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A firebase firestore library that making it easier to CRUD data with typescript

npm i @phamngocduy98/flashstore

How to use

1. Define document type class

Define properties of your document by extending DocumentData class

import {DocumentData} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";

export class User extends DocumentData {
    constructor(public name: string, public avatarUrl: string) {

2. Define collections:

For example, you have a root collection whose name is users

import {Database, Collection, FirestoreCollection} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {User} from ".";

export class MyDatabase extends Database {
    @Collection(User, "users")
    public users!: FirestoreCollection<User>;

@Collection decorator tells the library what is the type of collection's documents and its name. If you don't define collection's name parameter like @Collection(User), the library will use property's name by default.

Subcollection is supported too. If you have a subcollection wells inside a Village document, then your Village class should look like this:

import {DocumentData, Collection, FirestoreCollection} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {Well} from "./sample_db/Well";

export class Village extends DocumentData {
    @Collection(Well, "wells")
    public wells!: FirestoreCollection<Well>;

3. CRUD:

import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
import {FirestoreDocument, FirestoreCollection} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {User, MyDatabase} from ".";

const db = new MyDatabase(admin.firestore());
const userCollection: FirestoreCollection<User> = db.users;
const userDoc: FirestoreDocument<User> = userCollection.document("my_user_id");
// READ: (return null if document not exists)
const userData: User = await userDoc.get();
console.log(userData.name, userData.avatarUrl);
await userDoc.update({avatarUrl: "new avatar"});
await userDoc.delete();
// SET: (overwrite current value or create)
userDoc.set({name: "new name", avatarUrl: "new avatar"});
const newDocWithAutoCreatedId: FirestoreDocument<User> = await userCollection.create(undefined, new User());
const newDocWithSpecificId: FirestoreDocument<User> = await userCollection.create("new_user_id", new User());
const villageDoc = await db.villages.document("test_village");
const wellSubCollection: FirestoreCollection<Well> = villageDoc.collection("wells");
await wellSubCollection.create(undefined, new Well("well 1"));

4. Define a more complex database structure:

4.1 Define a link to other Document

For example, you have a village entity which is created by a user. To store the owner of the village, you may want an owner property to have type User instead of either userId string.

To solve this problem, you create an owner property to have type FirestoreDocument<User>. Then add @LinkFirestoreDocument decorator which give collection path as the only parameter.

If the collection is on top (the root) of the database, just place its name as collection path.
For now, it's not recommended to define a link to a sub-collection due to its complexification. If you really want to link to a subcollection, use the following syntax: rootcollection/documentId/subcollection1, for example: posts/81snEQEFxByrZ7TjJJPJ/comments. But remember that documentId in the path is static which make it useless.

The owner is stored as DocumentReference in firestore, while you can access it as a true document in Village instance.

import {FirestoreDocument, LinkFirestoreDocument, DocumentData}  from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {User} from ".";

export class Village extends DocumentData {
    owner: FirestoreDocument<User>;

    constructor(public name: string, public description: string, owner: FirestoreDocument<User>) {
        this.owner = owner;

4.2 CRUD linked document:

If you only want to read the document:

import {FirestoreDocument from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {User, Village} from ".";

const villageDoc: FirestoreDocument<Village> = db.villages.document("village_id");
const villageData: Village = await villageDoc.get();

const ownerData: FirestoreDocument<User> = await village!.owner.get();
console.log(ownerData.name, ownerData.avatarUrl);

FDTracker help you get the linked document or change the link to another document. FDTracker instance is created automatically in FirestoreDocument. It can be get via linkedDocument(propertyName) method.

import {FirestoreDocument, FDTracker} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {User, Village} from ".";

const villageDoc: FirestoreDocument<Village> = db.villages.document("village_id");
const village: Village = await villageDoc.get(); // remember to get before interacting with any tracker
const villageOwnerTracker: FDTracker<User> = villageDoc.linkedDocument("owner")!;

// GET linked document:
const ownerDoc = villageOwnerTracker.document(); // equivalent to village!.owner
const owner = await villageOwnerTracker.get(); // or ownerDoc.get() or village!.owner.get()

// link to another Document (set owner to new document DocumentReference)
const userDoc: FirestoreDocument<User> = db.users.document("user_id");
villageOwnerTracker.link(userDoc); // or villageOwnerTracker.set(userDoc)

// unlink: (will set owner to null value)
villageOwnerTracker.unlink(); // or villageOwnerTracker.set(null)

4.3 Define a link to an array of other Document

A village cannot only have owner :) It needs members which is an array of User. The library supports array of document too. You can use @LinkFirestoreDocumentArray decorator the same as @LinkFirestoreDocument. The only difference is members is an array of FirestoreDocument<User> and is stored as an array of DocumentReference in firestore.

