TypeScript clients for Shinami services.
For Sui:
For Aptos:
$ npm install @shinami/clients
To develop against a supported blockchain, you will also need to install their respective SDK:
# For Sui
npm install @mysten/sui
# For Aptos
npm install @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
To create a Sui RPC client:
import { createSuiClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui";
// Obtain NODE_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
const sui = createSuiClient(NODE_ACCESS_KEY);
The returned sui
object is a SuiClient configured to use Shinami's node service.
It supports both HTTP JSON RPC requests as well as WebSocket subscriptions.
determines which Sui network later operations are targeting.
Note that gas station should be integrated from your service backend.
This is so you don't leak your GAS_ACCESS_KEY
to your end users, and to allow you to control whose and what transactions to sponsor.
To use gas station with a local signer:
import { Ed25519Keypair } from "@mysten/sui/keypairs/ed25519";
import { fromB64 } from "@mysten/sui/utils";
import {
} from "@shinami/clients/sui";
// Obtain NODE_ACCESS_KEY and GAS_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
// They MUST be associated with the same network.
const sui = createSuiClient(NODE_ACCESS_KEY);
const gas = new GasStationClient(GAS_ACCESS_KEY);
// You'll want to persist the key pair instead of always creating new ones.
const keypair = new Ed25519Keypair();
const gaslessTx = await buildGaslessTransaction((txb) => {
// Program your Transaction.
target: `${EXAMPLE_PACKAGE_ID}::math::add`,
arguments: [txb.pure.u64(1), txb.pure.u64(2)],
// Sender is required for sponsorship.
// You don't need to set gas payment.
// Request gas sponsorship.
const { txBytes, signature: gasSignature } =
await gas.sponsorTransaction(gaslessTx);
// Sign the sponsored tx.
const { signature } = await keypair.signTransaction(fromB64(txBytes));
// Execute the sponsored & signed tx.
const txResp = await sui.executeTransactionBlock({
transactionBlock: txBytes,
signature: [signature, gasSignature],
To use the invisible wallet as a signer for a regular (non-sponsored) transaction:
import { Transaction } from "@mysten/sui/transactions";
import {
} from "@shinami/clients/sui";
// Obtain NODE_ACCESS_KEY and WALLET_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
const sui = createSuiClient(NODE_ACCESS_KEY);
const key = new KeyClient(WALLET_ACCESS_KEY);
const wal = new WalletClient(WALLET_ACCESS_KEY);
// WALLET_SECRET MUST be used consistently with this wallet id.
// You are responsible for safe-keeping the (walletId, secret) pair.
// Shinami cannot recover it for you.
const signer = new ShinamiWalletSigner("my_wallet_id", wal, WALLET_SECRET, key);
// Program your Transaction.
const txb = new Transaction();
target: `${EXAMPLE_PACKAGE_ID}::math::add`,
arguments: [txb.pure.u64(1), txb.pure.u64(2)],
txb.setSender(await signer.getAddress(true /* autoCreate */));
// Your invisible wallet MUST have sufficient gas for this to succeed.
const txBytes = await txb.build({ client: sui });
// Sign tx with invisible wallet.
const { signature } = await signer.signTransaction(txBytes);
// Execute the signed tx.
const txResp = await sui.executeTransactionBlock({
transactionBlock: txBytes,
To use the invisible wallet to execute a gasless transaction, which seamlessly integrates with Shinami node service and gas station:
import {
} from "@shinami/clients/sui";
// Obtain SUPER_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
// It MUST be authorized for all of these services:
// - Node service
// - Gas station
// - Wallet service
const sui = createSuiClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
const key = new KeyClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
const wal = new WalletClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
// WALLET_SECRET MUST be used consistently with this wallet id.
// You are responsible for safe-keeping the (walletId, secret) pair.
// Shinami cannot recover it for you.
const signer = new ShinamiWalletSigner("my_wallet_id", wal, WALLET_SECRET, key);
// Safe to do if unsure about the wallet's existence.
await signer.tryCreate();
const gaslessTx = await buildGaslessTransaction((txb) => {
// Program your Transaction.
