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Basic Chart

Attribute Name Type Description
initOptions ChartInitOptions | (() => Promise<ChartInitOptions>) echarts init options.
options EChartsOption | (() => EChartsOption) echarts options, could include data.
settings SetOptionOpts | (() => SetOptionOpts) echarts settings.
marker text Chart marker, global unique.
mergeData (options: EChartsOption, data: any) => Promise<EChartsOption> merge data to options.
loading () => object | [string, object] echarts loading options.
height number, text Chart height, default 300px.

Basic Chart refreshes the chart by receiving external events ChartGlobalEventPrefix.DATA_CHANGED. Before sending events to Basic Chart, please ensure that the data required by the chart has been written to the model. Basic Chart obtains data through the defined model properties and calls mergeData to merge the data into echarts options, and then refreshes the chart.

A Sample

- Chart::Use Canvas, Default::first
	- $fc
	- options:
	  return {
	    xAxis: {type: 'category', data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']},
	    yAxis: {type: 'value'},
	    series: [{type: 'bar'}]
	- merge:
	  options.series[0].data = data;
	  return options;

Chart will not respond reaction repaint, to notify chart repaint, fire value changed event by root event bus.

Autonomous Chart

On top of Basic Chart, the following properties are added:

Attribute Name Type Description
fetchData (options: FetchDataOptions) => Promise<any> fetch chart data.
fetchInterval number 10 seconds default.

Autonomous Chart fetches data through fetchData, making it self-refreshing.

A Sample

- AutChart::Refresh every 1 second::second
	- $fc
	- options:
	  return {
	    legend: {top: 'bottom'},
	    series: [
	        name: 'Nightingale Chart', type: 'pie', radius: ['20%', '60%'], center: ['50%', '50%'], roseType: 'area',
	        itemStyle: { borderRadius: 8 }
	- merge:
	  options.series[0].data = data;
	  return options;
	- fetch:
	  return ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'].map(name => {
	    return { value: Math.ceil(Math.random() * 30) + 20, name };
	- interval: 1

Reliant Chart

On top of Basic Chart, the following properties are added:

Attribute Name Type Description
fetchData (options: FetchDataOptions) => Promise<any> fetch chart data.
fetchDefer number 1 seconds default.

Reliant Chart fetches data through fetchData. It depends on the data of other widgets, when the data of other widgets changes, it will be refreshed after deferred time.
In order for the chart to listen for data changes from other widgets, a reaction needs to be defined. The markdown configuration has already added the criteria property to define this type of response, so you only need to add the properties that need to be listened to.

A Sample

- Dropdown::Month::third.criteria.weekOfYear
	- options: 1:Jan; 2:Feb; 3:Mar; 4:Apr; 5:May; 6:Jun; 7:Jul; 8:Aug; 9:Sep; 10:Oct; 11:Nov; 12:Dec
	- place: $row: 1, $col: 1, $cols: 3
- Dropdown::Gender::third.criteria.gender
	- options: F:Female;M:Male
	- place: $row: 2, $col: 1, $cols: 3
- RelChart::::third.data
	- place: $row: 1, $rows: 2, $col: 4, $cols: 3
	- options:
	  return {
	    legend: {top: 'bottom'},
	    series: [
	        name: 'Nightingale Chart', type: 'pie', radius: ['20%', '60%'], center: ['50%', '50%'], roseType: 'area',
	        itemStyle: { borderRadius: 8 }
	- merge:
	  options.series[0].data = data;
	  return options;
	- fetch:
	  return ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'].map(name => {
	    return { value: Math.ceil(Math.random() * 30) + 20, name };
	- criteria:
		- on: /third.criteria.**




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