SSOfy Javascript SDK
SSOfy Javascript SDK.
OfficialBuilt for use in browsers and Node.js applications.
Read the full documentation at SSOfy Knowledge Base.
<script src=""></script>
<!-- UMD Version -->
<script src=""></script>
Installing via NPM
npm i @ssofy/javascript-sdk -S
Installing via YARN
yarn add @ssofy/javascript-sdk
Client Configuration
const client = new SSOfy.OAuth2Client({
url: 'https://YOUR-SSO-DOMAIN',
clientId: 'sandbox',
redirectUri: 'https://CURRENT-DOMAIN/callback'
scopes: ['*'],
locale: 'en',
// state: '', //optional
stateStore: new SSOfy.LocalStorage(),
stateTtl: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
ES6 / Typescript:
import { OAuth2Config, OAuth2Client, Storage, FileStorage } from "@ssofy/javascript-sdk";
import fs from "fs";
const storagePath = fs.mkdtempSync('/tmp/');
const stateStore = new FileStorage(storagePath);
const config = new OAuth2Config({
url: 'https://YOUR-SSO-DOMAIN',
clientId: 'sandbox',
clientSecret: 'sandbox',
redirectUri: 'https://CURRENT-DOMAIN/callback'
pkceVerification: true,
scopes: ['*'],
locale: 'en',
// state: '', //optional
stateStore: <Storage>stateStore,
stateTtl: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
const client = new OAuth2Client(config);
Generate Login Url
Auth Code Flow
const customAuthorizationUrl = null; // optional
const nextUri = null; // optional
const stateData = await client.initAuthCodeFlow(customAuthorizationUrl, nextUri);
// redirect to the login page
window.location.href = stateData.authorizationUri;
Implicit Flow
const customAuthorizationUrl = null; // optional
const nextUri = null; // optional
const stateData = await client.initImplicitFlow(customAuthorizationUrl, nextUri);
// redirect to the login page
window.location.href = stateData.authorizationUri;
Handling Callbacks
// create json payload from url parameters
const parameters = SSOfy.UrlHelper.getParameters(window.location.href);
// handle the callback
const stateData = await client.handleCallback(parameters);
// store the last login state identifier somewhere for future use
localStorage.setItem('state', stateData.state);
if (stateData.nextUri) {
// Hint: /optional-uri-to-redirect-next
window.location.href = stateData.nextUri;
Get Access Token
const state = localStorage.getItem('state');
const accessToken = await client.getAccessToken(state);
Renew Access Token
In most cases, it's not necessary to call this method as getAccessToken()
refreshes the token automatically upon expiration.
However, should you require an earlier token refresh, this method can be used in such instances.
const state = localStorage.getItem('state');
const accessToken = await client.renewAccessToken(state);
Logout Locally
await client.destroy(state);
Logout Globally (SLO)
await client.destroy(state);
// logout from this device
window.location.href = config.logoutUrl('URI-TO-REDIRECT-AFTER-LOGOUT')
// logout from all devices (SLO)
window.location.href = config.logoutEverywhereUrl('URI-TO-REDIRECT-AFTER-LOGOUT')
Get User Info
const state = localStorage.getItem('state');
const user = await client.getUserInfo(state);
Feel free to reach support with any questions regarding the integration or reporting issues. Our technical experts are available around the clock to conduct investigations and provide the highest quality product and service support as quickly as possible.
SSOfy and derivatives are by Cubelet Ltd.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.