// You don't need to set sender or gas payment when executing from invisible wallet.
target: `${EXAMPLE_PACKAGE_ID}::math::add`,
arguments: [txb.pure.u64(1), txb.pure.u64(2)],
// Execute the gasless tx using your invisible wallet.
const txResp = await signer.executeGaslessTransaction(gaslessTx);
Apps using Shinami invisible wallets can participate in Bullshark Quests by allowing users to link their invisible wallets with self-custody wallets that own Bullshark NFTs, through the use of beneficiary graph.
import {
} from "@shinami/clients/sui";
// Obtain SUPER_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
// It MUST be authorized for all of these services:
// - Node service
// - Gas station
// - Wallet service
const key = new KeyClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
const wal = new WalletClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
// WALLET_SECRET MUST be used consistently with this wallet id.
// You are responsible for safe-keeping the (walletId, secret) pair.
// Shinami cannot recover it for you.
const signer = new ShinamiWalletSigner("my_wallet_id", wal, WALLET_SECRET, key);
// Safe to do if unsure about the wallet's existence.
await signer.tryCreate();
const txDigest = await signer.setBeneficiary(
// Replace with user's actual wallet address that owns the Bullshark.
// This should return the address we just set.
const beneficiary = await signer.getBeneficiary(graphId);
You can use Shinami's zkLogin wallet services as the salt provider and zkProver in your zkLogin implementation.
import { ZkProverClient, ZkWalletClient } from "@shinami/clients/sui";
// Obtain WALLET_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
const zkw = new ZkWalletClient(WALLET_ACCESS_KEY);
const zkp = new ZkProverClient(WALLET_ACCESS_KEY);
// Prepare a nonce according to the zkLogin requirements.
// Obtain a valid jwt with that nonce from a supported OpenID provider.
// Get zkLogin wallet salt.
const { salt, address } = await zkw.getOrCreateZkLoginWallet(jwt);
// Create a zkProof.
const { zkProof } = await zkp.createZkLoginProof(
// Now you can sign transactions with ephemeralPrivateKey, and assemble the zkLogin signature
// using zkProof.
To create an Aptos client:
import { createAptosClient } from "@shinami/clients/aptos";
// Obtain NODE_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
const aptos = createAptosClient(NODE_ACCESS_KEY);
const state = await aptos.getLedgerInfo();
Note that gas station should be integrated from your service backend.
This is so you don't leak your GAS_ACCESS_KEY
to your end users, and to allow you to control whose and what transactions to sponsor.
To use gas station with a local signer:
import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
import { createAptosClient, GasStationClient } from "@shinami/clients/aptos";
// Obtain NODE_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
const aptos = createAptosClient(NODE_ACCESS_KEY);
// Obtain GAS_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
// It MUST be associated with the same Aptos network as above.
const gas = new GasStationClient(GAS_ACCESS_KEY);
// Because we are using sponsored transaction, this account doesn't have to
// exist on-chain beforehand. It'll be created as part of the first transaction.
// In practice, you'll likely want to persist the account key as opposed to
// always generating new ones.
const account = Account.generate({
scheme: SigningSchemeInput.Ed25519,
// Build a transaction as you normally would, but with fee payer placeholder.
const transaction = await aptos.transaction.build.simple({
sender: account.accountAddress,
data: {
function: `${EXAMPLE_PACKAGE_ID}::math::add_entry`,
functionArguments: [1, 2],
withFeePayer: true,
// Get it sponsored.
const feePayerSig = await gas.sponsorTransaction(transaction);
// Sign the sponsored transaction as usual.
const senderSig = aptos.transaction.sign({
signer: account,
// Submit the signed transaction with fee payer signature.
const pending = await aptos.transaction.submit.simple({
senderAuthenticator: senderSig,
feePayerAuthenticator: feePayerSig,
// Wait for it to be committed on-chain.
const committed = await aptos.transaction.waitForTransaction({
transactionHash: pending.hash,
To use the invisible wallet as a signer for a regular (non-sponsored) transaction:
import {
} from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
import {
} from "@shinami/clients/aptos";
// Obtain NODE_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
const aptos = createAptosClient(NODE_ACCESS_KEY);
// Obtain WALLET_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
const key = new KeyClient(WALLET_ACCESS_KEY);
const wal = new WalletClient(WALLET_ACCESS_KEY);
// WALLET_SECRET MUST be used consistently with this wallet id.
// You are responsible for safe-keeping the (walletId, secret) pair.
