
1.1.0 • Public • Published



The draw plugin allows users to draw features on the map. Drawn features may be edited and deleted.

Currently supported OpenLayers geometry types:

  • 'Circle''
  • 'LineString'
  • 'Point'
  • 'Polygon'

Also, 'Text' is supported which is modeled as an OpenLayers 'Point'. This is no default feature, so it must be specified in the configuration to use it.

User instructions for Text Mode

The interaction with text features is not intuitive, which is why the text feature should come with instructions for the users:


To edit the text or the placement of the text feature, the user must click on the center of the text to select the point geometry below it. After selecting it, the user can move the point by keeping the left mouse button pressed, or edit the text in the input field that opens with selecting the feature. If more than one text size is specified in the configuration, the user can change the text size with a slider.


To delete the text, the user must either click on the point at the center of the text or use CTRL + left mouse button to open a box over all features that he or she wants to delete.


The styling of the drawn features can be configured to overwrite the default ol-style. Configuration is oriented around the OpenLayers styles.


fieldName type description
selectableDrawModes string[] List 'Point', 'LineString', 'Circle', 'Text' and/or 'Polygon' as desired.
style style Please see example below for styling options.
textStyle object Use this object with properties 'font' and 'textColor' to style text feature
fieldName type description
font object | string Style the font of the text feature with either css font properties or use font as an object with properties 'size' and 'family'
textColor string Define text color in hex or rgb / rgba code
fieldName type description
size number[] Array with numbers that define the available text sizes that a user can choose from
family string Font family

draw.style (by example)

The @masterportal/masterportalapi has vectorStyles in development. As soon as that's done, we shall use its styling syntax and methods.

For the time being, please use this example as a rough reference as to what can currently be done.

  "draw": {
    "style": {
      "fill": {
        "color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"
      "stroke": {
        "color": "#e51313",
        "width": 2
      "circle": {
        "radius": 7,
        "fillColor": "#e51313"
    "textStyle": {
      "font": {
        "size": [10.5, 20, 30.5, 35],
        "family": "serif"
      "textColor": "#e51313"



map.subscribe('plugin/draw/featureCollection', (featureCollection) => {
  /* Your code. */

The returned featureCollection is a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. It includes all drawn features and updates on changes.


map.$store.dispatch('plugin/draw/addFeatures', {
  geoJSON: {
    type: 'FeatureCollection',
    features: [
        type: 'Feature',
        properties: {},
        geometry: {
          type: 'Point',
          coordinates: [484000, 5885000],
  overwrite: true, // defaults to false

Calling the action addFeatures expects an object containing the parameter geoJSON, which is a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
It adds the given features from the FeatureCollection to the drawn source. It is also possible to completely overwrite them using the parameter overwrite.

It's important to note that the GeoJSON Standard RFC7946 does not support circles. To add a circle to the map, it is assumed, that a feature being a circle has a property radius together with a point geometry.

map.$store.dispatch('plugin/draw/zoomToFeature', {
  index: 42, // defaults to 0
  margin: 420, // defaults to 20

Calling the action zoomToFeature zooms to the feature with position index, if given, and fits the map view around it with a padding of size margin in every direction of the feature.

map.$store.dispatch('plugin/draw/zoomToAllFeatures', {
  margin: 420, // defaults to 20

Calling the action zoomToFeature zooms to all drawn features, fits them in the map view with a padding of size margin in every direction of the features.




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