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npm install @origins-digital/react-native-hbssdk

iOS integration

You neeed to add the following spec into your Podfile:

def download_spec! (options={})
  url = options[:url]
    %x(curl -X GET '#{url}' -O -k -f -L)

# use links to podspecs provided to you
download_spec!(url: 'https://origins-mobile-products.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hbssdk/whitelabel/1.0.71/HBSSDK.podspec')
download_spec!(url: 'https://origins-mobile-products.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hbssdk/whitelabel/1.0.71/hbsshared.podspec')
download_spec!(url: 'https://origins-mobile-products.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/OnRewindSDK.podspec')

target 'your_project_target' do
  # SDK specs
  pod 'hbsshared', :podspec => './specs/hbsshared.podspec'
  pod 'HBSSDK', :podspec => './specs/HBSSDK.podspec'
  pod 'OnRewindSDK', :podspec => './specs/OnRewindSDK.podspec'
  pod 'SportBuff', ''


Also, you may need to integrate OnRewind SDK. For this you need to add the following into your AppDelegate.m:

#import <HBSSDK/HBSSDK-Swift.h>
#import <OnRewindSDK/OnRewindSDK-Swift.h>

// ...

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  [Integration setPresentPlayerBlock:^(PresentationContext * _Nonnull context) {
    [OnRewind presentPlayerWithVideoURL:context.videoURL

  [OnRewind setWithBaseUrl:@""];

// ...

You can check details of cocoapods integration of lib in https://github.com/netcosports/Origins_HBS_FIFAServices_Samples_Mobile/tree/main/samples/ios/cocoapods

Android integration

Add maven repository to the app build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://artifactory-blr.netcodev.com/artifactory/libs-release"
            credentials {
                username "username"
                password "password"

Add dependancies:

implementation "com.origins-digital.hbswidgets:widgets-whitelabel:1.0.69"
implementation "com.onrewind:onrewind-sdk:1.7.9"

Add OnRewind and HBSSDK integrations into your Appllication implementation:

            new OnRewind.InitParams.Builder()

You can check details of android integration in https://github.com/netcosports/Origins_HBS_FIFAServices_Samples_Mobile/tree/main/samples/android


import { TopPlayerStats } from 'react-native-hbssdk';
import { TeamMatches } from 'react-native-hbssdk';
import { Videos } from 'react-native-hbssdk';
import { Standings } from 'react-native-hbssdk';
import { Championship } from 'react-native-hbssdk';
import { Favorites } from 'react-native-hbssdk';
import { HeadToHead } from 'react-native-hbssdk';

import HBSSDK from 'react-native-hbssdk'

For all widgets SDK provides default height. You can access it like this:

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  topPlayerStats: {
    width: "100%",
    height: HBSSDK.topPlayerStatsComponentHeight,
    backgroundColor: 'green'
  teamMatches: {
    width: "100%",
    height: HBSSDK.teamMatchesComponentHeight,
  videos: {
    width: "100%",
    height: HBSSDK.videosComponentHeight,
  standings: {
    width: "100%",
    height: HBSSDK.standingsComponentHeight,
  championship: {
    width: "100%",
    height: 520//HBSSDK.championshipComponentHeight,
  favorites: {
    width: "100%",
    height: 520//HBSSDK.favoritesComponentHeight,
  headToHead: {
    width: "100%",
    height: HBSSDK.headToHeadComponentHeight,

React native widgets example.