// Shinami cannot recover it for you.
const signer = new ShinamiWalletSigner("my_wallet_id", wal, WALLET_SECRET, key);
// Get or create the sender account on chain. Since this is a non-sponsored transaction,
// your account MUST have APT in it in order to execute a transaction.
const senderAccount = await signer.getAddress(true, true);
// Create a transaction with no feePayer set. This is an example of a SimpleTransaction
const transaction = await aptos.transaction.build.simple({
sender: senderAccount,
data: {
function: `${EXAMPLE_PACKAGE_ID}::math::add_entry`,
functionArguments: [1, 2],
withFeePayer: false,
options: {
expireTimestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 5 * 60,
// Sign tx with invisible wallet.
const accountAuthenticator = await signer.signTransaction(transaction);
// Submit the tx for execution
const pending = aptos.transaction.submit.simple({
senderAuthenticator: accountAuthenticator as AccountAuthenticatorEd25519,
// Wait for it to be committed on-chain.
const committed = await aptos.transaction.waitForTransaction({
transactionHash: pending.hash,
To use the invisible wallet to execute a gasless transaction, which seamlessly integrates with Shinami's Aptos gas station:
import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
import {
} from "@shinami/clients/aptos";
// Obtain SUPER_ACCESS_KEY from your Shinami web portal.
// It MUST be authorized for all of these Aptos services:
// - Node service
// - Gas station (The fund your key is tied to must have funds in it)
// - Wallet service
const aptos = createAptosClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
const key = new KeyClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
const wal = new WalletClient(SUPER_ACCESS_KEY);
// WALLET_SECRET MUST be used consistently with this wallet id.
// You are responsible for safe-keeping the (walletId, secret) pair.
// Shinami cannot recover it for you.
const signer = new ShinamiWalletSigner("my_wallet_id", wal, WALLET_SECRET, key);
// Get or create the sender account on chain. You do not need APT in this account since
// we'll be using Shinami's gas station to sponsor the transaction.
const senderAccount = await signer.getAddress(true, true);
// Create a transaction with feePayer set. This is an example of a SimpleTransaction
const transaction = await aptos.transaction.build.simple({
sender: senderAccount,
data: {
function: `${EXAMPLE_PACKAGE_ID}::math::add_entry`,
functionArguments: [1, 2],
withFeePayer: true,
options: {
expireTimestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 5 * 60,
// Execute the gasless tx using your invisible wallet.
const pending = signer.executeGaslessTransaction(transaction);
// Wait for it to be committed on-chain.
const committed = await aptos.transaction.waitForTransaction({
transactionHash: pending.hash,
$ npm run build
$ npm run lint
$ npm run test
The integration tests for Sui make use of the Sui Move example package, which has been deployed to Sui Testnet.
Obtain <your_sui_super_access_key>
from Shinami web portal.
The key must be authorized for all of these services, targeting Sui Testnet:
- Node service
- Gas station - you must also have some available balance in your gas fund.
- Wallet service
The integration tests for Aptos make use of the Aptos Move example package, which has been deployed to Aptos Testnet.
Obtain <your_aptos_super_access_key>
from Shinami web portal.
The key must be authorized for all of these services, targeting Aptos Testnet:
- Gas station - you must also have some available balance in your gas fund.
Once you have the super keys for both chains,
export SUI_NODE_ACCESS_KEY=<your_sui_super_access_key>
export SUI_GAS_ACCESS_KEY=<your_sui_super_access_key>
export SUI_WALLET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_sui_super_access_key>
export APTOS_NODE_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aptos_super_access_key>
export APTOS_GAS_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aptos_super_access_key>
export APTOS_WALLET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aptos_super_access_key>
npm run integration
The integration tests by default talk to Shinami's production endpoints. You can also make it talk to alternative endpoints by modifying sui/integration.env.ts and aptos/integration.env.ts.
Similar to integration test:
export SUI_NODE_ACCESS_KEY=<your_sui_super_access_key>
export SUI_GAS_ACCESS_KEY=<your_sui_super_access_key>
export SUI_WALLET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_sui_super_access_key>
export APTOS_NODE_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aptos_super_access_key>
export APTOS_GAS_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aptos_super_access_key>
export APTOS_WALLET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aptos_super_access_key>
npm run coverage
The HTML coverage report is available at coverage/lcov-report/index.html
$ npm run clean