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1.0.0 • Public • Published

Siren Vue Inbox


The @sirenapp/vue-inbox sdk is a comprehensive and customizable Vue UI kit for displaying and managing notifications. This documentation provides comprehensive information on how to install, configure, and use the sdk effectively.

1. Installation

You can install the vue sdk from npm

npm install @sirenapp/vue-inbox

or from yarn

yarn add @sirenapp/vue-inbox


  • Vue3 (v3.0.0+)

2. Configuration

2.1 Initialization

Initialize the sdk with user token and recipient id. Wrap the provider around your App's root.

  <SirenProvider :config="config"> {/* Your app components */} </SirenProvider>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { SirenProvider } from "@sirenapp/vue-inbox";

const config = {
  userToken: "your_user_token",
  recipientId: "your_recipient_id",


2.2 Configure notification inbox

Once the provider is configured, next step is to configure the notification inbox

Inbox is a paginated list view for displaying notifications.

  <SirenInbox />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { SirenInbox } from "@sirenapp/vue-inbox";

Props for the notification inbox

Below are optional props available for the inbox component:

Prop Description Type Default value
theme Object for custom themes Theme {}
customStyles Object for custom styling CustomStyle {}
loadMoreLabel Text shown on the load more component string "Load More"
hideBadge Toggle to hide or show the badge boolean false
darkMode Toggle to enable dark mode boolean false
itemsPerFetch Number of notifications fetch per api request (have a max cap of 50) number 20
windowViewOnly Toggle to enable fit-to-screen window or modal view boolean false
headerProps Props for customizing the header.
title - Title of the notification inbox
hideHeader - Toggle to hide or show the header section.
hideClearAll - Toggle to hide or show the clear all button.
HeaderProps { title: 'Notifications',
hideHeader: false,
hideClearAll: false }
cardProps Props for customizing the notification cards.
hideDelete - Toggle to hide or show delete icon
hideAvatar - Toggle to hide or show the avatar.
disableAutoMarkAsRead - Toggle to disable or enable the markAsReadById functionality on card click.
onAvatarClick - Custom click handler for avatar
CardProps { hideDelete: false,
hideAvatar: false,
disableAutoMarkAsRead: false,
onAvatarClick: ()=>null }
onCardClick Custom click handler for notification cards (notification)=> void ()=>null
onError Callback for handling errors (error: SirenErrorType)=> void ()=>null


    type CardProps = {
      hideDelete?: boolean;
      hideAvatar?: boolean,
      onAvatarClick?: (notification: NotificationDataType) => void,
      disableAutoMarkAsRead?: boolean;


    type HeaderProps = {
      title?: string;
      hideHeader?: boolean,
      hideClearAll?: boolean

Slots for the notification inbox

Below are optional slots available for the inbox component:

Slot Description
loadMoreComponent Custom load more button component
customHeader Custom header component
customLoader Custom loader component
customErrorWindow Custom Error window
listEmptyComponent Custom Empty list component
customCard Custom notification card component
customFooter Custom footer component
notificationIcon Custom notification icon component

3. Customization

3.1 Themes

Here are the available theme options:

type Theme = {
  dark: ThemeProps,
  light: ThemeProps,

type ThemeProps = {
  colors?: {
    primaryColor?: string,
    textColor?: string,
    neutralColor?: string,
    borderColor?: string,
    highlightedCardColor?: string,
    dateColor?: string,
    deleteIcon?: string,
    timerIcon?: string,
    clearAllIcon?: string,
    infiniteLoader?: string,
    windowShadowColor?: string,
  badgeStyle?: {
    color?: string,
    textColor?: string,
  windowHeader?: {
    background?: string,
    titleColor?: string,
    headerActionColor?: string,
  windowContainer?: {
    background?: string,
  customCard?: {
    borderColor?: string,
    background?: string,
    titleColor?: string,
    subtitleColor?: string,
    descriptionColor?: string,
  loadMoreButton?: {
    color?: string,
    background?: string,

3.2 Style options

Here are the custom style options for the notification inbox

Please note that the badgeStyle, window shadow and border props are only applicable for modal view

 type CustomStyle = {
  notificationIcon?: {
    size?: number,
  window?: {
    width?: DimensionValue,
    borderRadius?: number,
  windowHeader?: {
    height?: DimensionValue,
    titleSize?: number,
    titlePadding?: number,
    borderWidth?: string,
  windowContainer?: {
    padding?: number,
    contentHeight?: DimensionValue,
  customCard?: {
    padding?: number,
    borderWidth?: number,
    avatarSize?: number,
    titleFontWeight?: TextStyle["fontWeight"],
    titleSize?: number,
    subtitleFontWeight?: TextStyle['fontWeight'],
    subtitleSize?: number,
    descriptionFontWeight?: TextStyle['fontWeight'],
    descriptionSize?: number,
    dateSize?: number,
  loadMoreButton?: {
    fontSize?: number,
    fontWeight?: TextStyle["fontWeight"],
  badgeStyle?: {
    size?: number,
    textSize?: number,
    top?: number,
    right?: number,
    size?: number,
   timerIcon?: {
    size?: number,
    size?: number,

4. Hooks

useSiren is a hook that provides utility functions for modifying notifications.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useSiren } from "@sirenapp/vue-inbox";

  const {
  } = useSiren();

  function handleMarkAsReadById(id) {

   function handleMarkAsReadByDate(untilDate) {

  function handleDeleteById(id) {

  function handleDeleteByDate(date) {

  function handleMarkAllAsViewed(createdAt) {


useSiren functions

Functions Parameters Type Description
markAsReadByDate startDate ISO date string Sets the read status of notifications to true until the given date
markAsReadById id string Set read status of a notification to true
deleteById id string Delete a notification by id
deleteByDate startDate ISO date string Delete all notifications until given date
markAllAsViewed startDate ISO date string Sets the viewed status of notifications to true until the given date


Here's a basic example to help you get started

      userToken: 'your-user-token',
      recipientId: 'your-user-recipientId',
        title: 'Siren Notifications',
        hideHeader: false,
        hideClearAll: true,

<script setup lang="ts">
import { SirenProvider, SirenInbox } from "@sirenapp/vue-inbox";

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