
0.6.4 • Public • Published


Stylebit CLI tool designed to analyze design system adoption in a codebase. It will crawl the codebase and will try to find all the places where the design system is used and calculate adoption rate.

  • Supports React/Typescript for components as well as scss/css for design tokens.
  • Support React Native.
  • Supports WebComponents (alpha).


npm install -g @stylebit/cli


yarn global add @stylebit/cli


npx @stylebit/cli

NOTE: make sure you install the cli GLOBALLY

NOTE: Also, If your are not willing to run the the cli only in dry-run mode, you should login first with the stylebit login command before running the analytics.


usage: stylebit [options] [command]

A CLI tool to analyze design system adoption in a codebase

  -V, --version   output the version number
  -v, --verbose   Enable verbose mode
  -h, --help      display help for command

  login           Login to Stylebit (coming soon)
  run [options]   Run design system analytics
  help [command]  display help for command

usage: stylebit run [options]

Run design system analytics

 -c, --config <filePath>   Path to the configuration file stylebit.config.json. If not provided, the tool will look for it in the current directory
 --dry-run                 Run the analysis without sending the results to Stylebit
 --o, --output <filePath>  Path to the output file. Only available for --dry-run mode, if not provided, the tool will write the results to the console.

usage: example

$ stylebit run --config ./stylebit.config.json --dry-run

NOTE: --config option is required

config file options

  • crawlFrom: string - path to the directory to start crawling from (required). The directory there the UI components are located, FE code is located, etc.
  • componentRoot: string - path to the directory where the you UI library components are located (use either this or packageName)
  • packageName: string - name of the package where the you UI library components are located (use either this or componentRoot)
  • outputFile: string - path to the output file. Only available for --dry-run mode, if not provided, the tool will log to the console
  • projectId: string - You can get projectId by creating a project in http://app.stylebit.io. For --dry-run mode projectId in NOT required.
  • tag: string - You can optionally tag your scan or series of scans.
  • ignore Array - You can optionally specify glob pattern to ignore paths for files from being scanned. If the field is not specified the it results to the following default:
  • scss: boolean - specifying the field true will track design tokens in scss and css files.
  • css: boolean - specifying the field true will track design tokens in css files.

Some sample configs

    "crawlFrom": "./packages/stylebit/src",
    "componentRoot": "./packages/stylebit/src/components",
    "outputFile": "./stylebit.report.json",
    "projectId": "abcdefgh-0123-4567-89ij-klmnopqrstuv",
    "scss": true
    "crawlFrom": "./packages/stylebit/src",
    "packageName": "@components",
    "projectId": "abcdefgh-0123-4567-89ij-klmnopqrstuv",
    "tag": "ci/cd",
    "ignore": [


  • nodejs above v16 is required, run on lower versions on your own risk
  • This is alpha version and it is NOT RECOMMENDED to use it in production
  • There is a chance you will encounter bugs, please report it to us at http://discord.gg/q6Z9Dq5Upx

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npm i @stylebit/cli

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  • movses
  • stylebit-movses
  • stylebit-admin