configuration-transformer for transforming sitecore configuration files in a helix setup
The module exports a gulp task called apply-xml-transform
import in gulpfile.js
var package = require('@pentia/configuration-transformer')
gulp apply-xml-transform
specific environment
gulp apply-xml-transform --env debug
source file: $solutionPath\src\project\website\web.debug.config
destination file: $websiteRoot\web.config
sitecore file
gulp apply-xml-transform
source file: $solutionPath\src\project\website\App_Config\include\Sitecore.Analytics.Reporting.debug.config
destination file: $websiteRoot\App_Config\include\Sitecore.Analytics.Reporting.config
connection strings
gulp apply-xml-transform
source file: $solutionPath\src\project\website\App_Config\Connectionstrings.debug.config
destination file: $websiteRoot\App_Config\Connectionstrings.config
Note: The underlying mechanism for transforming files is the Microsoft configuration transformation :
configuration files
Contains the environment specific paths for the packages to be installed to
"configurationTransform": {
"AlwaysApplyName": "always" //the name used to find files that should always be applied - ie. web.always.config
"msbuild": {
"showError": false, //controls if errors should be shown in the output
"showStandardOutput": false, //controls if the standard output of msbuild should be shown
"toolsversion": 14.0, //controls the msbuild tool version
"verbosity": "minimal" //sets the verbosity of the msbuild
"configs": [{ //is a array of the build configurations and their settings
"name": "debug", //is the name of the configuration, this should match the name of the build configuration in visual studio
"rootFolder": "C:\\websites\\pentia.boilerplate.local",
"websiteRoot": "C:\\websites\\pentia.boilerplate.local\\Website", //the path to root of the website - this is where the module will look for files to transform
"websiteDataRoot": "C:\\websites\\pentia.boilerplate.local\\Website\\Data"
Visual studio
Use Slow cheetah to generate and preview the files inside visual studio. It is recommeded to have the files you are targeting in your source to help with preview functionality in slow cheetah.