
1.0.2 • Public • Published


A wrapper around the native fetch api's or bluebird / whatwg-fetch libraries if native API's aren't available. It has support for Server side Node, browsers, and react-native.

Getting Started

@socialcare/fetch is a wrapper around node-fetch and whatwg-fetch. It's purpose is to eventually handle auth when sending requests SocialCare api. It also properly encodes request bodies from valid JS into JSON before sending the request.

Package Exports

fetch function (url, {config}) -- export default

Use this function the way you would the native fetch api. If you want to include the same configuration on multiple requests you should use the other included function fetchWithConfig

fetch.withExtraArgument function ({config})

This will return a fetch function that will have the configuration baked into all requests made. With this


$ yarn add @socialcare/fetch

Basic Usage

import fetch from '@socialcare/socialcare-fetch';

const resource = await fetch(`https://example.com/resource`, {
    method: 'GET'

const data = await resource.json();


fetch (url, options)

  • url string
    The url that should be fetched.

  • options null | object
    Any configuration parameters, common attributes include method, body, and header.

Advanced Usage

import fetch from '@socialcare/socialcare-fetch';

const appFetch = fetch.withExtraArgument({
    headers: {
        'auth-token': '1231234-12344-23456'

const resource = await appFetch(`https://example.com/resource`, {
    method: 'GET'

const data = await resource.json();

Additional Resources

More info about how to use fetch can be found here:

Basic Repo Commands

  1. npm test - Runs the unit test on this module
  2. npm run build - Uses Babel to compile the /src down into the /lib

NPM versioning

This package uses semantic versioning, to increment package versions use the npm commands

  1. npm version major - Bumps the major version e.g. 1.1.3 => 2.0.0
    This should be done when a breaking change is introduced.
  2. npm version minor - Bumps the minor version e.g. 1.1.3 => 1.2.0
    This should be done when a feature / non-breaking change is introduced.
  3. npm version patch - Bumps the patch version e.g. 1.1.3 => 1.1.4
    This should be done when a bug is fixed.

Package Sidebar


npm i @socialcare/fetch

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  • pcawen_sc
  • cptamerica