So, the completed Village class is shown bellow:

import {DocumentData, FirestoreDocument, LinkFirestoreDocument, LinkFirestoreDocumentArray} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {FDUnionArray} from "./FDUnionArray";
import {User} from ".";

export class Village extends DocumentData {
    owner: FirestoreDocument<User>;
    members: FDUnionArray<FirestoreDocument<User>>;

    constructor(public name: string, public description: string, owner: FirestoreDocument<User>) {
        this.owner = owner;
        this.members = new FDUnionArray(owner);

4.4 CRUD linked document array:

If you only want to read the array:

import {FirestoreDocument, FDArrayTracker} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {User, Village} from ".";

const villageDoc: FirestoreDocument<Village> = db.villages.document("village_id");
const village: Village = await villageDoc.get();

// read linked document array:
const member0: FirestoreDocument<User> = await village!.members[0];
const member0Data: Village = await member0.get();
console.log(member0Data.name, member0Data.avatarUrl);
// get all array:
const villages: Village[] = await village!.members.getAll();
// push
const userDoc: FirestoreDocument<User> = db.users.document("user_id");
await village!.members.pushDB(userDoc);
// pop
const popDoc = await village!.members.popDB();
// splice
await village!.members.spliceDB(0, 1);

FDArrayTracker help you interact with the array easily. FDArrayTracker instance is created automatically in FirestoreDocument. It can be get via linkedArray(propertyName) method.

import {FirestoreDocument, FDArrayTracker} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";
import {User, Village} from ".";

const villageDoc: FirestoreDocument<Village> = db.villages.document("village_id");
await villageDoc.get(); // remember to get before interacting with any tracker
const villageMemberArrayTracker: FDArrayTracker<User> = villageDoc.linkedArray("member")!;

// CRUD DATA: add/getAt/delete/getArray/getArrayData/...
await villageMemberArrayTracker.add(userDoc);

// add listener
const listener = OnArrayChangedListener<User>();
listener.onItemsInserted = (docs: FirestoreDocument<User>[]) => {
listener.onItemsRemoved = (docs: FirestoreDocument<User>[]) => {

5. Realtime support

While realtime features of firestore costs your firestore read/write quota a lot, it's recommend to avoid using it. Realtime Database is a good choice too.

5.1 Realtime Collection

Use @RealtimeCollection decorator instead of @Collection decorator to define a realtime collection. Realtime Collection document's data is kept in sync with firestore in realtime.
You can add listeners to listen these changes too.

import {OnCollectionChangedListener, RealtimeFirestoreDocument} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";

const listener = new OnCollectionChangedListener();
listener.onDocumentAdded = (doc: RealtimeFirestoreDocument<D>) => {
listener.onDocumentModified = (doc: RealtimeFirestoreDocument<D>) => {
listener.onDocumentRemoved = (doc: RealtimeFirestoreDocument<D>) => {

5.2 Realtime Document

RealtimeFirestoreDocument is created be RealtimeFirestoreCollection. Its data is always up to date with the server in realtime. It support listener too.

import {OnValueChangedListener, RealtimeFirestoreDocument} from "@phamngocduy98/flashstore";

const anyRealtimeDocument: RealtimeFirestoreDocument<D> = db.anyRealtimeCollection.document("document_id");

const listener = new OnValueChangedListener<D>();
listener.onValueChanged = (doc: RealtimeFirestoreDocument<D>) => {
listener.onDocumentRemoved = (doc: RealtimeFirestoreDocument<D>) => {

6. Batch support

You may find some special methods like createInBatch, updateInBatch, ... beside common create and update methods.

let batch = db.batch();
batch = userDoc.root.batch();
userDoc.updateInBatch(batch, {name: "new name"});
userDoc.updateInBatch(batch, {avatarUrl: "new avatar"});
await batch.commit();

7. Access parent and root:

In each document or collection, you can get its parent or root but I do not recommend you do so.

let root: MyDatabase = userDoc.root;
let userCollection: FirestoreCollection<User> = userDoc.parentCollection;

8. A subcollection pattern:

You have a subcollection actions inside your Game document. You allow client app to freely create and update document in this actions. When the time is up, you get all Action from actions subcollection as user input. Then you have to delete all the documents in the actions subcollection to make sure next time you get, all Action is newly created. Frequently create and delele documents is too expensive.

So there is a solution, you define a link to an array of Action document (eg: activeActions). Then you can make a Firebase Cloud Function to listen create/update operations in actions collection and add DocumentReference of these to activeActions array.
Note: actions collection should be root collection instead of subcollection to make sure @LinkFirestoreDocumentArray works :D (or there is an update soon to fix this)

Now what you need to reset is only activeActions field while you can sure that all Action in activeAction array are newly created documents.




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