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It is the No.3 project of group d9.
This project is Markdown engine, parse to JSON configuration, which used to do rendering.



The purpose of d9-n3 is to provide a Markdown-based approach that allows non-programmers to easily participate in the process of page design and creation to a great extent, without the assistance of programmers. Additionally, due to the easily storable and comparable structure of Markdown, this approach also brings convenience in terms of page management.

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Parsing Markdown involves three main steps: pre-parsing of Markdown content, syntax parsing, and creation and parsing of widget configurations.


The pre-parsing of Markdown content uses mdast for parsing. It mainly processes the text content into a structured format and builds the structure tree of the given document based on the hierarchy of headings. It is worth noting that according to the parsing result of mdast, all headings (if the syntax follows the normal writing conventions, as Markdown has loose syntax requirements) are placed under the root node and are not organized into a tree structure. Therefore, the pre-parsing process reorganizes the headings based on their hierarchy, with N-level headings appearing as child nodes under the nearest preceding N-1 level heading.

Semantic Parse

The semantic parsing will parse headings and list items into components, following the following parsing rules:

  • Headings, in the format of WidgetType[::Headline][::$Id].
    • If no text definition is provided, it is considered a reserved heading,
    • If the text ends with ::IGNORE or ::EXPORT, it is considered a reserved heading.,
    • If no widget type is detected, it is considered a reserved heading.
  • List Items, content can be defined as a component or property definition.
    • If the first child element of the list item in Markdown syntax is not text, it is considered a reserved item.
    • If the first child element is not on the same line as the list item, it is considered a reserved item.
    • If there is no text definition on the same line, it is considered a reserved item.
    • If it starts with REF., Ref., or ref., it is considered a reference to an external component.
    • If the text format is WidgetType::[Label[::PropertyPath]], it is considered a component.
    • If it is in the format x: y, it is considered a property definition.
    • Others are considered a property group definition, specifically used for defining boolean properties.

Reserved heading and list item currently not supported in the runtime.
Reference list item currently not supported in the runtime.

Creation and Parsing of Widget Configurations

After the pre-parsing and syntax parsing stages, we have obtained a complete syntax tree. The remaining task is to continue parsing and creating configuration data that can be used for rendering with the d9 core.

Before explaining the final step, an important concept must be clarified: the parsing of Markdown syntax has no direct physical relationship with the actual widget library selection. However, logically, all widget types parsed in the previous process must be supported in the final rendering process. In particular, the parsing of specific widget properties, due to the uniqueness of each individual widget (each widget may have its own unique properties and corresponding values), requires support from a corresponding widget parsing implementation if we are rendering based on a specific widget library. However, d9-n3 already has standard support for standard properties, and if there are no specific properties that need support (which is highly unlikely in the real world), there is essentially no need for additional widget-level plugin support.

All discussions below are based on the parsing support for the d9-n2 widget library that comes with d9-n3. If you are using a different widget library or a mixed scenario, you can also customize and register your own widget parsing by understanding the following instructions and referring to the relevant source code of d9-n3.

Referencing the implementation of SemanticHelper#classifyParsedHeadings, Markdown allows multiple top-level nodes. Currently, only nodes with a widget type of Page are considered renderable widgets. In the absence of any Page node definitions, only nodes defined as Export will be considered renderable widgets. In the final parsing process, only the first node considered renderable will be selected for further parsing and ultimately rendered.

Let's take a look at a very simple example,

# Page

- Input::Name::name

# Page

[//]: # (something else)

In the above definition, only the first Page node will be considered for rendering, and the second one will be ignored. Therefore, in actual practice, we recommend defining one page per Markdown and not merging them together.

Regarding the inclusion of multiple widgets in a Markdown file, reserved headings, reserved list items, and related support, we will plan for it in future versions. Currently, it can be understood as just a placeholder to support flexibility in definitions.

After the initial demonstration, we have learned how to define a page using a Markdown file. Next, we will see a more complex example as follows:

