The OutlineList component
Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
listType |
list-type |
"ol" | "ul" | "div" |
Determines which type of list is rendered. ol | ul | div |
navLabel |
nav-label |
string | undefined |
If set will wrap list in a nav tag with the passed string set as the aria-label. |
orientation |
orientation |
"column" | "row" | "col-center" |
"column" | Sets orientation of list. column | row |
Method | Type |
listCase |
(classes: ClassInfo): TemplateResult<1> |
Name | Description |
default slot. |
CSS Custom Properties
Property | Description |
--outline-list--spacing |
The default spacing between items. |
--outline-list--spacing-lg |
The default spacing between items for large screens. |
--outline-list--spacing-md |
The default spacing between items for medium screens. |
--outline-list--spacing-sm |
The default spacing between items for small screens. |
--outline-list--spacing-xl |
The default spacing between items for extra large screens. |
--outline-list--spacing-xs |
The default spacing between items for extra small screens. |
--outline-list--spacing-xxl |
The default spacing between items for extra extra large screens. |
--outline-list--spacing-xxxl |
The default spacing between items for extra extra extra large screens. |