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0.0.14 • Public • Published

ZkBNB L1 Client


export abstract class AbstractWallet {

  abstract ethSigner(): ethers.Signer;

  abstract ethMessageSigner(): EthMessageSigner;

  address(): Address;

  // *************
  // L1 operations

  async approveBEP20TokenDeposits(
    tokenAddress: TokenAddress, 
    maxErc20ApproveAmount: BigNumberish): 
  async deposit(deposit: {
    to: Address;
    tokenAddress: TokenAddress;
    amount: BigNumberish;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
    approveDepositAmountForBEP20?: boolean;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async depositNFT(deposit: {
    to: Address;
    tokenAddress: TokenAddress;
    tokenId: BigNumberish;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
    approveDepositAllNFT?: boolean;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async requestFullExit(fullExit: {
    tokenAddress: TokenAddress;
    accountIndex: number;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async requestFullExitNft(fullExitNFT: {
    tokenId: number;
    accountIndex: number;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async withdrawPendingBalance(withdrawal: {
    owner: string;
    tokenAddress: string;
    amount: BigNumberish;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async withdrawPendingNFTBalance(withdrawalNFT: {
    tokenId: number;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async registerNFTFactory(registerNFTFactory: {
    collectionId: BigNumberish;
    factoryAddress: Address;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async deployAndRegisterNFTFactory(deployAndRegisterNFTFactory: {
    collectionId: BigNumberish;
    name: string;
    symbol: string;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  // AssetGovernance part
  async addAsset(addAsset: {
    tokenAddress: Address;
    ethTxOptions?: ethers.providers.TransactionRequest;
  }): Promise<ETHOperation>;

  async isTokenLister(address: Address): Promise<boolean>;

  // **********
  // L1 getters
  async isBEP20DepositsApproved(tokenAddress: TokenAddress, erc20ApproveThreshold: BigNumber): Promise<boolean>;

  async isERC721DepositsApprovedForAll(tokenAddress: TokenAddress): Promise<boolean>;
  // zkBNB part
  async getPendingBalance(address: Address, tokenAddress: TokenAddress): Promise<BigNumber>;

  // governance part
  async resolveTokenId(token: TokenAddress): Promise<number>;

  async resolveTokenAddress(tokenId: number): Promise<Address>;

  async validateAssetAddress(address: string): Promise<number>;

  async getNFTFactory(creatorAddress: string, collectionId: number): Promise<string>;

  async getNftTokenURI(nftContentType: number, nftContentHash: string): Promise<string>;



Using npm:

> npm install @bnb-chain/zkbnb-l1-sdk

Using yarn:

> yarn add @bnb-chain/zkbnb-l1-sdk

Using pnpm:

> pnpm add @bnb-chain/zkbnb-l1-sdk



const testEndpoint = 'https://testapi.zkbnbchain.org'; // bsc testnest
const rpcEndpoint = 'https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s1.binance.org:8545'; // bsc testnest rpc
const ethWallet = new ethers.Wallet(
  'your private key',
  new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcEndpoint)
const provider = await Provider.newHttpProvider(testEndpoint);
const wallet = await Wallet.fromZkBNBSigner(ethWallet, provider);


Get AssetAddress By AssetId

const assetAddress = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(1);

Get AssetId By AssetAddress

// Please use a legal address according to the actual situation
const assetId = await wallet.resolveTokenId('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000');

Validate Asset Address

const addressToken = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(1);

// If it is a valid address, then return the corresponding assetId value, otherwise return 0
const assetId = await wallet.validateAssetAddress(addressToken);

Get NFTFactory

const creatorAddress = '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';
const collectionId = 1;
// If the factory address has not been updated, the default address is returned, 
// otherwise the updated address is returned
const nftFactory = await wallet.getNFTFactory(creatorAddress, collectionId);

Get Nft TokenURI

const nftContentType = 0;
const nftContentHash = 'hash value';
const tokenUri = await wallet.getNftTokenURI(nftContentType, nftContentHash);


Add Asset

const canAdd = await wallet.isTokenLister(ZERO_ADDRESS);
const tokenAddress = '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; // change to the token address
let isAdded;
try {
    await wallet.resolveTokenId(tokenAddress);
    isAdded = true;
} catch (e) {
    isAdded = false;
// Before adding, it is recommended to check whether the corresponding 
// asset exists and whether it can be added.
if (canAdd && !isAdded) {
  await wallet.addAsset({ tokenAddress });


Get Pending Balance

// Please change the value of the parameter according to the actual situation
const address = '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';
const assetAddress = '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';

const pendingBalance = await wallet.getPendingBalance(address, assetAddress);

L1 Getter

Is BEP20 Deposits Approved

// The following addresse can be changed according to the actual situation
const address = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(1);
const isApproved = await wallet.isBEP20DepositsApproved(address);

Is ERC721 Deposits ApprovedForAll

// The following addresse can be changed according to the actual situation
const address = wallet.provider.contractAddress.defaultNftFactoryContract;
await wallet.isERC721DepositsApprovedForAll(address);

Get ethMessageSigner

const result = await client.ethMessageSigner();

Get address

const address = client.address();

L1 operations

Approve BEP20 Token Deposits

const address = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(1);
const result = await wallet.approveBEP20TokenDeposits(address);
// You can determine if it is successful by using the following method
const isApproved = await wallet.isBEP20DepositsApproved(address);

Deposit BNB

const tokenAddress = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(0);
const result = await wallet.deposit({
  to: wallet.address(),
  amount: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.001'),

Deposit BEP20

const tokenAddress = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(1);
// transfer asset from governor to this test wallet
const governorPrivatekey = 'governor private key';
const testEndpoint = 'https://testapi.zkbnbchain.org'; // bsc testnest
const rpcEndpoint = 'https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s1.binance.org:8545'; // bsc testnest rpc

const ethWallet = new ethers.Wallet(
  new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcEndpoint)
const provider = await Provider.newHttpProvider(testEndpoint);
const governorWallet = await Wallet.fromZkBNBSigner(ethWallet, provider);

const erc20contract = new Contract(tokenAddress, BEP20Interface, governorWallet.ethSigner());
const amount = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.001');
const transferResult = await erc20contract.transfer(wallet.address(), amount);
await transferResult.wait();

// approveDepositAmountForBEP20 If this option is true, the approval operation will be
// executed during the recharge process, otherwise it will not be executed
const result = await wallet.deposit({
  to: wallet.address(),
  approveDepositAmountForBEP20: true,

Deposit NFT

const tokenAddress = wallet.provider.contractAddress.defaultNftFactoryContract;
const tokenId = 1;
const depositResult = await wallet.depositNFT({
    to: wallet.address(), // zkbnb contract address
    approveDepositAllNFT: true,

Request FullExit

const tokenAddress = await wallet.resolveTokenAddress(1);
const result = await wallet.requestFullExit({
    accountIndex: 0,

Request FullExit Nft

const requestResult = await wallet.requestFullExitNft({
    tokenId: 1,
    accountIndex: 0,

Withdraw Pending Balance

// It will not come soon

Withdraw Pending NFTBalance

// It will not come soon

Deploy And Register NFTFactory

const name = 'collection name';
const symbol = 'collection symbol';
let collectionId = xxx;
await wallet.deployAndRegisterNFTFactory({




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  • qingyang