# Page::Policy Info

## Section::Policy Info

- Input::Company Code::companyCode
	- length: 2;
	- disabled
- Input::Prefix::symbol
	- length: 3;
	- disabled
- Input::Policy No.::policyNo
	- disabled
	- length: 6;
- Input::Suffix::renewalRewriteVer
	- length: 1..2;
	- disabled
- Dropdown::Country::countryCode
	- options:
		- 183: NZ
- Input::Insured Name::insuredName
	- length: 0..128;
- Input::Insured Alias Name::insuredAliasName
	- length: 0..40;
- Input::Holder Contact Phone::holderContactPhone
	- length: 0..15;
- Input::Endorsement No.::endoNo
	- length: 3;
	- disabled
- Input::Endorsement Cancel Ver::endoCancelVer
	- length: 1..2;
	- disabled
- Input::Ccvb No.::ccvb
	- disabled
- Dropdown::Transaction Type::transactionType
	- options:
		- AP: New Business
		- CP: Cancel Policy Pro-rata
		- MP: Endorsement
		- RENEW: Renew
		- REIN: Reinstatement
- Date::Trans Date::transDate
- Date::Application Date::applicationDate
- Dropdown::Status::status
	- options:
		- A: Active
		- C: Cancelled
- Input::Previous Status::previousStatus
	- length: 1;
- Date::Policy Effective Date::effectiveDate
- Date::Policy Expiry Date::expiryDate
- Input::Terms::terms
	- length: 1..3;
	- integer: Must be an integer.
- Date::Origin Issue Date::originIssueDate
- Date::Origin Effective Date::originEffectiveDate
- Date::Endorsement Effective Date::endoEffectiveDate
- Date::Cancel Date::cancelDate
- Date::Cancel Process Date::cancelProcessDate
- Input::Cancel Reason Code::cancelReasonCode
	- length: 2;
- Date::Reinstate Process Date::reinstateProcessDate
- Dropdown::Reinstate Type::reinstateType
	- options:
		- P: P
- Dropdown::Branch::branchCode
	- options:
		- 01: 01
		- 02: 02
- Input::Underwriter Code::underwriterCode
	- length: 0..10;
- Input::Underwriter Origin::underwriterOrigin
	- length: 0..10;
- Dropdown::Broker Company Code::agentCode
	- options: @ext.codes.mdBrokerCompanyOptions
	- sort: asc
- Input::Broker Name Code::brokerCode
	- length: 0..6;
- Number::Commission Percentage::commissionPercentage
	- notNegative: Must be not negative.
	- numeric: Must be numeric.
- Dropdown::Account Type Code::accountTypeCode
	- options:
		- A: A
		- C: C
		- B: B
		- Y: Y
- Input::Source Code::sourceCode
	- length: 1..3;
- Input::Production Source Code::productionSourceCode
	- length: 1..3;
- Dropdown::Coinsurance Indicator::coinsuranceIndicator
	- options:
		- N: N (Non-Coinsurance)
		- L: L (Co-AIG as Leader)
		- Y: Y (Co-AIG as Follower)
- Dropdown::Renewal Flag::renewalFlag
	- options:
		- 0: N
		- 1: Y
- Dropdown::Renewal Code::renewalCode
	- options:
		- 00: 00
		- 01: 01
		- 02: 02
		- 03: 03
		- 04: 04
		- 05: 05
		- 06: 06
		- 07: 07
		- 08: 08
		- 09: 09
		- 10: 10
- Dropdown::Renewal Indicator::renewalIndicator
	- options:
		- N: N
		- Y: Y
- Input::Assume Business Indicator::assumeBusinessIndicator
	- length: 1;
- Dropdown::Inward RI Company Code::inwardRICode
	- options: @ext.codes.mdInwardRiCompanyOptions
	- sort: asc
- Dropdown::Assumed Type::agentSubproducerCode
	- options:
		- NRI: NRI
		- IRI: IRI
- Dropdown::Billing Code::billingCode
	- Options:
		- AC:AC
		- DB:DB
		- AR:AR
- Input::Pay Plan Code::payPlanCode
	- length:2
- Dropdown::Currency Code::currencyCode
	- options:
		- 108: 108
- Input::Quote Currency Code::quoteCurrencyCode
	- length: 3;
- Dropdown::Deductible Costs Flag::deductibleCostsFlag
	- options:
		- E: E
		- I: I
		- N: N
- Dropdown::Rated Type::ratedType
	- options:
		- M: M
		- A: A
		- H: H
		- P: P
- Number::Short Rate Percentage::shortRatePercentage
	- numeric: Must be numeric.
	- notNegative: Must be not negative.
- Date::Reinstatement Date::reinstatementDate
- Input::Renewal Certificate Number::renewalCertificateNumber
	- length: 8;
- Dropdown::Audit Frequency::auditFrequency
	- options:
		- A: A
		- S: S
		- M: M
- Dropdown::Personal Package Policy Status::personalPackagePolicyStatus
	- options:
		- A: A
		- H: H
		- B: B
- Input::Stateside Collection Indicator::statesideCollectionIndicator
	- length: 0..1;
- Dropdown::MM Maker Type::mmMakerType
	- options:
		- MJ: MJ
		- MM: MM
		- M: M
- Checkbox::eDit Flag::eDitFlag
	- values: Y, N
- Input::Request Revision No.::requestRevisionNo
- Input::Lae Method Flag::laeMethodFlag
	- length: 1;
- Dropdown::Prefix Segment Code::prefixSegmentCode
	- options:
		- C: C
		- S: S
		- T: T
		- A: A
		- O: O
		- N: N
		- 0: 0
- Dropdown::Waats Gds Reference No.::waatsGdsReferenceNo
	- options:
		- 0: 0
		- NZD: NZD
		- ANZ: ANZ
		- FRA: FRA
- Input::Document Note::documentNote
	- disabled
- Dropdown::Print Renewal Notice::printRenewalNotice
	- options:
		- Y: Y
- Date::Error Date::errorDate
- Input::Form Number::formNumber
	- length: 0..5;
- Dropdown::Region Field::regionField
	- options:
		- N: N
- Input::Renewal Extract::renewalExtract
	- length: 0..1;
- Checkbox::Has End::hasEnd
	- values: Y, N
- Input::Filler Field::fillerField
	- place: 12
	- length: 0..65;
- Input::Manual Modify::manualModify
	- disabled

The above is a fairly comprehensive example used to render a page for inputting basic insurance information. We don't need to focus on the specific content here; we are interested in understanding how to define it quickly. Let’s select a representative section from it for a detailed observation.

# Page::Policy Info

## Section::Policy Info

- Input::Company Code::companyCode
	- length: 2;
	- disabled
- Dropdown::Country::countryCode
	- options:
		- 183: NZ
- Checkbox::Has End::hasEnd
	- values: Y, N
- Input::Filler Field::fillerField
	- place: 12
	- length: 0..65;
  • # Page::Policy Info: This represents a page,
  • ## Section::Policy Info: This is a Section, and it is titled Policy Info,
  • - Input::Company Code::companyCode: This is an input, and it is titled Company Code, bind two-way with the model property companyCode,
  • - length: 2;: The length of Company Code must be 2 characters. Custom validation exception messages can be written after the semicolon, but it is not specified in this case, so the standard message will be used,
  • - disabled: Company Code cannot be edited or modified,
  • - Dropdown::Country::countryCode: This is a dropdown, and it is titled Country, bind two-way with the model property countryCode,
  • - options:, - 183: NZ: This dropdown only has one option, with a value of 183 and a label of NZ,
  • - Checkbox::Has End::hasEnd: This is a checkbox, and it is titled Has End, bind two-way with the model property hasEnd,
  • - values: Y, N: The value of this checkbox is Y and N,
  • - Input::Filler Field::fillerField: This is an input, and it is titled Filler Field, bind two-way with the model property fillerField,
  • - place: 12: Occupying 12 columns, since the Section uses a 12-column layout, this input field actually spans the entire row,
  • - length: 0..65;: Similar to the length limit mentioned above, here it is defined that 0 to 65 characters are all valid.

Once the above Markdown is defined, simply invoke the parseDoc function to obtain the parsed configuration, which can then be used for rendering, as shown below:

// Assuming that content is a markdown text definition that satisfies the syntax requirements,
const {node: def} = parseDoc(content);

return <StandaloneRoot $root={model} {...def} />;

Built-in d9-n2 Widgets Parser

All the built-in d9-n2 widgets parsing support can be found in the /src/lib/n2 directory. Before using the d9-n2 widget parsing, need to call the registerN2Widgets method to register all the parsers. All parsers need to implement SpecificWidgetTranslator. If it is an array widget, please implement SpecificArrayWidgetTranslator. d9-n3 already provides a variety of basic parsers for customizing new parsers, and you can observe the specific implementation through the source code. After writing your custom parsers, you also need to provide a function similar to registerN2Widgets to register your parser into the parser repository.