There are four types of match widgets

  • SmallMatches

- MediumMatches

- LargeMatches

- ExpandedMatches

<SmallMatches data={{ groupId: "255933"}} style={styles.smallMatches} />
<MediumMatches data={{ teamId: "43960"}} style={styles.mediumMatches} />
<LargeMatches data={{ roundId: "255951"}} style={styles.largeMatches} />
<ExpandedMatches data={{ roundId: "255951"}} style={styles.expanedMatches} />

It supports 4 types of data: Match id, display matches for given round id:

<SmallMatches data={{matchId: "84872}} style={styles.smallMatches} />

Round id, display matches for given round:

<SmallMatches data={{roundId: "255951}} style={styles.smallMatches} />

Group id, display matches for given group:

<SmallMatches data={{roundId: "255933}} style={styles.smallMatches} />

Team id, display matches for given team:

<SmallMatches data={{roundId: "43960}} style={styles.smallMatches} />

TopPlayer Stats widget

This widget display top players from given team for selected stats. Supported stats type: goals, shots

<TopPlayerStats data={{ teamId: "43948", statsType: "goals" }} style={styles.topPlayerStats} />

Team Matches Stats widget

This widget display stats of matches played by given team (by team id).

<TeamMatchesStats teamId="43960" style={styles.teamMatchesStats} />

Standings widget.

This widget is used to display standings. It can display standings for all groups as carousel, and for single group by group id. There are to display modes: compact and expanded

You can provide groupdId to display single group, if no group id provided all groups are displayed. Display mode configured by isExpanded field. If it true widget is expanded, otherwise it is compact.

<Standings data={{ groupId: "255933", isExpanded: true }} style={styles.standings} />
<Standings data={{ isExpanded: false }} style={styles.standings} />

Championship widget.

This widget displays all rounds data as carousel. It not requires any parameters

Match center widgets.

When user clicks on matchbox it displays popup with match details by default. You can handle clicks by yourself, and use separated widgets. There are three widgets.

  • Match Header
  • Lineup
  • Match Stats

Match header

Header of match center

<MatchHeader data={{ matchId: "84872"}} style={styles.matchHeader} />

If you want also display actions inside it use Expanded match header

<ExpandedMatchHeader  data={{ matchId: "84872"}} style={styles.expandedMatchHeader} />


Display lineup for given match

<Lineup data={{ matchId: "84872"}} style={styles.lineup} />

Match Stats

Displays match stats for given match

<MatchStats data={{ matchId: "84872"}} style={styles.matchStats} />


This widget displays match highlights as carousel

<Actions data={{ matchId: "84872"}} style={styles.actions} />


This widget display list of teams and allow user to change favorite team. It does not require any parameters

<Favorites style={styles.favorites} />


This widget is used to display team squad for given team.

<Squad data={{ teamId: "43960" }} style={styles.actions} />


This widget displays list of videos as carousel for given category and (optional) subcategory.

<Videos data={{ category: "Matches - Match Clips", subcategory: "TODO" }} style={styles.actions} />

Head to Head

This widget display head to head comparision for two teams. You can preselect two teams, in this case user is not able to change it.

<HeadToHead data={{ teamId1: "43960", teamId2: "43948" }} style={styles.headToHead} />

You can preselect one team, in this case user will be able to change second team by himself

<HeadToHead data={{ teamId: "43960" }} style={styles.headToHead} />

You can preselect no teams, in this case user will be able to select any team for both teams.

<HeadToHead data = {{}} style={styles.headToHead} />

Team Board

This widget display info about team, it contains team standings, matches, stats. You can allow or forbid user to change selected team.

// user is allowed to change team
<TeamBoard data={{ teamId: "43948", allowChangeTeam: true }} style={styles.teamBoard} />
// user is not allowed to change team.
<TeamBoard data={{ teamId: "43948" }} style={styles.teamBoard} />


This widget display list of venues as carousel. It does not require any parameters.

<Venue style={styles.venue} />


This widget display carousel of special match view. Top part contains match info and open match center when user clicks on it Bottom part contains video info and launch video player.

Like matches widget it can be configured using matchId, groupId, teamId or roundId

<Watch data = {{ teamId: "43960" }} style={styles.watch} />
<Watch data = {{ groupId: "255933" }} style={styles.watch} />
<Watch data = {{ roundId: "255951" }} style={styles.watch} />
<Watch data = {{ matchId: "84872" }} style={styles.watch} />


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



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