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OpenNext for Cloudflare

Deploy Next.js apps to Cloudflare!

OpenNext for Cloudflare is Cloudflare specific adapter that enables deployment of Next.js applications to Cloudflare.

Getting started

You can use create-next-app to start a new application or take an existing Next.js application and deploy it to Cloudflare using the following few steps:

Configure your app

  • add the following devDependencies to the package.json:

    npm add -D wrangler@latest @opennextjs/cloudflare
    # or
    pnpm add -D wrangler@latest @opennextjs/cloudflare
    # or
    yarn add -D wrangler@latest @opennextjs/cloudflare
    # or
    bun add -D wrangler@latest @opennextjs/cloudflare
  • add a wrangler.toml at the root of your project

    #:schema node_modules/wrangler/config-schema.json
    name = "<your-app-name>"
    main = ".worker-next/index.mjs"
    compatibility_date = "2024-09-23"
    compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]
    # Use the new Workers + Assets to host the static frontend files
    assets = { directory = ".worker-next/assets", binding = "ASSETS" }

You can enable Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) by adding a KV binding named NEXT_CACHE_WORKERS_KV to your wrangler.toml:

  • Create the binding

    npx wrangler kv namespace create NEXT_CACHE_WORKERS_KV
    # or
    pnpm wrangler kv namespace create NEXT_CACHE_WORKERS_KV
    # or
    yarn wrangler kv namespace create NEXT_CACHE_WORKERS_KV
    # or
    bun wrangler kv namespace create NEXT_CACHE_WORKERS_KV
  • Paste the snippet to your wrangler.toml:

    binding = "NEXT_CACHE_WORKERS_KV"
    id = "..."

[!WARNING] The current support for ISR is limited.

Local development

  • you can use the regular next CLI to start the Next.js dev server:

Local preview

Run the following commands to preview the production build of your application locally:

  • build the app and adapt it for Cloudflare

    npx cloudflare
    # or
    pnpm cloudflare
    # or
    yarn cloudflare
    # or
    bun cloudflare
  • Preview the app in Wrangler

    npx wrangler dev
    # or
    pnpm wrangler dev
    # or
    yarn wrangler dev
    # or
    bun wrangler dev

Deploy your app

Deploy your application to production with the following:

  • build the app and adapt it for Cloudflare

    npx cloudflare && npx wrangler deploy
    # or
    pnpm cloudflare && pnpm wrangler deploy
    # or
    yarn cloudflare && yarn wrangler deploy
    # or
    bun cloudflare && bun wrangler deploy

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  • cloudflare-opennextjs