Syntax of Markdown

When defining a page, the most important aspect is attribute definition. This section will focus on the attribute definition part and provide comprehensive documentation to facilitate quick learning for users.

Property or attribute have the same meaning in this chapter and are no longer distinguished.


Syntax: WidgetType[::Headline[::PropertyPath[::Id]]].

Connect with ::,

  • If there is no ::, only the widget type is present,
  • If there are two parts, it includes widget type and headline,
  • If there are three parts, it includes widget type, headline and property path,
  • If there are more than three parts,
    • The last section represents the id,
    • The second to last section represents property path,
    • The first section represents the widget type,
    • Rest sections are reconnected with :: to represent the headline.

Some examples:

# Page

## Section::Basic Info

### Table::Order Items::orderItems

- property: items

It is important to note that the last section of the heading is not a property path, so an additional property path definition is needed through the list item approach.

If heading ends with ::EXPORT, means it is exported from this markdown configuration, the first one will be rendered if there is no Page present.
If heading ends with ::IGNORE, means it is ignored in rendering, which can be used to annotate exclusions that are not meant to be removed from the entire configuration.

Except for the root node, the content of the headline will be used as the label attribute.

List Item

If list item ends with ::IGNORE, means it is ignored in rendering, which can be used to annotate exclusions that are not meant to be removed from the entire configuration.


Syntax: WidgetType::[Label[::PropertyPath]].

Connect with ::,

  • If there is no ::, it will not be recognized as a widget,
  • If there are two parts, it includes widget type and label (could be empty or blank),
  • If there are more than three parts, the last section represents the property path, the first section represents the widget type. All the middle sections are reconnected with :: to represent the headline.

Some examples:

- Input::Name::name
- Dropdown::
	- property: gender

- Dropdown:: will be parsed to two parts, which presents widget type and an empty label.

Reference Widget

Syntax: REF.Id or Ref.Id or ref.Id.

Reserved, currently not supported in runtime.


Syntax: X:y.

Single attribute definition. Additionally, this list item node can contain child lists, depending on the implementation of the parser.

Some examples:

- property: name
- options: @ext.codes.hasEndOptions
- options:
	- A: A
	- C: C

In the examples above, all property definitions are written at the top level. However, in actual definitions, properties are always associated with a component and therefore cannot be written at the top level.


Syntax: a[, b[, !c]].

To define multiple properties with boolean values, connected by commas. To represent a false value, simply prefix it with an exclamation mark.

Some examples:

- disabled
- disabled, !visible

In the examples above, all property definitions are written at the top level. However, in actual definitions, properties are always associated with a component and therefore cannot be written at the top level.



  • place, position, pos and $pos can all be used as attribute names, and they have the same meaning,
  • place: columns,
  • place: row, column,
  • place: row, column, columns,
  • place: row, column, columns, rows,
  • place: [c|$c|col|$col|column|$column: column][, r|$r|row|$row: row][, cols|$cols|columns|$columns: columns][, rows|$rows: rows].

Some examples:

- place: 12
- position: 2, 4
- pos: 2, 4, 6
- $pos: 2, 4, 6, 3
- place: c: 4, r: 2, cols: 6, rows: 3
- place: $c: 4, $r: 2, $cols: 6, $rows: 3
- $mpos: 2, 4, 6, 3
- mpos: 2, 4, 6, 3

$mpos, mpos is position for mobile only.

Render On Specific Devices

Specify specific widgets to render only on particular devices using $renderOn or renderOn. The valid values are desktop, mobile, tablet, and touchable. You can also specify multiple devices by connecting values with , or ;. It's important to note that if no rendering device filter is applied, the component won't render at all, and thus, won't have any event listeners. If no device is specified, it will be assumed to render on all devices.

data- Attribute

Attributes starting with data- are standard HTML DOM attributes. For these attributes, the following enhancements apply:

  • First, standard attributes like boolean values, numeric values, etc.
  • If it's a string type, check if it starts with $pp.. If it does, consider it needs to read a value from the model. If not, consider it as a DataAttributeCalculator function.
  • Otherwise, use the original value.

It's important to note that data- attributes can be reused, for example, when a component is wrapped by a form cell. In such usage scenarios, if a data- attribute is associated with its own property value changes, it can only be perceived by the component itself, rather than directly by the form cell. Therefore, it's necessary to combine it with the repaint definition to enable the entire form cell to perceive it.


The built-in tip can be easily activated by adding some attributes to the component. The following attributes are necessary:

  • data-tip-body: Essential for activating the tip. If it has no value, the tip will not be activated.
  • data-tip-title: Title of the tip.
  • data-tip-min-width: Minimum width.
  • data-tip-max-width: Maximum width.
  • data-tip-max-height: Maximum height.
  • data-tip-delay: Display duration in seconds.
  • data-tip-tag: Custom tip DOM attribute name, used for customizing tip styles.

Most complex components do not support the tip feature, as there isn't actually much necessity for it. If additional support is needed, you can use a Box to wrap around the component.

Components with pop-up layers, such as Dropdowns and Calendars, although supported, are prone to conflict with Popups, so it's not recommended to use them. If you must use them, please use them with a delay to avoid overlapping issues.

For decorator components, the tip feature utilizes the data-di-* attributes and also supports data-*, but it's not recommended to use them simultaneously.

Attribute Guard

Any attributes that are not captured by a specific parser will be eventually parsed by the attribute guard. The attribute guard follows the following principles for parsing:

  • If the attribute value is empty, it is considered as an empty string.
  • If it is any of True, true, T, t, Yes, yes, Y, y, it is considered as true.
  • If it is any of False, false, F, f, No, no, N, n, it is considered as false.
  • Attempt to convert it to a numeric type, if successful, it is converted to a numeric value; if failed, the string value is retained.

Therefore, if the value of a component attribute conforms to the above rules, there is no need to provide additional parsers.

Some examples:

- property: name
- disabled: yes

External Definition

Any attribute value starting with @ext. will be translated as requiring an external definition.

Some examples:

- options: @ext.codes.hasEndOptions

In the examples above, using codes.hasEndOptions to find external definitions, which passed to StandardRoot.

