
1.12.3 • Public • Published

PFElements Call-to-action Element

pfe-cta is a call-to-action (CTA) element, that stands out from regular hypertext links, and is used for linking users to webpages.

Note: pfe-cta is not necessarily a button, though it may look like one visually.


  <a href="https://github.com/">GitHub</a>

<pfe-cta priority="primary">
  <a href="https://pfelements.github.io/">Learn more about PFElements</a>

<pfe-cta priority="secondary">
  <a href="https://redhat.com/">Red Hat</a>

<pfe-cta priority="secondary" variant="wind">
  <a href="https://redhat.com/">Red Hat</a>

<pfe-cta priority="primary" color="lightest">
  <a href="https://pfelements.github.io/">Learn more about PFElements</a>

<pfe-cta priority="secondary" color="complement">
  <a href="https://redhat.com/">Red Hat</a>


Default slot

We expect an anchor tag, <a> with an href, to be the first child inside pfe-cta element. Less preferred but allowed for specific use-cases include: <button> (note however that the button tag is not supported for the default CTA styles).

Styling approach

    // 1. set up local vars equal to theme vars & fallbacks
    :host {
      --pfe-cta--Color: var(--pfe-theme--link, #06c);

    // 2. Use color property once, map to local var value
    :host(:not([priority]) {
      ::slotted(a) {
         //color: blue; CSS compiler will print this for IE11
         color: var(--pfe-cta--Color, blue) !important;

    // 3. Use broadcasted variables as needed, with theme fallback after other declarations
    :host {
      --pfe-cta--Color: var(--pfe-broadcasted--link, var(--pfe-theme--link, #06c));

    // 4. Override broadcasted last
    [color="accent"] {
      --pfe-cta--Color: var(--pfe-theme--ui-accent);


context Changes the context of the call-to-action to one of 3 possible options:

  • light (default)
  • dark
  • saturated

This will override any context being passed from a parent component and will add a style attribute setting the --context variable.

priority Indicates the importance of this call-to-action in the context of the page. Will also influence how the call-to-action is styled.


variant Note: priority="secondary" has a wind variant (variant="wind") that can be applied to change the style of the secondary call-to-action.

<pfe-cta priority="secondary" variant="wind">
  <a href="#">Wind variant</a>

Variable hooks

Available hooks for styling calls-to-action include:

Variable name Default value Region
--pfe-cta--Padding .6rem 0
--pfe-cta--BorderRadius 0
--pfe-cta--BackgroundColor transparent
--pfe-cta--BackgroundColor--hover transparent
--pfe-cta--BackgroundColor--focus transparent
--pfe-cta--BorderColor transparent
--pfe-cta--BorderColor--hover transparent
--pfe-cta--BorderColor--focus transparent
--pfe-cta--Color var(--pfe-theme--color--link, #06c)
--pfe-cta--Color--hover var(--pfe-theme--color--link--hover, #003366)
--pfe-cta--Color--focus var(--pfe-theme--color--link--focus, #003366)
--pfe-cta--TextDecoration none
--pfe-cta--TextDecoration--hover none
--pfe-cta--TextDecoration--focus none
--pfe-cta--LineHeight var(--pfe-theme--line-height, 1.5);
--pfe-cta--FontFamily var(--pfe-theme--font-family--heading, "Overpass", Overpass, Helvetica, helvetica, arial, sans-serif);
--pfe-cta--FontWeight var(--pfe-theme--font-weight--bold, 700);
--pfe-cta__inner--BorderColor transparent inner border
--pfe-cta__inner--BorderColor--focus transparent inner border
--pfe-cta__arrow--Display inline arrow element
--pfe-cta__arrow--Padding 0 .125rem 0 .375rem arrow element
--pfe-cta__arrow--MarginLeft calc(var(--pfe-theme--content-spacer, 24px) * 0.25) arrow element

If you'd like to checkout how theming is possible using our CSS Var hooks, try adding the following to the <head> of ./demo/index.html before running npm run test. Feel free to customize the colors too!

  :root {
    --pfe-theme--color--ui-accent: green;
    --pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--hover: darkgreen;
    --pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--text: white;



This event is fired when a link is clicked and serves as a way to capture click events if necessary.


npm run test


npm run build


From the PFElements root directory, run:

npm start

Code style

Cta (and all PFElements) use Prettier to auto-format JS and JSON. The style rules get applied when you commit a change. If you choose to, you can integrate your editor with Prettier to have the style rules applied on every save.



Package Sidebar


npm i @patternfly/pfe-cta

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