This is the repository for the refocus-bdk. The bdk (bot development kit) contains a set of utilities used by Refocus Bots to communicate with Refocus Rooms.
Getting Started
These instructions will enable you to have a copy of this project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Env Variables
Note: If you want to test this locally you will need some environment variables:
- If you want polling set this to true, else default to sockets -
- If you want to enable logging to a log file set this to "file", if you want to set logging to a console log then set this to "console", if you want to have both set this to "both", if you want neither logging set this to "none", defaults to "console" -
- Set the level of console out you want to see, defaults to 'info'. All levels include error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly see WinstonJS for more details -
- Set the level of logging you want in your log file, defaults to 'verbose'. All levels include error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly see WinstonJS for more details -
- Turns off bot heartbeat to refocus -
- how often in milliseconds the heartbeat is sent with a minimum of 1 minute
Coding Example
const bdk = require('@salesforce/refocus-bdk')(config);
bdk.createBotData(roomId, botName, 'timers', JSON.stringify(timers))
Available Functions
- installOrUpdateBot
- getRoomId
- findRoom
- updateSettings
- findBot
- findBotAction
- getBotActions
- createBotAction
- respondBotAction
- respondBotActionNoLog
- createBotData
- findBotData
- getBotData
- changeBotData
- upsertBotData
- refocusConnectPolling
- refocusConnect
- getUserName
- getUserId
- getUserEmail
- getUserFullName
- createEvents
- bulkCreateEvents
- getEvents
- getAllEvents
- getActiveUsers
- log
- updateExternalId
- updateRoomName
- getActiveRooms
- getOrInitializeBotData
- getRoomTypes
- isBotInstalledInRoom
If you have any ideas on how this project could be improved, please feel free. The steps involved are:
- Fork the repo on GitHub.
- Clone this project to your machine.
- Commit changes to your own branch.
- Push your work back up to your fork.
- Submit a Pull Request so we can review it!
Release History
Follows semantic versioning
- 1.0.1 Basic utilities, polling for actions, data and settings, basic support for sockets - actions only.
- 1.0.2 Bot auto-installation (or update) functionality.
- 1.0.3 Full sockets support. Toggle switch between polling and sockets.
- 1.1.1 Client & server side code separation. Basic proxy support for REST API requests via superagent.
- 1.1.2 Fix minor bug of missing dependencies and adds get user information functions added .tgz files to git ignore
- 1.2.0 Added Events routes and get room ID
- 1.2.1 Create event log with respondBotAction
- 1.2.2 Automatically try add user Id to action and events
- 1.3.0 Add active users function
- 1.3.1 Fix for TypeError: this.getUserId is not a function
- 1.3.2 Limit polling to be bot specific
- 1.3.3 Polling Bug Fix
- 1.3.4 Removed unused polling in backend
- 1.3.5 Polling only for active Bot Actions
- 1.4.0 Add WinstonJS logs and custom logs for client side
- 1.4.1 Support a new URL parameter to enable logging
- 1.4.2 Various level logging for requests and linting
- 1.4.3 Linting check on pre-commit hook
- 1.4.4 Using upsert route for Bot Data
- 1.4.5 Fixed routes with string literals
- 1.4.6
field support - 1.4.7 User fullName support
- 1.5.0 Unit tests for installBot function. Pre-commit and pre-push hooks for linter and tests
- 1.5.1 Update Bot Action polling to have a timeout
- 1.5.2 Bug fixes
- 1.5.3 Events have user attached to their context
- 1.5.4 Get all events
- 1.5.5 Duplicate events created
- 1.5.6 Fix missing tokens
- 1.5.7 Added Get Users Route
- 1.5.8 Default full name back to user email if no full name exists
- 1.5.9 botAction tests
- 1.5.10 botData functions allow Object as a param and object is escaped before creating/patching
- 1.5.11 Fix apostrophe issue
- 1.5.12 Update ExternalId field
- 1.6.0 Added Heartbeat function
- 1.6.1 Can pass any data type into create / update botData
- 1.6.2 Fix Upsert Bug
- 1.6.3 Sending displayName on install/update
- 1.6.4 Update room name
- 1.6.5 Only log upsert error if there is an error.
- 1.6.6 Can filter Events by type.
- 1.6.7 Fix getBotData to not return all room data.
- 1.6.8 Get a list of all active rooms.
- 1.6.9 On client side, use window location for server url.
- 1.6.10 Send ownerUrl and helpUrl on install / update.
- 1.6.11 Made changes for new token workflow behind feature flag/backwards compatible.
- 1.6.12 Added bulkCreateEvents function.
- 1.6.13 Socket connection behind proxy.
- 1.6.14 Add the getOrInitializeBotData function
- 1.6.15 Fix bug with token workflow.
- 1.6.16 Retry if API limit has been reached.
- 1.6.17 getRoomTypes function.
- 1.6.18 Return reject bug.
- 1.6.19 Added log automatically to event.
- 1.6.20 Added botname from config to event.
- 1.6.21 Emit event for new room created.
- 1.6.22 Remove NEW_TOKEN_WORKFLOW toggle.
- 1.7.0 Pull out generic functions and fix tests
- 1.7.1 Fix bug with generic function.
- 1.8.0 Adding sorted by in get events and adding deactivate room
- 1.9.0 Added ability to connect to realtime app.
- 1.9.1 Added botId to clientside events.
- 1.9.2 Added logic to reconnect when refocus terminates websocket connection
- 1.9.3 Added function isBotInstalledInRoom.
- 1.9.4 Added function getRoomTypeById.
- 1.9.5 Added function getRoomById, removed getRoomTypeById.
- 1.10.0 Added optional support for multiple instances of bots (requires redis instance).
- 1.10.1 Added password option to cache initialisation for authentication.
- 1.10.2 Fixed bug in cache checking, when cache is not enabled.
- 1.10.3 Changed redis cache settings from host and port to url.
- 1.11.0 added method for getting and parsing botdata
- 1.11.1 added method for getting and parsing botdata to server.
- 1.11.2 Updated outdated packages for security reasons.