Unless otherwise specified, in markdown, the @ext. syntax is only allowed when declaring properties in the first level under a component. Many properties of components are complex and require multi-level description. In such cases, the @ext. syntax is generally not supported.

Form Cell

$fc is a boolean attribute. When this attribute is defined (typically with a value of true), the current widget will have the .FC suffix added, indicating that it is included within the component represented by FC. Note that if a widget already has a label defined, it will by default have the .FC suffix added. Unless the widget parser declares that it should not be included, please refer to the SpecificWidgetTranslator#shouldWrapByFormCell implementation.

Form cell introduces the concept of label, which is generally a static string and can be defined using - label: SomeText. In complex cases, component combinations can be defined using the following approach, as an example, we will take the input box:

  • label in headline,
    - Input::A Label::name
  • label in attribute,
    - Input::::name
      - label: A Label
  • Use a Caption as label, in this case, label is same as input text,
    - Input::::name
      - label:
          - valueOnLabel
          - property: name
  • Use any widget as label,
    - Input::::name
      - label: Input
          - property: name

Please be aware that label can be an attribute of widget itself, in this case, use SpecificWidgetTranslator#shouldTranslateLabelAttribute to avoid default parsing behavior.

Built-in Validation Properties

  • required: boolean,
  • numeric: boolean,
  • integer: boolean,
  • positive: boolean,
  • notNegative: boolean,
  • length: syntax as below,
    • length: number: presents fix length,
    • length: number..: presents minimum length,
    • length: ..number: presents maximum length,
    • length: number..number: presents both minimum and maximum length,
    • all above syntax, connected by ,,
    • no negative value accepted.
  • numberRange: : syntax as below,
    • numberRange: [min..max]: presents a range,
    • allow given minimum value by [, or ignore it. Or exclude given minimum value by (,
    • allow given maximum value by ], or ignore it. Or exclude given maximum value by ),
    • minimum/maximum value can be ignored, but at least one should be present,
    • all above syntax, connected by ,,
  • regex or regexp: syntax as below,
    • regex: ^\d+$: presents a regex pattern,
    • multiple patterns connected by ,.

Some examples:

- required, numeric, positive
- integer, notNegative
- length: 5
- length: 1..5
- length: ..5
- length: 3..
- length: 8, 11
- length: 5..8, 11..20

All built-in validation properties can use tailing ; message to identify the customization message. For boolean attribute, string value should be treated as customization message.

Some examples:

- required: Name is required.
- length: 5; Name should be 5 characters.

Built-in validation attribute must be declared in customized SpecificWidgetTranslator, otherwise it will not take effect.

Name Mapping

The names of certain attributes in actual configurations may start with a $, or they may be abbreviated or use shorthand forms. These names can be confusing to read when configuring in Markdown. Therefore, d9-n3 provides a mechanism for attribute name mapping, which consists of the following parts:

  • Widget scoped: by WidgetType.name register,
  • Global: by name register,
  • Built-in.

Some examples:

export class N2DropdownTranslator extends SpecificWidgetTranslator<N2WidgetType.DROPDOWN> {
	// declare sort is mapping to optionSort, for dropdown only
	// in markdown, eg. - sort: asc
	public getAttributeNamesMapping(): Undefinable<Record<CustomAttributeName, WidgetPropertyName>> {
		return {'Dropdown.sort': 'optionSort'};

// declare sort is mapping to optionSort, for all widgets
AttributeNameUtils.register({'sort': 'optionSort'});

Built-in name mapping as below,

Name in Markdown Name in Definition
disabled $disabled
visible $visible
validate $valid
watch $reaction
property $pp
place $pos
position $pos
pos $pos

d9-n2 Widgets Support


Attribute Name Type Need Declare by Widget Parser? Description
property, $pp property path No - property: name
- property: customer.name
disabled, $disabled boolean No - disabled
visible, $visible boolean No - visible: false
validate, $valid various No
validateScopes, $validationScopes text No - validateScopes: s1, s2
Define the applicable validation scopes.
watch, $reaction various No
place, position, pos, $pos various No Refer to Position
$fc boolean No - $fc
Force current widget wrapped by a form cell.
label text No - Section::Customer
- label: Customer
Works when widget is wrapped by form cell.
holdPositionWhenInvisible boolean No Hold position even widget is invisible, for form cell.
required boolean Yes - required
- required: This field is mandantory.
numeric boolean Yes - numeric
- numeric: This field should be a number.
integer boolean Yes - integer
- integer: This field should be an integer.
positive boolean Yes - positive
- positive: This field should be a positive number.
notNegative boolean Yes - notNegative
- notNegative: This field should be a non-negative number.
length number range Yes - length: 5
- length: 5..10, etc.
regex,regexp regexp Yes - regex: ^\d{5}$, etc.

Disablement and Visibility

For components that support responsive availability and visibility, besides directly using boolean values, $disabled and $visible provide more complex definition approaches as follows:

- Checkbox::Allowed to watch PG-13 rated films.::allowPG13
	- disabled:
		- on: name, age
		- handle: `(model.name ?? '').trim().length === 0 || parseInt(model.age ?? 0) <= 12`

The above syntax indicates that if the name is not filled in or the age is less than or equal to 12, the current component will be disabled.

handle can be defined using a JavaScript block to enable syntax highlighting. It also supports the @ext. syntax.

It is important to note that for disabled and visible, the handle definition will also be called as a default value calculation. Therefore, please note that within the handle function body, only the root, model, and value arguments are applicable.


In addition to the built-in validation rules, you can also customize validation rules in the same way as Disablement and Visibility. However, Validation can choose not to listen to any other property changes. If defined, it will be applied to all validation rules.

Validation can also be defined with only the listening properties without defining any rules.

Here is a simple example:

- Input::Property D::propD
	- required
	- validate:
		- on: propA
		- handle:
		  if (VUtils.isBlank(model.propA)) {
		    return value === 'blank' ? {valid: true}: {valid:false, failReason: 'A is blank, D should be "blank".'};
		  } else if (VUtils.isNumber(model.propA).test) {
		    return value === 'number' ? {valid: true}: {valid:false, failReason: 'A is number, D should be "number".'};
		  } else {
		    return value === 'string' ? {valid: true}: {valid:false, failReason: 'A is string, D should be "string"'};

The above definition means that property D is required and its value must have a certain mapping relationship with the type of property A.


