This repository contains a collection of codemod scripts based for use with jscodeshift that help update MUI APIs.
npx @sharpinit/codemod <codemod> <paths...>
Applies a `@sharpinit/codemod` to the specified paths
codemod The name of the codemod [string]
paths Paths forwarded to `jscodeshift` [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--dry dry run (no changes are made to files)
[boolean] [default: false]
--parser which parser for jscodeshift to use.
[string] [default: 'tsx']
--print print transformed files to stdout, useful for development
[boolean] [default: false]
--jscodeshift [string] [default: false]
npx @sharpinit/codemod direct-import src --jscodeshift="--modules=@mui/icons-material"
To pass more options directly to jscodeshift, use --jscodeshift="..."
. For example:
npx @sharpinit/codemod --jscodeshift="--run-in-band --verbose=2"
See all available options here.
Options to recast's printer can be provided
through jscodeshift's printOptions
command line argument
npx @sharpinit/codemod <transform> <path> --jscodeshift="--printOptions='{\"quote\":\"double\"}'"
Inspired by: