
26.4.1 • Public • Published


Visualization encoding parsers transform data from datasources to props of react visualization components. A visualization encoding parser takes a datasources object and an optional encoding configuration, and returns props a react-visualization can understand to visualize data.

Base Parser API

parse(datasources, encoding): result

  • datasources: datasources object containing data
  • encoding: encoding config object
  • result: object
import { parse } from '@splunk/visualization-encoding-parsers/Base';

// data from datasources
const dataProps = parse(data, {
    x: 'primary[0]',
    y: 'primary[1]',

parse returns dataProps as
    x: [...], // data from the first column of the primary datasource
    y: [...], // data from the second column of the primary datasource
    _meta: {
        fieldNames: {
            x: 'xFieldName',
            y: 'yFieldName'

The base parser implements core functionality that all visualization specific parsers need, e.g. getting data based on data field references, or formatting data.

Using encoding parsers


import { parse } from '@splunk/visualization-encoding-parsers/AreaParser';
import Area from '@splunk/react-visualizations/Area';

// data from datasources
const dataProps = parse(data);

<Area {...dataProps} />;

Explicit Encoding (recommended)

import { parse } from '@splunk/visualization-encoding-parsers/AreaParser';
import Area from '@splunk/react-visualizations/Area';

// data from datasources
const dataProps = parse(data, {
    x: 'primary._time',
    y: 'primary.count',

<Area {...dataProps} />;

Encoding Config Examples

The encoding config is an explicit way of mapping visualization dimensions (e.g. x, y, color, size) to data from a datasource. Each key represents a visual encoding in the visualization, each value represents a data field reference.

String Data Field Reference

Explicit encoding with field name reference in datasource

    x: 'primary._time',
    y: 'primary.count'
// returns
    x: [...], // data from primary._time
    y: [...], // data from primary.count,
    _meta: {...} // meta data about the fields

Data Field Index Reference

A bit more loose encoding with field index reference in datasource. This is commonly used as fallback strategy when the field names are not (yet) known.

    x: 'primary[0]',
    y: 'primary[1]'
// returns
    x: [...], // data from first field index of primary
    y: [...], // data from second field index of primary
    _meta: {...} // meta data about the fields

Multiple Data Field References

Any visual encoding can also be powered by multiple fields from a datasource. The following is an example for multiple y series

    x: 'primary._time',
    y: ['primary.count1', 'primiary.count2']
// returns
    x: [...], // data for time
    y: [[...], [...]], // array of data arrays, first containing data for count1 field from primary datasource, second containing data for count2 field from primary datasource
    _meta: {...} // meta data about the fields

Index Range Field References

When it's not clear how many fields are available in a result set, or if the data fields change over time it's recommended to use index range field references with open boundaries. The following is an example for multiple y series, where the number of y series can be dynamic

    x: 'primary[0]',
    y: 'primary[1:]'
// returns
    x: [...], // first column of data
    y: [[...], [...], ...] // array of data arrays starting from column index 1 til end of datasource fields
    _meta: { ... } // meta data about fields

Data Formatting

Two formatter configurations are supported at the moment:

Range Value Formatting (interval mapping)

Finds the range a numeric value fits in based on a range configuration and returns the specified value. The range is determined by matching from <= value < to. E.g with the following encoding example, the value 100 will be formatted to 'red' because 100 <= value. The value 66 will be formatted to 'green' because 50 <= 66 < 100

encoding: {
    color: {
        field: 'primary.count',
        format: {
            type: 'rangevalue',
            ranges: [
                    from: 100,
                    value: 'red'
                    from: 50,
                    to: 100,
                    value: 'green'
                    to: 50,
                    value: 'red'

Old Range Value Formatting (interval mapping) (will be deprecated!)

    color: {
        field: 'primary.count',
        format: {
            ranges: [0, 10, 20, 50],
            values: ['#333', '#444', '#555', '#666']

Category Formatting (1:1 mapping)

    x: {
        field: 'primary.category',
        format: {
            categories: ['test', 'toast']
            values: [50, 100]

Note: If categories, ranges, and values are present in the formatter config, it will format the data based on the range value formatting and ignore the categories.




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