Similar to the Disablement, Visibility, and Validation mentioned above, the Reaction can also be customized. All the syntax rules for Reaction are consistent with these three basic attributes. However, Reaction provides multiple writing styles, including the possibility of having special Reaction keywords for components. Here are several common Reaction keywords that all components have:

  • repaint: Refreshes itself when changes are detected.
  • clearMe: Clears its value when changes are detected and then refreshes itself.
  • watch: Performs custom operations when changes are detected.

It is important to note that watch must have a defined handler, but it is not required to have a return value. By default, it uses repaint as the standard behavior. As for repaint and clearMe, since they already have standard behaviors, in most cases, it is only necessary to define the listeners without the need to define a handle.

Here is a simple example:

- Input::Property D::propD
	- required
	- repaint:
		- on: propA
- Input::Property E::propE
	- required
	- clearMe:
		- on: propA
- Input::Property F::propF
	- required
	- watch:
		- on: propA
		- handle:
		  model.propF = model.propA;
		  return 'repaint';  

Additionally, if using watch, the return can also specify changes in attribute values, so that the component can actively initiate attribute value change events. This is typically used when it is necessary to notify other components after the response itself has made certain changes to the data model.

Here is a simple example:

- Input::Property G::propG
	- watch:
		- on: propG
		- handle:
		  const oldValue = model.propH;
		  model.propH = model.propG;
		  // path must be absolute
		  return ['value-changed', {path: '/propH', from: oldValue, to: model.propH}];  


Use $d9n2.intl.labels to define the internationalization string package. For example, you can add $d9n2.intl.labels.zh to define a Chinese package. After the definition is completed, use the following command to notify the language switch:

const {fire} = useGlobalEventBus();
const onZhClicked = () => {
	$d9n2.intl.language = 'zh';
	fire(GlobalEventTypes.LANGUAGE_CHANGED, 'zh');

Please note that the language package $d9n2.intl.labels['en-US'] already exists and can be overwritten to override the built-in string package.


Strictly adhere to the heading parsing rules without any additional attribute definitions.


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 12.
Attribute Name Type Description
label, title text - Section::Customer
- title: Customer

label and title attribute follows the label default parsing behavior.


A container, default use flex layout.


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 12.
Attribute Name Type Description
initActive number, text Number represents tab index (starts from 0), text represents tab marker.


Attribute Name Type Description
title text Tab title.
marker text Tab marker, global unique.
badge text Tab title badge.
body function
data function

title and badge attribute follows the label default parsing behavior.

The configuration of tab content is the same as Section, except follows,

  • No title attribute, which has already been used in tab title,
  • No label attribute.

Ignore all child node definitions when body presents.

data attribute is used to retrieve the data of the tab content, simply set data into tab model and widget will refresh automatically.


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 12.
Attribute Name Type Description
balloon boolean Use ballon style or not, default true.
emphasisActive boolean Enable active emphasis animation or not, default true.
freeWalk boolean Freely switch between all the steps or not, default false.
omitWalker boolean Omit the default step switching buttons (forward/backward) or not, default false.
reached number, text Number represents step index (starts from 0), text represents step marker. All steps before the specified step can be switched freely.

Wizard Step (WStep)

Attribute Name Type Description
title text Tab title.
marker text Tab marker, global unique.
body function
data function

title attribute follows the label default parsing behavior.

The configuration of tab content is the same as Section, except follows,

  • No title attribute, which has already been used in tab title,
  • No label attribute.

Ignore all child node definitions when body presents.

data attribute is used to retrieve the data of the step content, simply set data into step model and widget will refresh automatically.

Wizard Shared Content (WShared)

Attribute Name Type Description
lead boolean Shared content block comes before each step content or not, default false.

The configuration of tab content is the same as Section, except follows,

  • No title attribute,
  • No label attribute.

Caption, Label

  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: true,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 3.
Attribute Name Type Description
label, text text - Caption::Customer Name
- label: Customer Name
labelOnValue boolean - labelOnValue: true
valueToLabel various
click text - click: alert message
- click: alert:message
- click: dialog key
- click: dialog:key

Caption and Label have slight differences.

  • For Caption, the model value must be explicitly specified; otherwise, only the given label will be used,
    • While defining valueToLabel, the parser will automatically set labelOnValue to true,
  • For Label, defaults to using the model value and ignores the label attribute,
  • For both, while defining text, will ignore the label attribute.

label and text attribute follows the label default parsing behavior.

Syntax of valueToLabel:

  • valueToLabel: `value` : If using Caption and specifying to use the model value, no additional decoration applied. If using Label, this can be ignored.
  • valueToLabel: `value ?? ''` : Use empty text instead when value is null,
  • valueToLabel: `$.nf0(value)` : Format the value, by #0,000,
  • valueToLabel: `$.nf1(value)` : Format the value, by #0,000.0,
  • valueToLabel: `$.nf2(value)` : Format the value, by #0,000.00,
  • valueToLabel: `$.nfx(value)` : Format the value, by #0,000.000, x could be 3 to 99, identify the fraction digits,
  • valueToLabel: `$.nf(0, false)(value)` : Format with the given parameters, keep 0 fraction digits, and do not use thousands separator in the example.
  • valueToLabel: `$.df(value)` : Parse the value by default datetime format and format it to default date format.
    • Default datetime format: getDefaultCalendarDatetimeFormat,
    • Default date format: getDefaultCalendarDateFormat,
    • Change default formats: setCalendarDefaults,
  • valueToLabel: `$.df(value, {from: 'YYYY/MM/DD', to: 'DD/MM/YYYY''})` : Parse the value by given from format and format it to to format,
    • from and to are optional, will use corresponding default format when ignored.

Some examples:

- Label::Name::name
- Label::Middle Name::middleName
	- valueToLabel: `value ?? ''`
- Caption::Middle Name::middleName
	- valueToLabel: `value ?? ''`

Because Caption is also enhanced by Form Cell by default, the behavior of the label attribute on Caption may seem strange. When not specifying using data from the model value, the same label will be displayed twice. Therefore, if you only want to use Caption but don't want it to be displayed twice, you should use Caption::. This way, the system no longer considers it enhanced by Form Cell and it will not be displayed twice. This usage is common in Table, and we will discuss it in more detail later.

Syntax of click

click requires external support in order to respond to the defined event. For example:

import {BaseModel, PropValue} from '@rainbow-d9/n1';
import {PageDef} from '@rainbow-d9/n2';

const markdown = `# Page
- Label::Customer::name
	- valueToLabel: value ?? ''
	- click: dialog:customerDetails
const DialogDefs: Record<string, PageDef> = {
	// ...
const Dialogs = () => {
	const {on, off} = useGlobalEventBus();
	const {show: showDialog} = useDialog();
	useEffect(() => {
		const openDialog = async <R extends BaseModel, M extends PropValue>(
			def: PageDef, models?: { root: R; model: M; }) => {
					<StandaloneRoot {...someDialogDef} $root={model as BaseModel}/>
		const onCustomEvent = <R extends BaseModel, M extends PropValue>(
			key: string, models?: { root: R; model: M; }) => {
			if (key.startsWith('dialog ') || key.startsWith('dialog:')) {
				const dialogKey = key.slice('dialog '.length).trim();
				if (VUtils.isNotEmpty(dialogKey)) {
					const def = DialogDefs[dialogKey];
					if (def !== null) {
						(async () => await openDialog(def, models))();
					} else {
						console.log(`Custom event[key=${key}] is ignored since no definition found by given dialog key[${dialogKey}].`);
				} else {
					console.log(`Custom event[key=${key}] is ignored since no dialog key detected.`);
			} else {
				console.log(`Custom event[key=${key}] is ignored.`);
		on(GlobalEventTypes.CUSTOM_EVENT, onCustomEvent);
		return () => {
			off(GlobalEventTypes.CUSTOM_EVENT, onCustomEvent);
const Page = () => {
	const def = parseDoc(markdown);

	// alert handled by <Alert/>, so no additional supporte required
	// dialog is using custom event, which needs to supported by <Dialogs />, and bridge to <Dialog />
	return <GlobalEventBusProvider>
		<StandaloneRoot $root={model} {...def} />

Input, Number, Pwd

  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: true,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 3,
  • Declared Built-in Validation: required, numeric, integer, positive, notNegative, length, regex.

Some examples:

- Input::Name::name
	- required
	- length: ..10; At most 10 characters for name.
- Number::Age::age
	- required
	- integer
	- positive

The given regular expression will first match against the predefined expressions, and if no match is found, it will directly parse the string as a regular expression. If the given string ends with /i, it is case-insensitive.
Predefine regular expressions through ValidatorUtils.registerRegexps.


The mask prompts for input fields support integration from imask, can be defined using relevant attributes:

  • Input:
    • mask: A string (pattern) or a function returning FactoryOpts, please refer to the imask definition.
  • Number:
    • grouping: true to enable number format grouping. please note default fraction digits is 2.
    • format: customized mask, a NumberInputFormat object or a function returning NumberInputFormat.

If the mask definition for Number doesn't meet your requirements, please use Input for custom masking, while declaring - valueToNumber: true.

Please note that here Mask refers to text formatting and placeholder display, not the same concept as masking sensitive information like PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Content masking should be controlled through data handling models, not just a matter of formatting display.


Input and Number can have decorations, including leadings and tailings. Both leadings and tailings support standard strings or built-in icons. If you want to use built-in icons, you need to use $icons. followed by the icon name, for example, $icons.date.

- DecoInput::Name::name
	- leads: $icons.date
	- tails: $icons.time

Multiple decorators could be split by ;.
Decoration also supported for Button, Caption, Label.

DecoNumber is available for decorating Number,
DecoPwd is available for decorating Pwd.

placeholder for decorated input supports i18n, and will be disabled automatically when mask presents. However, the number mask typically doesn't display the mask placeholder, so the placeholder will still take effect.

The data-di-* attributes are used for decorators, while others are applied directly to the input box.


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: true,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 3,
  • Declared Built-in Validation: required, length.

Some examples:

- Textarea::Description::desc
	- required
	- length: 10..256

Checkbox, Radio

  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: true,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 3,
  • Declared Built-in Validation: required.
Attribute Name Type Description
values text - values: Y
- values: Y, N
emptyWhenFalse boolean - emptyWhenFalse

emptyWhenFalse is for Checkbox only.

Syntax of values

The default values for a checkbox are true and false, where any value other than true is considered as false in the display logic. However, if the actual model value is not of boolean type, such as 1 and 0, Y and N, T and F, etc., it needs to be explicitly specified.

It is important to note that in JavaScript, the value 1 is considered as true.

Radio is a unidirectional form of Checkbox, which means that once selected, it cannot be unselected.

Some examples:

- Checkbox::Agree::agreed
	- required
	- values: Y, N
- Checkbox::Agree::agreed
	- required
	- values: Y
- Checkbox::Agree::agreed
	- required
	- values: , N

Typically, values appear in pairs, but in reality, having only one value is also allowed. However, we generally do not recommend such loose data definition as it can lead to data confusion to some extent.

Dropdown, MultiDropdown, DropdownTree (DDT), MultiDropdownTree (MDDT)

  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: true,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 3,
  • Declared Built-in Validation: required.
Attribute Name Type Description
sort, optionSort text - sort: asc
- sort: desc
Value is case insensitive.
options various
couldSelect function Returns false when given value cannot be chosen, otherwise it can.
Available for DropdownTree and MultiDropdownTree only.

Syntax of options

  • options: value: label[; value: label[; value: label...]]: Static options can be defined by separating each option with a semicolon and separating the value and label with a colon,
  • Use sub-lists to define options, where each sublist item represents an option, and use a colon to separate the value and label,
  • options: @ext.keys: referencing external definitions is also possible.

Some examples:

- Dropdown::Agree::agreed
	- required
	- options: Y: Yes; N: No
- Checkbox::Agree::agreed
	- required
	- options:
		- Y: Yes
		- N: No
- Checkbox::Agree::agreed
	- required
	- options: @ext.codes.yesNoOptions

codes.yesNoOptions depends on external definitions, it must follow signature DropdownDef['options'].

For "DropdownTree," currently only external definitions are supported, as tree nodes are too complex to describe in Markdown.

Reaction to Refresh Options

Use the refreshOptions attribute to respond to changes and refresh the available options. It is important to note that the options are still refreshed using the definition of options. Therefore, if the options definition is static, even if refreshOptions is defined, there will be no changes. In addition, since refreshing the options may result in the originally selected value becoming invalid, clearMe can be used in combination to handle this situation.

