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1.3.14 • Public • Published



@remix-breeze/router is a library for defining and managing routes in a Remix application in a JSON format instead of confusing file based routing.


npm install @remix-breeze/router
# or
yarn add @remix-breeze/router


  1. Create a file breeze-router.server.ts in your app/ directory with the following content:
import { createBreezeRouter } from "@remix-breeze/router";

const breezeRouter = createBreezeRouter({
  // define your routes
  routes: [
      path: "/",
      file: "pages/home/page.tsx",
      options: { index: true },
      path: "about",
      file: "pages/about/page.tsx",
    // Nested routes example
      path: "/admin",
      file: "pages/admin/layout.tsx",
      children: [
          path: "",
          file: "pages/admin/index.tsx",
          options: { index: true },
          path: "/admin/users",
          file: "pages/admin/users/index.tsx",
          path: "/admin/users/:id/edit",
          file: "pages/admin/users/edit.tsx",

export default breezeRouter;
  1. Open the vite.config.ts file in your root directory, and setup the routes as follow:
// Import the breezeRouter instead that we created earlier
import breezeRouter from "./app/breeze-router.server";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // Pass the routes to the remix plugin
    remix({ routes: breezeRouter.routes }),

Now you are all set.

With this setup, you can define your pages wherever you want, in the folder structure you like, and just specify your route path and the file path that it should render.


createBreezeRouter(options: { routes: RouteConfig[] })

Creates a new BreezeRouter instance.


  • options.routes: An array of RouteConfig objects with the following shape:
interface RouteConfig {
  name?: string;
  path: string;
  file: string;
  children?: RouteConfig[];
  options?: {
     * Should be `true` if the route `path` is case-sensitive. Defaults to
     * `false`.
    caseSensitive?: boolean;
     * Should be `true` if this is an index route that does not allow child routes.
    index?: boolean;
     * An optional unique id string for this route. Use this if you need to aggregate
     * two or more routes with the same route file.
    id?: string;


An object containing the following methods:

  • routes
  • getPath

breezeRouter.routes(defineRoutes: DefineRouteCallback)

Defines the routes based on the RouteConfig object.


  • defineRoutes: The Remix DefineRouteCallback.

breezeRouter.getPath(name: string, options: GetPathOption)

Gets a route path by name. Throws an error if the route is not found. Make sure to pass the "name" attribute when defining your routes in the RouteConfig object if you want to use this function.


  • name: The name of the route.
  • options: The options to pass to the route.


The path of the route.


Say you define a route like this in your routeConfig array:

  name: "User.Edit", // the name can be anything you like, make sure they are unique
  path: "/users/:id",
  file: "pages/users/edit.tsx"

If you want to link to it in your UI, you can do something like this:

  to={breezeRouter.getPath("Users.Edit", {
    params: { id: 2 },
  Edit user

More Example

const path = breezeRouter.getPath("Posts.Edit", { id: "1" });
console.log(path); // Output: "/posts/1/edit"

const pathWithQuery = breezeRouter.getPath("Posts.Edit", { id: "1", query: { name: "John" } });
console.log(pathWithQuery); // Output: "/posts/1/edit?name=John"

const pathWithHash = breezeRouter.getPath("Posts.Edit", { id: "1", hash: "section-1" });
console.log(pathWithHash); // Output: "/posts/1/edit#section-1"

const pathWithQueryAndHash = breezeRouter.getPath("Posts.Edit", {
  params: { id: "1" },
  query: { title: "Hello World" },
  hash: "section-1",
console.log(pathWithQueryAndHash); // Output: "/posts/1/edit?name=Hello%20World#section-1"


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  • paterson