
0.6.0 • Public • Published


A mapping of checksummed Starcoin contract addresses to metadata, like names, and images of their logos.


You can install from npm with npm install @starcoin/starmask-contract-metadata and use it in your code like this:

import contractMap from '@starcoin/starmask-contract-metadata'

function imageElFor (code) {
  const metadata = contractMap[code]
  if (metadata?.logo) {
    const fileName = metadata.logo
    const path = `${__dirname}/images/contract/${fileName}`
    const img = document.createElement('img')
    img.src = path
    img.style.width = '100%'
    return img

imageElFor ("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d::XXX::XXX")

Submission Process

Maintaining this list is a considerable chore, and it is not our highest priority. We do not guarantee inclusion in this list on any urgent timeline. We are actively looking for fair and safe ways to maintain a list like this in a decentralized way, because maintaining it is a large and security-delicate task.

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Add your logo image in a web-safe format to the images folder.
  3. Add an entry to the contract-map.json file with the specified address as the key, and the image file's name as the value.


  • The icon should be small, square, but high resolution, ideally a vector/svg.
  • Do not add your entry to the end of the JSON map, messing with the trailing comma. Your pull request should only be an addition of lines, and any line removals should be deliberate deprecations of those logos.
  • PR should include link to official project website referencing the suggested address.
  • Project website should include explanation of project.
  • Project should have clear signs of activity, either traffic on the network, activity on GitHub, or community buzz.
  • Nice to have a verified source code on a block explorer like Stcscan.

A sample submission:

  "0x6090A6e47849629b7245Dfa1Ca21D94cd15878Ef::ENS::ENS": {
    "name": "ENS Registrar",
    "logo": "ens.svg",
    "symbol": "ENS",
    "decimals": 18

A full list of permitted fields can be found in the permitted-fields.json file.



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npm i @starcoin-org/contract-metadata

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  • kkkycocho