖 Table of Contents

  1. 🚀 Install
  2. 📗 Usage
    1. Register Plugin
    2. Create Single Route
    3. Create Multiple Routes
    4. Type Provider
  3. 📄 License

🚀 Install

npm install --save @tea062024/asperiores-quae-ut

📗 Usage:

⚠️ Files ending with .test.js or .test.ts or starting with _ or . get ignored by the router

Register Plugin

import fastify from "fastify";
import fileRouting from "@tea062024/asperiores-quae-ut";

const server = fastify({
    ignoreTrailingSlash: true // Recommended

server.register(fileRouting, {
    dir: "./routes"   // Required
    prefix: ""        // Optional

Create single route

import { createRoute } from "@tea062024/asperiores-quae-ut";

export default createRoute({
    schema: {
        params: Type.Object({
            name: Type.String(),
    handler: (req, res) => {
        // Type inference if using type providers
        // (with support for type validation as well!)

Create multiple routes in the same file

import { createRoutes, createRoute } from "@tea062024/asperiores-quae-ut";

export default createRoutes({
    get: createRoute({
        schema: {
            params: Type.Object({
                name: Type.String(),
        handler: (req, res) => {
            // Type inference if using type providers
            // (with support for type validation as well!)
    post: createRoute({
        handler: (req, res) => {

Overriding the type provider

I've only managed to find one way of overriding the type provider (for the route schema). (If anyone knows a better way, please create an issue)

(Example using fastify-type-provider-typebox)

import { FastifySchema } from 'fastify';
import { TypeBoxTypeProvider } from '@fastify/type-provider-typebox';
import { type Route, createRoute as _createRoute } from '@tea062024/asperiores-quae-ut';

export const createRoute = <Schema extends FastifySchema>(opts: Route<Schema, TypeBoxTypeProvider>) => _createRoute<Schema, TypeBoxTypeProvider>(opts);

After you've done that, use your new exported function instead of the library's exported function.

📄 License

This project is licensed under MIT

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  • katrinamatos51