Branch | Build status | Code coverage | Tests |
develop | Unit e2e | ||
master | Unit |
Rev is a platform that allows you to control and monitor micro-controllers real-time. All micro-controllers capable of running firmware with an implementation of the firmata protocol can be connected using either a serial or ethernet connection. Useful for sensor readouts, home-automation or other projects that require real-time communication with your homemade hardware.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- A micro-controller running firmware with an implementation of the firmata protocol.
- A more detailed explanation on how to achieve this is given here.
- Nodejs. Tested on 11.14.0.
- NPM (this usually comes with the Nodejs installation).
Using GIT
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Install dependencies
$ cd rev-service
$ npm install
If you want to use rev in conjunction with sqlite, you seem to have to install the required package manually according to their documentation.
$ npm install sqlite3
You should now be able to execute the rev service by running:
$ npm start
If you want to execute the rev service from other directories, run the following command in the root
of the project directory to make a symbolic link to rev in your global node_modules
$ npm link
Using NPM
Install the package
$ npm install -g @rev-control/service
After which you should be able to execute the rev service anywhere by running the following command:
$ rev-service [options]
The following options can be added as flags when executing rev.
flag | purpose | default |
--ethernetPort | Port from which the ethernet service will be served | 3001 |
--debug | Enable debug logging | false |
--serial | Enable serial interface | false |
--ethernet | Enable ethernet interface | false |
--dbSchema | The default schema to use | rev |
--dbHost | The database server's host address | localhost |
--dbPort | Port on which the database server is running | 3306 |
--dbUsername | Username to log in to the database server | null |
--dbPassword | Password to log in to the database server | null |
--dbDialect | The database server's dialect (mysql, postgres, mariadb, sqlite, mssql) | sqlite |
--dbPath | Path to the database file (only when using sqlite) | :memory: |
Rev is able to connect to micro-controllers using the following interfaces:
The rev scans all host serial interfaces for plugged in devices running the firmata protocol.
Devices are able to connect using nothing but a regular network connection. Wireless or wired. Rev binds to port 9000 by default.
Running the tests
The rev service contains an extensive suite of unit tests executed by Jest. These tests can be executed using:
$ npm test
Break down into end to end tests
And coding style tests
Flashing a micro-controller with firmata firmware
A comprehensible guide flashing firmata firmware onto your micro-controller
- Arduino IDE
- ConfigurableFirmata library (installed in Arduino IDE)
- Firmware. I recommend picking the features you require on firmatabuilder
Open the firmware downloaded from firmatabuilder using the Arduino IDE and connect your board. Select the correct board type under 'tools' and hit 'upload'.
Built With
Todo Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Timothy Claassens - Owner - daftfox
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License.