Checkboxes (Checks), Radios

In fact, Checkboxes and Radios are just alternative representations of MultiDropdown and Dropdown, respectively. Therefore, all the parameters are the same.

When there are too many options (usually limited to 5 or 6), it is not recommended to use a combination of checkboxes and radios, but rather to revert to a MultiDropdown or Dropdown form.

Due to the differences in presentation, Checkboxes and Radios have additional rendering parameters:

Attribute Name Type Description
columns number Number of columns in option arrangement.
compact boolean When there are multiple options in a row, whether to display them continuously or in a table column format.
single boolean Only one choice available, only for checks, default false. Should use a primitive value instead of an array when single is enabled.
boolOnSingle boolean Only one choice available, only for checks, default false. And if want to put a false as value, set as true.

Reaction to Refresh Options

It is completely consistent with the Dropdown, please refer to the previous section.

Calendar, DateTime, Date

  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: true,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 3,
  • Declared Built-in Validation: required.
Attribute Name Type Description
please text - please: Please select...
clearable boolean - !clearable
- clearable: false
Allowed to clear the selected value or not.
date boolean - date: false, only for Calendar
dateFormat text - dateFormat: YYYY/MM/DD, follows Dayjs.
time boolean - time: true, only for Calendar
timeFormat text - timeFormat: HH:mm:ss, follows Dayjs
storeFormat text - storeFormat: YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss, follows Dayjs
autoConfirm boolean - autoConfirm: true
Selected value should be applied to model automatically on blur or not.
autoConfirmOnDate boolean - autoConfirmOnDate: true
Selected date should be applied to model automatically on date clicked when no time part.
useCalendarIcon boolean - useCalendarIcon: true
Use calendar icon instead of caret down.
fixedTimeAt json For Calendar, works when time is false; and for Date.
initTimeAt json For Calendar, typically it is not need for date only.
couldPerform function Returns false when given value cannot be performed, otherwise it can.

Automatically detect the time format to determine whether to display minutes and seconds. When seconds are present in the time format, minutes will always be displayed.


All formats have default values, see below for more details,

  • setCalendarDefaults: to change default settings,
  • getDefaultCalendarDateFormat: default of date format,
  • getDefaultCalendarTimeFormat: default of time format,
  • getDefaultCalendarDatetimeFormat: default of store format.

Introduce more Dayjs plugins to support additional date formats. For example, to support the Buddhist calendar:

// in your entrypoint, make sure it runs before rendering
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import BuddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra';


Auto Confirm

Auto confirm selected value on blur has default value, see below for more details,

  • setCalendarDefaults: to change default settings,
  • isCalendarAutoConfirm: default of autoConfirm.

Stick Icon

The stick icon default uses the dropdown style, which is the caret down icon. You can change it to a calendar icon through global settings, see below for more details,

  • setCalendarDefaults: to change default settings,
  • isStickIconUseCalendar: default of stick icon.

Fixed Time At, Initial Time At

  • - fixedTimeAt: start or - fixedTimeAt: 0: fix at 00:00:00.0,
  • - fixedTimeAt: end: fix at 23:59:59.999,
  • - fixedTimeAt: 01:00:00: fix at 01:00:00.0. Any valid time not 23:59:59, millisecond should be set as 0,
  • - fixedTimeAt: 23:59:59: fix at 23:59:59.999,
  • - fixedTimeAt: 23:59:59.1: fix at 23:59:59.001,
  • - fixedTimeAt: 23:59:59.12: fix at 23:59:59.012,
  • - fixedTimeAt: 23:59:59.123: fix at 23:59:59.123.

Some examples:

- Calendar::Date of Birth::dob
	- required, !time
	- fixedTimeAt: start
- Date::Date of Birth::dob
	- required
	- fixedTimeAt: 0
- DateTime::Registration Time::registrationTime
	- required, !clearable


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: true,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 3.
Attribute Name Type Description
head text - head: **
Text before text.
text text - text: Click Me
tail text - tail: **
Text after text.
ink text - ink: primary
One of primary, danger, warn, success, info, waive.
fill text - fill: plain
One of link, plain, fill.
click various

Syntax of click

Alert and Dialog

Regarding Alert and Dialog, please refer to the description for Caption as it remains consistent.


  • click: validate, click: validate me, click: validate:me: automatically detect the validation range and trigger validation. The detection of the validation range is done in the following order:
    • Whether the range is specified on the button,
    • Whether it is within the range of array sub-elements,
    • The closest container range among ancestors,
    • The entire range starting from the root node.
  • click: validate block, click: validate:block: automatically detect the validation range and trigger validation. The detection of the validation range is done in the following order:
    • Whether it is within the range of array sub-elements,
    • The closest container range among ancestors,
    • The entire range starting from the root node.
  • click: validate all, click: validate:all: trigger validation, the entire range starting from the root node,
  • click: validate scope1[, scope2[, scope3...]], click: validate:scope1[; scope2[; scope3...]], click: validate:scope1[ scope2[ scope3...]]: trigger validation, limited to the given scopes only. If multiple scopes are triggered simultaneously, use a comma or semicolon or blank space as separators. All widgets that match at least one scope will trigger automatic validation.

Some examples:

- Button::
	- ink: danger
	- fill: link
	- click: validate block

Button Bar

  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 12.
Attribute Name Type Description
alignment text - alignment: left
One of left, center, right.

Some examples:

- ButtonBar::
	- alignment: center


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 12.
Attribute Name Type Description
freeWalk boolean - freeWalk, render a dropdown for choose page number.
maxButtons number - maxButtons: 5, how many page number buttons.
sizes, possibleSizes number array - sizes: 5;10, split by ;.

Ribs, RibsView

  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 12.
Attribute Name Type Description
marker string Identity
elementTitle, caption various Ref to form cell label definition.
useSectionStyleIcons boolean Change expand and collapse icons to use section style icons or not.
showRowIndex boolean Show row index or not.
initExpanded function
noElementReminder text - noElementReminder: No Data
addable boolean - !addable.
Not available for RibsView.
addLabel text - addLabel: Create New One.
Not available for RibsView.
couldAddElement function Not available for RibsView.
disableOnCannotAdd boolean - disableOnCannotAdd.
Not available for RibsView.
elementAdded function Not available for RibsView.
createElement function Not available for RibsView.
removable boolean - !removable.
Not available for RibsView.
removeLabel text - removeLabel: Remove This One.
Not available for RibsView.
elementRemoved function Not available for RibsView.
couldRemoveElement function Not available for RibsView.
getElementKey function

Syntax of elementTitle and caption

In addition to directly defining an attribute with its value as the title of the element, this attribute also supports the same syntax as the Caption.

elementTitle and caption attribute follows the label default parsing behavior.

