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0.16.171 • Public • Published


The @sap-ux/preview-middleware is a Custom UI5 Server Middleware for previewing an application in a local Fiori launchpad . It can be used either with the ui5 serve or the fiori run commands. It hosts a local Fiori launchpad based on your configuration as well as offers an API to modify flex changes in your project. The API is available at /preview/api and additional client code required for the preview is available at /preview/client.

When this middleware is used together with the reload-middleware, then the order in which the middlewares are loaded is important. The reload-middleware needs to be loaded before the preview-middleware. Hence the configuration in the ui5.yaml needs to look e.g. like this:

- name: reload-middleware
  afterMiddleware: compression
- name: preview-middleware
  afterMiddleware: reload-middleware
Option Type Default Value Description
flp Optional configuration object for the local Fiori launchpad
flp.path string /test/flp.html The mount point of the local Fiori launchpad.
flp.init string undefined Optional UI5 module/script to be executed after the standard initialization
flp.intent Optional intent to be used for the application
flp.intent.object string app Optional intent object
flp.intent.action string preview Optional intent action
flp.apps array undefined Optional additional local apps that are available in local Fiori launchpad
flp.libs boolean undefined Optional flag to add a generic script fetching the paths of used libraries not available in UI5. To disable set it to false, if not set, then the project is checked for a load-reuse-libs script and if available the libraries are fetched as well.
flp.theme string undefined Optional flag for setting the UI5 Theme.
adp.target Required configuration for adaptation projects defining the connected backend
adp.ignoreCertErrors boolean false Optional setting to ignore certification validation errors when working with e.g. development systems with self signed certificates
rta Optional configuration allowing to add mount points for runtime adaptation
rta.layer string (calculated) Optional property for defining the runtime adaptation layer for changes (default is CUSTOMER_BASE or read from the project for adaptation projects)
rta.editors array undefined Optional list of mount points for editing
test array undefined Optional list of configurations for automated testing.
debug boolean false Enables debug output

Array of additional application configurations:

Option Type Default Value Description
target string Target path of the additional application
local or componentId string Either a local path to a folder containing the application or the componentId of a remote app is required
intent Optional intent to be used for the application
intent.object string (calculated) Optional intent object, if it is not provided then it will be calculated based on the application id
intent.action string preview Optional intent action
Option Type Description
url string mandatory (local) Mandatory URL pointing to the backend system. *Not required if destination is provided and the proxy is running SAP Business Application Studio
destination string mandatory (if no url) Required if the backend system is available as destination in SAP Business Application Studio.
client string optional sap-client parameter
scp boolean optional If set to true the proxy will execute the required OAuth routine for the ABAP environment on SAP BTP
Option Type Description
path string mandatory The mount point to be used for the editor.
developerMode boolean optional Enables/disables the runtime adaptation developer mode (only supported for adaptation projects)
Option Type Description
framework string mandatory Currently OPA5, QUnit (only QUnit 2.3.2 provided as third-party module via OpenUI5/SAPUI5) and Testsuite are supported. Testsuite will generate a testsuite for all configured frameworks that can be be used with a test runner (like e.g. karma)
path string optional The mount point to be used for test suite. By default /test/opaTests.qunit.html is used for OPA5, /test/unitTests.qunit.html is used for QUnit and /test/testsuite.qunit.html is used for Testsuite
init string optional The mount point to be used for custom test runner script
pattern string optional Optional glob pattern to find the tests. By default /test/**/*Journey.* is used for OPA5 and /test/**/*Test.* is used for QUnit (n.a. for Testsuite)

The middleware can be used without configuration. However, since the middleware intercepts a few requests that might otherwise be handled by a different middleware, it is strongly recommended to run other file serving middlewares after the preview-middleware e.g. backend-proxy-middleware and ui5-proxy-middleware (and the corresponding middlewares in the @sap/ux-ui5-tooling). Example: ./test/fixtures/simple-app/ui5.yaml

With no configuration provided, the local FLP will be available at /test/flp.html and the log level is info.

  - name: preview-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression

With this configuration, the local FLP will be available at /test/myFLP.html and the log level is debug.

  - name: preview-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
        path: /test/myFLP.html
      debug: true

If you want to test cross application navigation, then you can add additional applications into the local FLP. With this configuration, an application that is locally available in ../local-folder will be available at /apps/other-app and will also be added as tile to the local FLP as well as one of the UI5 sample apps will be bound to the intent TheOther-preview.

  - name: preview-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
        - target: /apps/other-app
          local: ../local-folder
            object: TheLocal
            action: preview
        - target: /test-resources/sap/ushell/demoapps/AppNavSample
          componentId: sap.ushell.demo.AppNavSample
            object: TheOther
            action: preview

If you want to create variants as part of your application, then you can create an additional mount point allowing to create and edit variants.

  - name: preview-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
        layer: CUSTOMER_BASE
          - path: /test/variant-editor.html

This mount path can be used with a run script that looks as follows.

"start-variants-management": "ui5 serve --open \"test/variant-editor.html.html#app-preview\""

If you want to also generate generic test suites and test runners for QUnit or OPA5 tests then you can use the following minimum configurations

  - name: preview-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
        - framework: Testsuite
        - framework: QUnit
        - framework: OPA5

If you want to use the middleware in an adaption project, the additional adp object needs to be configured. This example would preview a local adaptation project merged with its reference application from the target system at http://sap.example and it will ignore certification validation errors. For adaptation projects, it is also recommended to add the rta configuration allowing to edit the project.

  - name: preview-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
          url: http://sap.example
        ignoreCertErrors: true
          - path: /test/adaptation-editor.html
            developerMode: true

When the middleware is used in an adaptation project together with a middleware proxying requests to the backend e.g. the backend-proxy-middleware, then it is critically important that the preview-middleware is handling requests before the backend proxy because it intercepts requests to the manifest.json of the original application and merges it with the local variant.

- name: preview-middleware
  afterMiddleware: rcompression
- name: backend-proxy-middleware
  afterMiddleware: preview-middleware

Alternatively you can use the underlying middleware fuction programmatically, e.g. for the case when you want to incorporate the preview-middleware functionality in your own middleware.

import { FlpSandbox } from '@sap-ux/preview-middleware';
const flp = new FlpSandbox(flpConfig, rootProject, middlewareUtil, logger);
const files = await resources.rootProject.byGlob('/manifest.json');
flp.init(JSON.parse(await files[0].getString()));

return flp.router
  • flpConfig - the middleware configuration
  • rootProject - Reader to access the resources of the root project
  • middlewareUtil - MiddlewareUtil of the UI5 server
  • logger - Logger instance to be used in the middleware.

If you have no custom modifications in the local Fiori Launchpad sandbox files (webapp/test/flpSandbox.html or webapp/test/flpSandboxMockserver.html), the conversion is finished.

If you have custom modifications in the local Fiori Launchpad sandbox files, you need to migrate them into a custom .js or .ts file (depending on your setup) and integrate this file as a custom init script into the configuration options of the middleware.


from custom modification in flpSandbox.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
        console.log('my custom code');

to custom test/init.ts:

console.log('my custom code');

integrated via ui5.yaml:

  - name: preview-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
        init: /test/init # <-- path to your custom init script




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