Splitbee Analytics for React Native Apps
Used to track screen views & events of React Native & Expo Apps using Splitbee.
Usage with Expo
Install following expo dependencies:
expo install @splitbee/react-native expo-device expo-constants @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
We need those for getting the device data & persisting the user on a device.
Usage with React Native
Install following dependencies: @react-native-async-storage/async-storage & react-native-device-info
yarn add @splitbee/react-native react-native-device-info @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
npx pod-install
Please follow the official documentation of those libraries on how to link them correctly.
Initialize Splitbee
First of all you need to initialize the Splitbee SDK. For that, run splitbee.init
with your token.
import splitbee from '@splitbee/react-native';
splitbee.init('YOUR_TOKEN'); // Take the token from the project settings in the Splitbee dashboard
Screen Tracking
Usage withIn this example we are using react-navigation to screen views automatically.
import splitbee, { useTrackReactNavigation } from '@splitbee/react-native';
export default function Navigation() {
const [{ onReady, onStateChange }, navigationRef] = useTrackReactNavigation();
return (
onReady={() => {
onStateChange={() => {
<RootNavigator />
If you already have a ref
set for the NavigationContainer
, just pass it to useTrackReactNavigation
const navigationRef = useRef(null)
const [{ onReady, onStateChange }] = useTrackReactNavigation(navigationRef);
Usage withTo setup automated screen tracking you need to add following code to your index.js
async ({ componentName, componentType }) => {
if (componentType === 'Component') {
await splitbee.screen(componentName);