Some examples:

- Ribs::
	- caption: name
	- noElementReminder: No Data
	- Input::Name::name
	- Dropdown::Gender::gender
		- options: F: Female; M: Male

Ribs and RibsView are array widgets, and the layout of each element can be described using a sublist. It is important to note that the sublist needs to be placed after the attributes list.

Expand and Collapse Icons

The expand and collapse icons default uses the rib style. You can change it to use section style icons through global settings, see below for more details,

  • setRibsDefaults: to change default settings,
  • isUseSectionStyleIcons: default of stick icon.


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false,
  • Default Grid Column Span: 12.
Attribute Name Type Description
marker string Identity
headers various
headerHeight number, text - headerHeight: 48
- headerHeight: 2em
expandable boolean - expandable
fixedLeadColumns number - fixedLeadColumns: 2
fixedTailColumns number - fixedTailColumns: 1
hideClassicCellsOnExpandable boolean - hideClassicCellsOnExpandable
clickToExpand boolean - clickToExpand
maxBodyHeight number, text - maxBodyHeight: 300
- maxBodyHeight: 80vh
operatorsColumnWidth number, text - operatorsColumnWidth: 200
rowIndexStartsFrom number - rowIndexStartsFrom: 21
omitDefaultRowOperators boolean, remove, fold - omitDefaultRowOperators: true: omit all default row operators,
- omitDefaultRowOperators: remove: omit default remove row operator,
- omitDefaultRowOperators: fold: omit default fold row operator.
RowOperators various
initExpanded function
noElementReminder text - noElementReminder: No Data
addable boolean - !addable
Not available for RibsView.
addLabel text - addLabel: Create New One
elementAdded function Not available for RibsView.
createElement function Not available for RibsView.
removable boolean - !removable.
Not available for RibsView.
removeLabel text - removeLabel: Remove This One.
Not available for RibsView.
elementRemoved function Not available for RibsView.
couldRemoveElement function Not available for RibsView.
getElementKey function
Pagination various

Syntax of headers

When defining a table, it is necessary to first define all the column headers. The widget will calculate whether a scrollbar is needed based on the number of column headers and the total width. It will also determine which child elements should be displayed in the classic table and which ones should be displayed after expanding the row.

The definition of table column headers is very simple, just look at an example to understand the several supported ways currently.

## Table::Students::students

- $fc
- expandable, clickToExpand, !addable, !removable, hideClassicCellsOnExpandable
- headers:
	- Name: 120
	- column:
		- label: Age
		- width: 80
- Caption::
	- property: name
- Caption::
	- property: age
- Input::Name::name
	- required
- Number::Age::age
	- required
	- positive
	- integer

Syntax of omitDefaultRowOperators, RowOperators

Sometimes it is necessary to customize row operations or the style of row operations. You can use omitDefaultRowOperators to disable all default row operation buttons, or selectively disable some of them.

If you want to add your own row operation buttons, you can use RowOperators for full customization. RowOperators is a collection of buttons, and you can use any buttons you want. Sometimes, for styling purposes, if you don't need the default row operations but still need the default behavior, you can use prebuilt to specify. Note that after specifying prebuilt, the click won't work.

## Table::Students::students

- RowOperators::
	- Button::
		- text: X
		- fill: plain
		- click: alert: X
	- Button::
		- fill: plain
		- tails: $icons.view
		- click: alert: View
	- Button::
		- fill: plain
		- tails: $icons.edit
		- click: alert: Edit
	- Button::
		- fill: plain
		- tails: $icons.remove
		- prebuilt: remove
	- Button::
		- fill: plain
		- tails: $icons.expand
		- prebuilt: expand
	- Button::
		- fill: plain
		- tails: $icons.collapse
		- prebuilt: collapse

Syntax of Pagination

Just like the standard 'Pagination' definition, if the 'valueChanged' definition represents that the data source comes from outside, only retrieve the data for the current page when the pagination changes.

### Table::

- Pagination::::pageable
	- freeWalk
	- maxButtons: 3
	- sizes: 5;10;15
	- valueChanged: @ext.table2.onPageChanged

The property of Pagination is very important. It uses the model of Table and obtains a Pagination model from this model. If it fails to obtain one, it creates a default one and writes it back to the model of Table. The default model is as follows:

export interface PaginationData {
	// default 20
	pageSize: number;
	// default 1, starts from 1
	pageNumber: number;
	// default 1, event there is no data
	pageCount: number;
	// no value represents unknown
	itemCount: number;


  • Default Wrapped by Form Cell: false.
Attribute Name Type Description
initExpandLevel number - initExpandLevel: 0, initial expand node level, starts from 0.
showIndex boolean - showIndex, show node index or not, default false.
height number - height: 400, tree height, default 300px.
detective function Give parent node and find child nodes.
- Tree::::tree
	- detective:
	  // parentNode is function argument, it is a TreeNodeDef
	  // compute my path to tree model
	  const parent$ip2r = `${parentNode.$ip2r}.children`;
	  return (parentNode.value.children || []).map((child, index, children) => {
		// compute my path to parent
		const $ip2p = `[${index}]`;
		// compute my path to tree model
		const $ip2r = PPUtils.concat(parent$ip2r, $ip2p);
		let label;
		if (VUtils.isPrimitive(child)) {
		  // use child itself as label
		  label = `${child ?? ''}`;
		} else if (child.label == null) {
		  // no label declared, assigned as unnamed
		  label = 'Unnamed';
		} else if (VUtils.isPrimitive(child.label)) {
		  // label is primitive type, use it to renderer
		  label = `${child.label ?? ''}`;
		} else {
		  // read text as renderer label
		  label = {$wt: 'Label', $pp: 'label.text'};
		return {
		  value: child, $ip2r, $ip2p, label,
		  checkable: false, addable: false, removable: false, leaf: index === items.length - 1
		} as TreeNodeDef;


d9-n3 provides a logging function called N3Logger, exactly same as N1Logger.




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