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0.7.0 • Public • Published


Set of web components for image and video annotations.


npm install @pixano/graphics-2d

Include with a module bundler like rollup or webpack using ES6 modules:

// import all 2d elements
import "@pixano/graphics-2d";
// or a specific element
import "@pixano/graphics-2d/lib/pxn-rectangle";

The UMD build is also available on unpkg:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@pixano/graphics-2d/dist/graphics-2d.min.js"></script>

Example: Rectangle annotation

Example usage:

import { css, html, LitElement} from 'lit-element';
import '@pixano/graphics-2d';

const colors = [
  'blue', 'green', 'purple',
  'yellow', 'pink', 'orange', 'tan'

class MyDemoRectangle extends LitElement {

  onCreate(evt) {
    // listening to the create event dispatched
    // by the element to assign a nice color to
    // the new rectangle.
    const newObj = evt.detail;
    newObj.color = colors[this.element.shapes.size % colors.length];
    this.element.mode = 'edit';

  get element() {
    // Utility getter of the element
    return this.shadowRoot.querySelector('pxn-rectangle');

  render() {
    // Render the template with the rectangle element
    // enriched with some buttons to interact with it.
    return html`
    <pxn-rectangle image="image.jpg" @create=${this.onCreate}></pxn-rectangle>
        <button @click=${() => this.element.mode = 'create'}>Add</button>
        <button @click=${() => this.element.zoomIn()}>+</button>
        <button @click=${() => this.element.zoomOut()}>-</button>

customElements.define('my-demo-rectangle', MyDemoRectangle);




Name Type Default Description
image `string null` null
input `string string[]` null
hideLabels boolean false When true, hides the label layer.
color string #f3f3f5 Background color
zoom number 0.95(readonly) Zoom value


Note: pxn-canvas-2d inherits from pxn-canvas.

Name Type Default Description
mode InteractionMode* edit Sets the canvas interaction mode. Use none for no interactions at all.
shapes ShapeData**[] [] Sets the canvas shapes to be displayed.
selectedShapeIds string[] [] List of selected shape ids
enableOutsideDrawing boolean false Enable 2d shape drawing outside of image bounds

*InteractionMode depends on the element:

// pxn-rectangle | pxn-polygon | pxn-keypoints
type InteractiveMode =  'edit' | 'create' | 'none';

// pxn-segmentation
type InteractiveMode =  'edit' | 'create' | 'create-brush' | 'none';

// pxn-smart-rectangle
type InteractiveMode =  'edit' | 'create' | 'smart-create' | 'none';

// pxn-smart-segmentation
type InteractiveMode =  'edit' | 'create' | 'create-brush' | 'smart-create' | 'none';

**The 2d shapes have the following format:

// 2d shape
interface ShapeData {
  // unique id
  id: string;
  // geometry of the shape
  geometry: Geometry;
  // optional color to be displayed
  color?: string;
  // category string for smart elements
  // that automatically assign category
  category?: string;

// 2d shape generic geometry format
interface Geometry {
  // flatten array of geometry normalized vertices
  // e.g. rectangle: [x_left, y_top, x_right, y_bottom]
  // e.g. polygon: [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
  // e.g. multi_polygon: []
  vertices: number[];
  // edges: [[0,1],[0,2]...]
  edges?: [number, number][];
  // edges: [true,false...]
  visibles?: boolean[];
  // geometry type: rectangle | polygon | multi_polygon
  type: GeometryType;
  // dimension
  dim?: number;
  // in case of multi polygon
  // array of array of vertices
  // e.g. multi_polygon: [[x1, y1, x2, y2...], [x'1, y'1, ...]]
  mvertices?: number[][];

type GeometryType = 'rectangle' | 'polygon' | 'multi_polygon';


Note: pxn-rectangle inherits from pxn-canvas-2d so all properties in pxn-canvas-2d will be available on pxn-rectangle.


Note: pxn-polygon inherits from pxn-canvas-2d so all properties in pxn-canvas-2d will be available on pxn-polygon.

Name Type Default Description
isOpenedPolygon Boolean false Whether to open polygon into polylines


Note: pxn-segmentation inherits from pxn-canvas so all properties in pxn-canvas will be available on pxn-segmentation.

Name Type Default Description
mask `ImageData* null` null
mode `select update create
showroi boolean false Show ROI helper when creating a new mask instance.

