
29.1.7 • Public • Published

CKEditor 5 inline editor build

Custom inline editor build for CKEditor 5 with additional Plugins from Samhammer AG.

Quick start

While development you can link plugins by its source code instead of package. This is done with lerna. (https://github.com/lerna/lerna)

Setp 1

Just create a folder "packages" in the root of this project and checkout your plugin to this folder

See also: lerna.json

Step 2

After checkout the project has to be initialized once before building it.

Ensure that you have a global installation of lerna 2.x.

Just run the following command to initialize the project and make it linkable (see further information below):

npm run bootstrap

Step 3

Run one of the following commands to create a production (minified) or dev version

npm run build
npm run builddev

How to use

This build can be referenced in other yarn based projects while development. This is done with the yarn link feature.

See also: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/link/

Yarn link is directly executed by the "yarn bootstrap" command. After this the development version of the package is provided for linking.

Execute the following command in your target project to use the dev version of the inline build:

yarn link @samhammer/ssp-ckeditor5-build-inline

Include in your JavaScript application:

import InlineEditor from '@samhammer/ckeditor5-build-inline';

	.then(editor => {
		window.editor = editor;
	.catch(err => {

How to publish

For publishing an npm account that is referenced to the organization is required.

See the following how to:


If everything is configured correctly just count up the version number in our package.json and execute the following command:

npm publish


Licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. For full details about the license, please check the LICENSE.md file.

Package Sidebar


npm i @samhammer/ssp-ckeditor5-build-inline

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6.39 MB

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  • vijoplays
  • friedelbaumann
  • domi2120
  • datlam162
  • agentschmitt
  • npolauer
  • teranovalp
  • devroemer