Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment.
πPutout plugin adds ability to transform to new Node.js API and apply best practices.
npm i putout @putout/plugin-nodejs -D
- β [add-node-prefix][#add-node-prefix];
- β [convert-buffer-to-buffer-alloc][#convert-buffer-to-buffer-alloc];
- β [convert-commonjs-to-esm-commons][#convert-commonjs-to-esm-commons];
- β [convert-commonjs-to-esm-exports][#convert-commonjs-to-esm-exports];
- β [convert-commonjs-to-esm-require][#convert-commonjs-to-esm-require];
- β [convert-commonjs-to-esm.js][#convert-commonjs-to-esm.js];
- β [convert-dirname-to-url][#convert-dirname-to-url];
- β [convert-esm-to-commonjs][#convert-esm-to-commonjs];
- β [convert-exports-to-module-exports][#convert-exports-to-module-exports];
- β [convert-fs-promises][#convert-fs-promises];
- β [convert-promisify-to-fs-promises][#convert-promisify-to-fs-promises];
- β [convert-top-level-return][#convert-top-level-return];
- β [convert-url-to-dirname][#convert-url-to-dirname];
- β [declare][#declare];
- β [declare-after-require][#declare-after-require];
- β [remove-process-exit][#remove-process-exit];
- β [remove-useless-promisify][#remove-useless-promisify];
- β [rename-file-cjs-to-js][#rename-file-cjs-to-js];
- β [rename-file-mjs-to-js][#rename-file-mjs-to-js];
- β [strict-mode][#strict-mode];
- β [cjs-file][#cjs-file];
- β [mjs-file][#mjs-file];
"rules": {
"nodejs/convert-commonjs-to-esm": "off",
"nodejs/convert-esm-to-commonjs": "off",
"nodejs/cjs-file": "off",
"nodejs/mjs-file": "off",
"nodejs/rename-file-cjs-to-js": "off",
"nodejs/rename-file-mjs-to-js": "off",
"nodejs/add-node-prefix": "on",
"nodejs/convert-buffer-to-buffer-alloc": "on",
"nodejs/convert-fs-promises": "on",
"nodejs/convert-promisify-to-fs-promises": "on",
"nodejs/convert-dirname-to-url": "on",
"nodejs/convert-exportst-to-module-exports": "on",
"nodejs/convert-url-to-dirname": "on",
"nodejs/convert-top-level-return": "on",
"nodejs/declare": "on",
"nodejs/declare-after-require": "on",
"nodejs/remove-process-exit": "on",
"nodejs/add-missing-strict-mode": "on",
"nodejs/remove-useless-strict-mode": "on",
"nodejs/remove-useless-promisify": "on"
supports using Node.js built-in modules such asfs
, and many more vianode
: specifiers.(c)
Check out in πPutout Editor.
import fs from 'fs';
const path = require('path');
await import('path');
import fs from 'node:fs';
const path = require('node:path');
await import('node:path');
Linter | Rule | Fix |
π Putout | apply-node-prefix |
β |
β£ ESLint | prefer-node-protocol |
β |
function andnew Buffer()
constructor are deprecated due to API usability issues that can lead to accidental security issues.(c) DEP0005
Check out in πPutout Editor.
const n = 100;
const buf = [];
new Buffer(123);
new Buffer(n);
new Buffer('hello');
new Buffer([]);
new Buffer(buf);
const n = 100;
const buf = [];
Convert fs.promises into form that will be simpler to use and convert to and from ESM.
const {readFile} = require('fs').promises;
const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
const fs = require('fs');
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);
const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
Only for ESM.
const {join} = require('path');
const path = require('path');
const file1 = join(__dirname, '../../package.json');
const file2 = path.join(__dirname, '../../package.json');
const file1 = new URL('../../package.json', import.meta.url);
const file2 = new URL('../../package.json', import.meta.url);
Only for CommonJS.
const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
const file = new URL('../../package.json', import.meta.url);
const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
const {join} = require('path');
const file = join(__dirname, '../../package.json');
In most cases process.exit()
is called from bin
directory, if not - disable this rule using match
Since exports = 5
wan't make any export, just change value of variable.
Checkout in πPutout Editor.
exports.x = 5;
module.exports.x = 5;
Add declarations to built-in node.js modules:
Based on @putout/operator-declare
await readFile('hello.txt', 'utf8');
import {readFile} from 'fs/promises';
await readFile('hello.txt', 'utf8');
When you want to skip some declaration use dismiss
"rules": {
"nodejs/declare": ["on", {
"dismiss": ["readFile"]
Node.js follows the CommonJS module system, and the builtin
function is the easiest way to include modules that exist in separate files. The basic functionality ofrequire
is that it reads a JavaScript file, executes the file, and then proceeds to return theexports
Check out in πPutout Editor.
const name = 'hello.txt';
const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
const name = 'hello.txt';
Convert CommonJS EcmaScript Modules.
EcmaScript module syntax is the standard way to import and export values between files in JavaScript. The
statement can be used to reference a value exposed by theexport
statement in another file.(c) parceljs
const {join} = require('path');
const args = require('minimist')({
string: ['a', 'b'],
import {join} from 'path';
import minimist from 'minimist';
const args = minimist({
string: ['a', 'b'],
module.exports = () => {};
export default () => {};
const {readFile} = require('fs/promises');
await readFile(__filename);
import {readFile} from 'fs/promises';
import {fileURLToPath} from 'url';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
await readFile(__filename);
CommonJS is a module system supported in Node, it provides a
function, which can be used to access theexports
object exposed by another file.(c) parceljs
Convert EcmaScript Modules to CommonJS.
import hello from 'world';
const hello = require('world');
Run convert-esm-to-commonjs for all *.cjs
files with help of redlint.
Check out in πPutout Editor.
Run convert-commonjs-to-esm for all *.cjs
files with help of redlint.
Check out in πPutout Editor.
Rename *.cjs
files when type === "commonjs"
|-- package.json
`-- lib/
- `-- hello.cjs
+ `-- hello.js
Check out in πPutout Editor.
Rename *.mjs
files when type === "module"
|-- package.json
`-- lib/
- `-- hello.mjs
+ `-- hello.js
Check out in πPutout Editor.
Strict mode makes several changes to normal JavaScript semantics:
- Eliminates some JavaScript silent errors by changing them to throw errors.
- Fixes mistakes that make it difficult for JavaScript engines to perform optimizations: strict mode code can sometimes be made to run faster than identical code that's not strict mode.
- Prohibits some syntax likely to be defined in future versions of ECMAScript.
(c) MDN
Add strict mode to CommonJS:
const a = require('b');
'strict mode';
const a = require('b');
Remove 'use strict'
from ESM.
'strict mode';
import a from 'b';
import a from 'b';
Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, i.e. taking an (err, value) => ... callback as the last argument, and returns a version that returns promises.
Remove useless promisify()
. Checkout in πPutout Editor.
export const readSize = promisify(async (dir, options, callback) => {});
export const readSize = async (dir, options, callback) => {};