*The mask is stored as an ImageData:

interface ImageData {
  // Data contains the ImageData object's pixel data. it is stored as a one-dimensional array in the RGBA order, with integer values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
  // Here [R, G, B, A] correspond to:
  // R: instance index from 1 to 255 (0 is for background or semantic classes)
  // G: additional instance index if #instances > 255 (often equals to 0)
  // B: class index
  // E.g.: Person class corresponds to idx 2 / Car of idx 3
  // All the pixels of a new person A will have a [1, 0, 2] value
  // All the pixels of a new car B will have a [2, 0, 3] value
  // All the pixels of a new person C will have a [3, 0, 2] value
  data: Uint8ClampedArray;
  height: number;
  width: number;

It can be read using the following python script:

import json
import base64
import cv2
import numpy as np

def readb64(uri):
  encoded_data = uri.split(',')[1]
  nparr = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(encoded_data), np.uint8)
  img = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
  return img

def writeb64(img):
    retval, buffer = cv2.imencode('.png', img)
    pic_str = base64.b64encode(buffer)
    pic_str = pic_str.decode()
    return pic_str

# assuming you stored the mask in a json file of the following structure
# { annotations: [{mask: "..."}]}
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
  annotations = json.load(f)["annotations"]
for ann in annotations:
  mask = readb64(ann["mask"])
  # should be (height,width,3)
  # corresponding to [id1, id2, classIdx]
  # id1 and id2 are zeros in case of semantic segmentation


Note: pxn-smart-rectangle inherits from pxn-rectangle so all properties in pxn-rectangle will be available on pxn-smart-rectangle. Its additional interaction mode consists in clicking on a pixel in the image cropping its context of given size and automatically generate the best fitted box in the area. Detector used is SSD mobilenet trained on MsCOCO. Generated boxes are assigned MsCOCO's categories.

Name Type Default Description
scale number 1 Scaling factor from the base ROI used by the detector (256) to crop the image from


Note: pxn-keypoints inherits from pxn-canvas-2d so all properties in pxn-canvas-2d will be available on pxn-keypoints. Additional properties are available:

Name Type Default Description
graphType GraphSettings defaultSkeleton Skeleton structure
export interface IGraphSettings {
  radius: number;
  // Set list of node colors or empty if all take the shape color
  nodeColors: number[];
  // Set one color for all edges or same as nodes
  edgeColorType: "default" | "node";
  // Set skeleton #keypoints with their names
  vertexNames: string[];
  // Set skeleton links between its vertices
  edges: [number, number][];
  // Display node names during creation and edition
  showVertexName: boolean;

const defaultSkeletonSettings = {
  radius: 4,
  nodeColors: [
    0Xe6194b, 0X3cb44b, 0Xffe119, 0X4363d8, 0Xf58231, 0X911eb4,
    0X46f0f0, 0Xf032e6, 0Xbcf60c, 0Xfabebe, 0X008080, 0Xe6beff,
    0X9a6324, 0Xfffac8, 0X800000, 0Xaaffc3, 0X808000, 0Xffd8b1,
    0X000075, 0X808080, 0Xffffff, 0X000000
  edgeColorType: "node",
  edges: [[0,1], [0,2]],
  vertexNames: ['header', 'RFoot', 'LFoot'],
  showVertexName: true



Name Description
zoomIn() => void Zoom in
zoomOut() => void Zoom out
fullScreen() => void Fullscreen


Note: pxn-canvas-2d inherits from pxn-canvas.


Note: pxn-rectangle inherits from pxn-canvas-2d so all methods in pxn-canvas-2d will be available on pxn-rectangle.


Note: pxn-polygon inherits from pxn-canvas-2d so all methods in pxn-canvas-2d will be available on pxn-polygon.

Name Description
merge() => void Merge selected shapes
split() => void Split selected shape


Note: pxn-segmentation inherits from pxn-canvas so all methods in pxn-canvas will be available on pxn-segmentation.

Name Description
setOpacity() => void Set mask opacity [0,1]
filterLittle(numPixels: number = 10) => void Filter isolated regions containing less than given number of pixels


Note: pxn-smart-rectangle inherits from pxn-rectangle so all methods in pxn-rectangle will be available on pxn-smart-rectangle.

Name Description
roiDown() => void Scale up ROI
roiUp() => void Scale down ROI





Event Name Detail Description
create ShapeDataDetail Fired when a shape has been created.
update ShapeDataIdxDetail Fired when a shapes update has been made.
delete ShapeDataIdxDetail Fired when shapes are deleted. Detail is the list of the deleted shape ids.
selection ShapeDatasDetail Fired when shapes are selected.
mode ModeDetail Fired when user interaction mode changed
interface ShapeDataDetail {
  detail: ShapeData;

interface ShapeDatasDetail {
  detail: ShapeData[];

interface ShapeDataIdxDetail {
  detail: string[];

interface ModeDetail {
  detail: InteractionMode;



Key Description
m Darken image
p Brighten image
Ctrl+C Copy in clipboard currently selected shapes/instance
Ctrl+V Create new shapes/instance (with new ids) from the clipboard content
Ctrl+Space Toggle labels (hide / show)
Tab Loop throught the scene shapes/instances


Key Description
Escape Unselect shapes
Delete Delete selected shapes

segmentation / controller-mask

Key Description
Escape Unselect instance
Delete Delete selected instance




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