A piechoice component.
To use this pie, you need to configure it within an Assessment Item. This means that you'll need to add it to the index.html
and config.json
<multiple-choice pie-id="1"></multiple-choice>
elements: {
'multiple-choice': '@pie-element/multiple-choice@^1.0.0'
models: [
id : "1",
element: 'multiple-choice',
prompt : "1 + 1 equals?",
// more configuration...
There is a demo in docs/demo
that you can run to see an example of it's usage.
To preview it in that context you'll need the pie tool.
npm install -g pie
cd multiple-choice/docs/demo
pie serve #will build and serve the pie... then go to http://localhost:4000
npm test # run client and controller tests
npm run client-test # run client tests
npm run controller-test # run controller tests
gulp release
git checkout master
npm publish