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3.0.1 • Public • Published


A powerful utility for transforming the keys of objects or arrays of objects according to a specified schema. This package allows you to replace keys in deeply nested structures with ease.


  • Key Replacement: Easily replace keys in objects or arrays based on a schema.
  • Nested Structures: Supports nested objects and arrays, even with complex paths.
  • Array Handling: Seamlessly process arrays of objects, applying key replacement to each item.


Install the package via npm:

npm install @sovgut/allocate

Or via yarn:

yarn add @sovgut/allocate


Basic Key Replacement

Replace keys in a simple object:

import { allocate } from '@sovgut/allocate'

const source = { foo: true, qux: false }
const schema = { foo: 'bar' }

allocate(source, schema) // { bar: true }

Nested Key Replacement

Handle nested structures with dot notation:

import { allocate } from '@sovgut/allocate'

const source = { foo: { bar: true, baz: false } }
const schema = { 'foo.baz': 'bar.qux' }

allocate(source, schema) // { bar: { qux: false } }

Array of Objects

Apply key replacement to each object in an array:

import { allocate } from '@sovgut/allocate'

const source = [{ foo: true }, { foo: true, bar: 123 }]
const schema = { '[].foo': '[].bar' }

allocate(source, schema) // [{ bar: true }, { bar: true }]

Complex Nested Structures

Work with deeply nested arrays and objects:

import { allocate } from '@sovgut/allocate'

const source = { foo: { bar: [{ baz: true }, { baz: true }] } }
const schema = { 'foo.bar[].baz': 'foo.bar[].qux' }

allocate(source, schema) // { foo: { bar: [{ qux: true }, { qux: true }] } }


 * Transforms the keys of an object or an array of objects according to a specified schema.
 * The `allocate` function takes a source object (or array of objects) and a schema that defines
 * how the keys in the source should be transformed. It returns a new object (or array) with
 * the keys replaced as specified by the schema.
 * @template TResult - The type of the resulting object or array after key allocation.
 * @param {NonNullable<object | object[]>} source - The source object or array to be transformed. It must be a non-null object or array of objects.
 * @param {AllocateSchema} schema - An object where each key-value pair defines the mapping from the old key to the new key.
 * @returns {TResult} - The transformed object or array with the keys replaced according to the schema.
 * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the schema is not an object or if the source is not an object or an array.
export declare function allocate<TResult>(source: NonNullable<object | object[]>, schema: AllocateSchema): TResult

 * A map of key-value pairs that define how to replace keys in the source.
 * The keys of this record represent the current keys in the source object,
 * and the values represent the required keys that will replace them in the allocated object.
 * @type {Record<string, string>}
export declare type AllocateSchema = Record<string, string>


  • source: The source object or array of objects to be transformed.
  • schema: An object defining the mapping between old keys and new keys. Use dot notation for nested keys and * to indicate array elements.


  • A new object or array with keys replaced according to the schema.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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  • sergey_sovgut